Theses/Dissertations from 1972
The Development of a Test for the Measurement of Drug Information Gained from Practical Experience by Undergraduate Students in Pharmacy, Henri R. Manasse
Consequences of Commitment and the Relevance of Cognitively Bonded Values on Initial Attitude and Resistance to Attitude Change, Kenneth A. Marciniak
Changes in Masticatory Performance Before and During Early Orthodontic Treatment, Philip Sheldon Markin
The Restoration Love Ethos and the Representation of Love in the Plays of William Wycherley, Dominic F. Martia
Flexible Algebras of Degree Two, Joseph H. Mayne
Effect of Masker Duration on the Detectability of Pulsed Diotic and Dichotic Tonal Signals, Theodore H. Miller
Certainty as Regards the Existence of Physical Objects in the Later Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, Robert Mishlove
A Study of Dame Edith Sitwell's "Later Poems: 1940-1945", Ellen Misko
A New Look at the Old Errand: A Radical Strain in American Thought, Richard F. Moore
The Relationship between Self-Actualization and Adjustment Among American Catholic Priests, Thomas John Murphy
A Study of the Effect of the Human Potential Seminar on the Self-Actualization and Academic Achievement of College Underachievers, F. Dean Nemecek
A Comparison of Nerve Fibers and Nerve Endings in the Sutures of the Cranial-Facial Complex and the Periodontal Ligament, Roger Craig Nettune
The Relationship between Cultural Background Factors and Cultural Influences Within Intelligence Tests, William Ernest Nordbrock
Reversal and Non-Reversal Shifts in Process and Reactive Schizophrenics, Brain Damaged Patients and Normals, Gerald S. O'Keefe
Protein Denaturation: A Different Point of View, Robert Orman
An Analysis of Gunnar Myrdal's Social and Educational Theory, Jeanne Marie O'Toole
Electronic Auscultation and Sonagraphic Audio-Spectral Analysis of the Temporomandibular Joint, Paul L. Ouellette
Comparative Healing of Electrosurgical and Scalpel Inflicted Incisional Wounds, James Theodore Ozimek
Biochemical Maturation Changes in Developing Lung Surfactant in Rabbits, Peter Pagast
The Black Migrant: An Analysis of Family Dependency Within the Migration Process, Edward J. Peklo
Description and Analysis of the Structural Symbolism of a Buddhist Ritual, Benedict Perrino
Response Attributes and Anxiety (Drive) in Paired-Associate Learning, Sue van Oosten Petzel
The Effects of Age, Sex, and Verbal Mediation on the Digit Symbol Test, Jerome S. Pietrzak
Copulation in Two Species of Tetraopes: Behavior, Mechanics and Morphology (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Thomas John Pilat
The Relationship between a Stable Marriage and the Spouses' Capacity for Love, Truth, Justice, and Freedom, Carlos A. Plazas
Analytical Gel Chromatographic Studies on Hemerythrin, Ayyagari Laxminarasimha Rao
Pope Innocent IV and Church-State Relations, 1243-1254, Mary Robert Reis
Perception and Awareness of Manipulative Intent, Joseph P. Reser
The Nature and Scope of Guidance Services in the Secondary Schools Affiliated with the National Union of Christian Schools, Bruce W. Rottschafer
Electron Microscope Study of the Infection Process of Blue-Green Algae Virus, Thomas A. Rudd
The Formation and Constriction of the Trapping Rings in the Nematophagous Fungus Dactylaria Brochopaga Dreschler, Walter Thomas Rudek
Perceptions of Occupational Traits and Characteristics of Title III - Esea Project Directors, State of Illinois, Jerald J. Saimon
The Educational Ideas of Louisa May Alcott, Marie Salwonchik
A History of Education in Tamil Nadu, India, Savarimuthu Savarimuthu
An Environmentally-Structured Simulation for Crisis Training of College and University Administrators, Eugene A. Scanlan
A Comparison of the Activity and Structure of Cytoplasmic Ribosomes to Membrane-Bound Ribosomes in Extracts of Azotobacter Vinelandii, Julian Scheinbuks
An In Vivo Study of the Penetrability of Endodontic Restorations, Donald L. Scoralle
Effect of Nutrients on the Growth of Cyanophyta Species and Their Ability to Develop Virus Infection Under Different Physiological Conditions, Vithalbhai Lavjibhai Sheladia
The United States Confronts the Soviet Union 1919-1933: The Rise and Fall of the Policy of Nonrecognition, David G. Singer
An Historical Analysis of the Language Controversy in Indian Education - 1614 to 1970, Peter Sinnappan
Differential Effects of Counseling of Prospective Graduates in Selected Junior Colleges of a Multi-Campus Urban Junior College System, Wesley E. Soderquist
The Anterior Hypothalamus: Its Interaction with Respiratory Control, Harold Albert Spurgeon
An Evaluation of Maximum Occlusal Force During the Initial Stages of Orthodontic Treatment, Thomas Malcolm Stewart
The Effect of Masticatory Rate on Human Salivary Composition, Donald Leroy Storm
Choice, Incentive, and Dissonance-Mediated Attitude Change Toward a Reading Assignment, Merlyn S. Swanson
Dento Maxillo-Facial Response to a Postero-Horizontal Extraoral Traction, Jacques A. Terral
Altruistic Behavior as a Function of Self-Concept and Social Influence, Kestutis A. Trimakas
A Programmed Instrument for Introducing Self Assessment and the Flanders Verbal Interaction Analysis System, Joseph James Walker
Attitude Change as a Function of Media Presentation: An Inquiry Into the Effects of Source Monitoring, Thomas Arthur Watkins
Nonverbal Coding in Deaf Children, William Joseph White
A Study of the Attitudes and Opinion of Members of the Diocese of Peoria Regarding Catholic Education, Jerome Ambrose Wray
The Myhill Functor, Input-Reduced Machines, and Generalised Krohn-Rhodes Theory, Robert H. Yacobellis
The Effects of Test Anxiety and Test Conditions upon Consistency in Cognitive Functioning: A Study of Intra-Test Scatter and Internal Consistency on the WISC Comprehension Subtest, Lawrence H. Zaiden
Idea and Absolute in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce, William Joseph Zanardi
A Study of the Relationships between Self-Evaluations and Supervisory Ratings of First-Year Lutheran Elementary Schol Teachers, Richard Allan Zimmer
Blood Flow Changes in the Dental Pulp Associated with Local Anesthesia: A Photoplethysmographic Evaluation, Leslie P. Zurawic
Theses/Dissertations from 1971
El Cristiano Viejo en la Estructura Social de la Espana del Siglo Do Oro, Orencio. Aguilera
An Historical Study of the Professions and Professional Education in the United States, John J. Ahern
The Atlantic Community: A Comparison and Contrast of Industrial and Commercial Cities from 1860 to 1900, Donald Carlyle Bennett
Palestine in German Thought and Action 1871-1914, Gad J. Bensinger
Husserl's Idea of Phenomenology, Richard Allan Berg
A Study of John Pomfret's "The Choice": The Sources, the Appreciation, the Art, and the Influence of the Most Popular Poems During the Eighteenth Century, Bernard V. Bernatovich
Physiology of a UV-Induced, Coagulase-Positive, Avirulent Mutant of Staphylococcus Aurues as Compared to Its Virulent Parent, James J. Bertucci
Determination of Reduction and Enhancement of the Apparent Contrast of Grid Patterns as a Function of Brief Adaptation Durations, John Paul Bisaha.
The Effect of Eugenol and Eugenol-Containing Root Canal Sealers on the Microhardness of Human Dentin, Glenn M. Biven
Individual Versus Triadic Performance on a Multidimensional Complementary Task as a Function of Initial Ability Level, Laurence G. Branch
Man's Transcendence in the Wisdom of the Sands by Antoine De Saint-Exupery, William F. Briel
Some Sociological Factors Influencing Interdenominational Switching in the Protestant Ministry, Elizabeth Q. Bulatao
Determinants of Morale of the Roman Catholic Diocesan Priests of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Raymond G. Carey
Dentos 1971, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Effects of "Personal Influence" on Learning, Motivation, and Commitment to Voluntary Action, Daryl E. Chubin
The Villagers of Hemmingford Abbotts: 1278-1339, Elaine Gravelle Clark
Cognitive Processes in Emotionally Disturbed Boys: A Comparison of Problem Solving Processes Used by Matched Groups of Disturbed and Nondisturbed Boys, Hugh Patrick Creedon
Socio-Political Interests and Activities of Sensitivity Group Participants, Susan Williams Cunningham
Transformation and Transfection in Mycobacterium, Louis A. DeSalle
An Examination of the Self-Concept and Education of the Culturally Disadvantaged Black Student: Some Administrative Implications, McKinley Dillingham
Label Uptake in Maternal and Fetal A/jax Mouse Tissues After Maternal Injections of Tritiated Cortisol: A Liquid Scintillation Study, Gilbert E. Dodds
An Environmental Assessment of Wilbur Wright College by Students in Differing Curricula Programs, R. Edmund Dolan
The Invariance of Category and Magnitude Scales: A Cross-Cultural Study, Michael B. Donnelly
An Investigation of the Effects of Externally and Intrapsychically Induced Stress on Projective Drawings, Robert L. Duncan
Level of Experiencing as a Predictor of Short-Term Play Therapy Outcome, Robert Francis Eme
The Development in the Concept of Counseling of Dean Edmund Griffith Williamson from 1937 to 1969, Herbert J. Farias
The Implications of the Foreign Studies Apostolate for American Jesuit Higher Education in the 1970's, John Felice
Individual Differences in Person Perception: Assessment of a Model, Tulio Peter Ferisin
The Philosophy of Education in Selected Ancient and Contemporary Judaic Sources in Relation to Main Values in Four Secular Philosophies, Elliott Finkel
Attitudes Toward the Policeman Among First Grade Children, Rose Mary Zacharia Finnegan
Radioautographic Incorporation of Tritiated Lysine Into Protein of Cells of the Spermatogenic Cycle, Casimir F. Firlit
Hormonally-Induced Permeability Changes in Staphylococcus Aureus, Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Role of the Student Personnel Educator in Promoting the Unique Goals of the Religiously Oriented Liberal Arts College, George Fowley
A History of the Roman Catholic Parochial School System in the United States: A Documentary Interpretation, Glen E. Gabert
Beliefs About Death and Immortality Observed by Opinion Scaling in Students at Two Midwestern Catholic Medical Schools, Jean Frances Gagan
Neurochemical Evidence for Cholinergic-Adrenergic Coupling in Mammalian Central Nervous System, Silas N. Glisson III
An Analysis of the Structures of Social Foundations of Education, William Aron Granzig
The Logical Problems That Prevented David Hume from Refuting the Argument from Design, Jeffery L. Grove
The British Press and the Emerging American Economic Challenge, 1873-1903, Richard L. Gruber
The Dramatic Writings of Hugh Henry Brackenridge, Virginia A. Hajek
The Effects of Praise and/or Reproof on Serial Learning in Underachievers, Richard B. Harris