Theses/Dissertations from 1967
Social Class as a Factor in Inter-Parental Conflict in Child Training: A Survey of Sixty Families in the Chicago Area, James Parappally
Slum Housing Receivership as a Mode of Municipal Housing Code Enforcement, Francis R. Parente
The Rorschach Defense Checklist: Rationale and Validity, Ida A. Parlanti
The Effect of Stress on Several Subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Mary Elizabeth Paul
The Relationship Between Transcendental Beauty and Aesthetic Beauty in the Fine Arts According to Maritain, John F. Pennington
Thomas Stearn's Eliot's Emblematic Synthesis of the Visual, Intellectual and Spiritual Worlds in the Tradition of Andrea Alciatus, Inez C. Petersen
Negro Community Leadership in a Northern Metropolitan Center: A Study of Its Structure Under Conditions of Rapid Social Change, Steven I. Pflanczer
Effects of Ovine Pituitary FSH on the Embryonic Gonads of the Leghorn Chick During the Early Incubation, Duc Tuan Pham
A Critical Examination of the Logistical Support Rendered Through the Port of Tampa in the War of 1898, Gerald J. Pierce
A Study of the Personnel Function as an Organizational Activity of Chicago Firms, Salvador B. Pilar
Changes in Reactivity of Blood Group Substances a and B on Cell Surfaces of Neoplastic Tissue of the Oral Epithelium, Richard C. Prendergast
Stress, Manifest Anxiety, and Clinical Judgment, Joseph F. Pribyl
Theme and Structure in Plato's Republic and More's Utopia, Edward August Quattrocki
Union-Management Relations Between the Veterans Administration Hospitals in Chicago and the General Services Employee Union, Local 73, William J. Ranieri
A Dental Assessment of the Dentoskeletal Prognathism in the North American Negro, Clarence J. Red
La Mujer en el Teatro Lorquiano, Margarita P. Remigio
The German Center Party from the November Revolution 1918 to the Adoption of the Weimar Constitution, August, 1919, M. Marcella Ripper
A Comparison of Factor Analysis and Pattern Analysis of the Loyola National Institute of Mental Health Attitude Scale, A. H. Rittenhouse
Histologic Study of a Re-Entry Wound with Periosteal Preservation, Peter Dittmar Roberson
An Analysis of the Attitudes of Lay Teachers of Catholic Boys' High Schools in the Chicago Area Toward Selected Minority Groups, Thomas George Schackmuth
An Analysis of the Sources of the Current-Recurring Income Dollar in Large Local Labor Unions in Chicago: 1964-1965, Edward P. Schmidt
A Study of the Criticism of Thomas Rymer with Special Reference to That Criticism's Influence and Place in the Literary History of Criticism, William J. Shanahan
Internationalism and the German Revolution, 1918-1919, James D. Shand
The Effects of Tactually Induced Unilateral and Bilateral Electric Shock on the Auditory Threshold: An Interpretation Based on Brain Blood-Shift Theory, Robert M. Shannon
An Experimental Investigation of Autonomic Responses to Threatened Stimuli, Francis Joseph Simal
Irradiation as a Function of Hue, Eugene Skoff
A Study of Autofluorescence and Its Comparative Distribution in the Central Nervous System of Three Genera of Mice, Thomas Joseph Sobotka
Transfer of Spatial Relations Abilities from the Game-Situation to the Test-Situation, Timothy Ward Starkey
Melville: Sceptic, Mary Dominic Stevens
The Concept of Man in the Twelfth-Century Humanism of Chartres, Mary Carol Sullivan
A Study of the Relationship between Communality of Thought on the Loyola Language Study and Empathic Ability on Kerr's Empathy Test, Mary Lucinia Szpak
Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid in Regenerating Wound Tissue, Thomas Cherian Thachet
A Study of the Apposition of Alveolar Bone Seen in Tooth Extrusion Using a Vital Staining Technique in Monkeys, John S. Theodorou
A Cephalometric Study of Prognathism in the North American Negro Male with Normal Occlusion, Roland F. Thomas
Scots Abroad: A Consideration of Selected Plays by Scottish Dramatists, Concentrating upon Dramas Which Appeared in London 1660-1800, Terence Tobin
Concept Attainment Strategy Alteration as a Function of Dogmatism, James M. Torcivia
Cardiac Failure as a Terminal Event in Hemorrhagic Shock, Joseph H. Traxler
Contenido y Forma del Misticismo Teresiano, Carmen Mendez Valdes
English Relations with, and Concepts of, Russia, 1553-1640, George. VanDusen
The History and Culture of the Gepids, Louis J. Voskuil
Experimenter Influence in Psychological Testing: Religious Versus Layman, Robert F. Weickert
Demosthenes and the Theoric, Robert A. Wild
Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Gabriela Mistral: Estudo y Comparacion, Gladis Alba
A Quantitative Study of a Method for the Application and Control of a Pure Couple on a Posterior Tooth of a Rhesus Monkey, Harold Y. Arai
Group Counseling with Underachievers, Mary Frederick Arnold
A Cephalometric Evaluation of Young Adult Caucasian Males with Normal Occlusion: Its Application to Orthodontic Assessment by an Electronic Computer, Gerald L. Ashley
The Generation Cycle of Epithelial Cells in the Molar Interdental Papillae of Ovariectomized Mice, Francis Lawrence Bachnik
Una Comparacion Critica entre el Naturalismo Frances y el Espanol: Evidente en Autores Prototipicos, Virginia Baldwin
Examiner Influence in Psychological Testing: Nun Versus Laywomen, Lynne Marie Baur
Some Aspects of the Loyola University, Chicago Rome Center of Liberal Arts, Valerie T. Berghoff
The Relationship of Intelligence and Creativity in Kindergarten Children's Easel Paintings, Grace Scheftner Besch
Rural Conservatism and Japan's Liberal Democrats, Richard Bird
A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of a Course on Motion Pictures to Achieve Gains in Values and Critical Thinking Scores of a Group of High School Seniors, Janice Marie Birk
The Effects of an Artificial Substrate upon In Vivo Cell Proliferation: An Autoradiographic Study, Edward E. Black
The Effect of Growth Medium Vitamin Supplements on the Pathways of Glucose Catabolism and the Virulence of Staphylococci, Charles Paul Bowling Jr.
A Proposed Method of Combining the College and Professional (Dental) Curricula, William Paul Burch
Individual Vs. Group Problem Solving: An Analysis of Processes, Gary Karl Burger
The Construction of the Central Railway of Peru as Reflected in the 1870-1875 Company Letters, Ann Caraher
Dimensional Aspects of Role Perceptions in Team Teaching, Philip Michael Carlin
Potosi, Its Mines and Its Indians, Louis John Casa
An Investigation of the Effects of Three Levels of Stress on the Operant Conditioning of Verbal Behavior, Bruce N. Christensen
Some Effects of the Interaction between the Leader and Members' Personal Dimensions on Group Satisfaction and Performance in Problem-Solving Groups, Bernard Chu Mong-chuan
Property Ownership in the Writings of the Sectaries, 1640-1660, Arthur R. Clarke
An Effect of D-Biotin on Rat Liver Glucose Utilization, John C. Coggeshall
A Study of Pain and Fatigue in Working Ischemic Muscle of the Human Forearm, Jerome Michael Colletti
Pupillary Size and Its Relationship to the Problem Solving Process, Raymond M. Daly
The Tobacco Trade Under the Stuarts, 1603-49, Patrick Thomas Darcy
Opinions of the North Lakes Division's Members Toward the 1962 Illinois Education Association's Program, Angela Margaret D'Astici
Parathyroid Extract-Induced Alterations in the Oxidation of Organic Acids in Bone, Allyn F. DeLong
Some Conventional Existentialist Aspects of Philosophy and Some Applications To Education, Guidance, and Nondirective Counseling, Theotonius Joseph de Sales
A Quantitative Study of the Stresses Developed in the Apical Fibers of the Periodontal Ligament Using Geometic Analogues, James A. Evans
Relationships Between Anxiety, Stress and Task Difficulty, Richard Charles Evenson
Merlin, Lancelot, and Tristram: E. A. Robinson's Arthurian Poems of Man's Dilemma , Patricia O'Donnell Ewers
Resoluciones Sintacticas de Quince Sonetos de Gongora, Lilia M. Fernandez
A Descriptive Study of the Values of High School Students at Colegio San Jose, Arequipa, Peru, John P. Foley
The Struggle with Form and the Search for Theme in the Plays of Edward Albee, Paul French
La Novela Personal de Don Miguel de Unamuno, Concepcion Gasso
Alkali Metal Ion Effects on Certain Aspects of Mitochondrial Metabolism, Edwin Otto Geiger
Personality and Other Non-Academic Characteristics of Bright Underachieving Males, Jack H. Grossman
A Comparative Analysis of Values Held by Male Students in Two Midwest Suburban High Schools, James P. Gschwend
The Effect of Religious Life on the MMPI Scores of Religious Brothers: A Longitudinal Study, Quentin Hakenewerth
World War I: Dissent and Discord in Milwaukee, Mary Antonette Henke
Risk Taking--Relationship To Anxiety and Closed Mindedness, Mary Richard Herrmann
The Otis as Intelligence Test: A Comparison of 2nd and 4th Grade Scores, Virginia Wenzel Hill
A Study of Certain Aspects of the Rat Molar Periodontium at Various Ages, Jerald L. Jensen
Attitude Change and Morale in Small Groups as Functions of Leadership Style, Joel Kaplan
Learning-Performance Distinction in the Water Jar Test, Carol Rothman Karzen
Extinction and Re-Acquisition of a Food-Reinforced Motor Response in Hippocampectomized Cats, Peter G. Kaufmann
The Response of American Journals of Opinion To the Rise and Consolidation of National Socialism in Germany, Thomas Martin Keefe
Metaphysical Implications of Man as Relation in Sartre's Being and Nothingness, Carol Ann Keene
The Assessment of Patient Morale by the Use of an Attitude Scale, Paul Robert Kennedy
A Histologic and Physiologic Investigation of the Sensory Receptors in the Periodontal Ligament of the Cat, Joseph E. Kizior
Retroactive Inhibition as a Function of Manifest Anxiety, Beatriz de Meyrelles Klich
The Interrelationship of Cheating, Attitudes About Cheating, and Anxiety in College Students, Walter P. Knake
Effects of Cortisone on Teeth in Mandibles Transplanted to the Cheek Pouch of the Golden Hamster, Frank Maximilian Kneussl
Predicting Seventh Grade Pupils Adjustment by an Objective Interpretation of a Group Administration of the Draw a-Person Test, Robert Krajewski