Theses/Dissertations from 1966
Orientation and in-Service Programs for Lay Teachers in Parochial Schools Portland, Oregon, Mary Fidelis Kreutzer
Role of the Private High School Teacher in Education for Planned Social Change, Allen L. Kroll
Learning Foreign Languages in Group-Counseling Conditions, Juan B. LaFarga
The Text of Chrysostom's Homily 46 on Matthew in the Light of the Codex Guelferbytanus, John Patrick Langan
A Method of Physical Assessment of the Translatory Movement of a Posterior Tooth of a Rhesus Monkey, Jerry F. Lerch
The Interrelationship of Cheating, IQ, Grades, Family Socioeconomic Level, and Teacher Rating of High School Students, Kenneth L. Leveque
A Background and Analysis of the Railroad and Warehouse Restrictive Sections of the 1870 Illinois Constitution, Neil Ellsworth Lloyd
Relationship of Occupational Choice to Personality Traits of Women Students as Measured by the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire and the California Psychological Inventory, Marie De Sales Lorenz
The Loyolan 1966, Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1965-1966, Loyola University Rome Center
The Perceived Role, Function, and Training of Elementary School Counselors in the State of Illinois, Ralph Edward Lundgren
Curriculum Objectives of the Elizabethan Grammar Schools, Mary Donald Lynch
Ethics and United States Foreign Policy According to Reinhold Niebuhr, John Redmond Macnamara
Textual and Dramatic Criticism of Shakespeare'S Plays in the London Dramatic Periodicals, 1800-1825 (An Objective Analysis), Callistus Maliakal
Hypothalamic Blood Flow and Temperature in the Unanesthetized Normal and Febrile Cat, Rocco Anthony Marrese
El Hombre y Su Itinerario a Dios en Fedor M. Dostoievski y Miguel De Unamuno, Carlos E. Martin
A Study of the Latin Poems of George Herbert: Passio Discerpta, Lucus, Memoriae Matris Sacrum with a Prose Translation, Mary Elizabeth Mason
The Effect of Neurological Training on Reading Retardation, Mary Julia Masterman
Effect of In Vivo Parathyroid Extract upon the Oxidation of Krebs Cycle Substrates by Kidney Preparations from Thyroparathyroidectomized Rats, Mark J. Melancon
An Investigation of the Structure of Human Serum Beta Lipoproteins, Hunter L. Mermall
Survey and Evaluation of Practices and Procedures for the in-Service Education of Teachers in Five Selected Secondary Schools, Paul Metzger
A Study of the Critical Requirements for Elementary Curriculum Consultants in a Major Urban Area, James F. Moore
The Protective Effect of Glucose Against Heat-Induced Inhibition of Testicular Protein Labeling, Robert N. Morris
A Quantitative Study on Analogues of the Biophysics of Resisting Forces and Stresses That Correspond to the Horizontal Fibers of a Periodontal Ligament, Bruce M. Nakfoor
Light and Darkness Imagery in the Oresteia of Aeschylus, Eugene MIchael O'Brien
Koinonia from Classical to Christian Times, Mary Carita O'Brien
The Causes of Moral Existence According to the Doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Thomas Francis O'Brochta
A Philosophy of Education According to Teilhard De Chardin, John P. O'Donnell
A Discussion of the British-Mexican Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation of December 26th, 1826, James G. Pappas
The Methodist Circuit Rider in the Old Northwest, Edmond Thomas Parker
The Aerobic Motile Bacterial Flora of a Freshwater Lake, Robert S. Pekarek
San Martin and Free Trade, Theory and Fact, 1812-1822, Bernadine Florence Pietraszek
A Study of Sex Differences in Solutions to a Multiple Choice Anagram Task, Loretta Y. Postillion
Individual Chamber Responses of the Normal and Unilaterally Sympathectomized Canine Heart: A Study in Cardiac Nerve Distribution, Donald Victor Priola
An Empirical Comparison of the Techniques for the Differentiation of Handedness, Margaret Rose Procyk
The Labor Philosophy of James Riddle Hoffa, Francis X. Quinn
A Histochemical Study of Steroid Hormone Synthesis in the Gonads of the Brown Leghorn Chick Embryo, David Glenn Rabuck
Brentano's Empirical Psychology: An English Translation with an Evaluation of Its Influence upon Contemporary Scientific Psychology Volume 1, Antos C. Rancurello
Brentano's Empirical Psychology: An English Translation with an Evaluation of Its Influence upon Contemporary Scientific Psychology Volume 2, Antos C. Rancurello
The Background of the Revolution of May 25, 1810 at the Port of Buenos Aires, Mary Robert Reis
The Interaction of Stress and Anxiety, Robert G. Riedel
A Study of the Effect of Stress upon Performance on a Measure of Creative Potential, Joseph V. Rizzo
A Theoretico-Experimental Study of Differences in Problem Solving Processes of Open and Closed Minded Individuals, Paul Vincent Robb
Some Aspects of the Effectiveness of a Demonstration Program in an Experimental High School, Robert G. Roskamp
The Standardization of the Loyola Language Study on Children in the Third Through Eighth Grades in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Donald J. Rumann
Motivational Patterns of Minor Seminarians, Susana Jimenez Schlesinger
The Occupation of Gotland by the Teutonic Knights, 1398-1408, Karl-Ferdinand Schmidt
Vitamin D and Placental Calcium, William G. Schmitz
A Twelve Month Study of the Gross and Histologic Changes Occurring in the Jaws of Young Macaca Rhesus Monkeys as a Result of Experimental Surgery, Jerome E. Schoen
A Psychopharmacological Approach to the Study of Perceptual Behavior, Mary Kay Snyder
Attitudes, Awareness and Involvement of Chicago's Teaching Sisters in Current Social Issues: A Study of Religion as Social Control, M. Anthony Sparks
Virtus in the Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas, David John Stagaman
The Effect of Progesterone on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, Ronald T. Stanke
Unos Temas Simbolicos Que Recurren en la Literatura Mistica Espanola, Irma Stefanini
American Literary Magazines and the "New Imperalism" 1893-1898, Norma Stoeffler
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between the Galvanic Skin Response and Stimulus Words Related to Religious Values, Bernard G. Suran
Wallace Stevens' Search for a "Supreme Fiction", John H. Thissen
A Statistical Assessment of Tooth Sizes, Arrangement and Arch Form Obtained from Dental Casts Preparatory to the Development of Computer Programming of Malocclusions, William W. Thomas
Self-Concept Differences in the Alcoholic Under Varying Conditions of Drinking and Sobriety, James Albert Vanderpool
Richard of St. Victor and Secular Learning, William Vrasdonk
Effect of Testosterone on the Growth and Virulence of Staphylococcus aureus, Joseph Lloyd Waner
Temas Velados del Romancero Gitano de Federico Garcia Lorca, P. Arno Werle
Synthesis and Pharmacological Screening of Some Quaternary Salts of Pilocarpine, Norbert Joseph Wojciechowski
An Exploration Into Anxiety and How It Affects Risk-Taking in a Two Person Game, Paul J. Wolf
Some Greek Theological Opuscula on the Trinity, Hypostatic Union, and Incarnation from Vatican Greek Manuscript #402: An Edition and Commentary, James V. Zeitz
The Rorschach in Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study of Intellectually Superior Girls, M. Clare Zuercher
Theses/Dissertations from 1965
Occupational Aspirations of High School Seniors as a Function of Their Standings in School and Family Backgrounds, Richard Wilbur Anderson
The French Intelligentsia and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, Thomas P. Anderson
Cytogenesis in the Regeneration of Striated Muscles, Carlos S. Anguizola
Juego y Teoria del Esperpento en el Teatro de Valle-Inclan, Guillermo Arango
Philip II of Spain and the Council of Trent, 1562-1563, Jose Arcilla
Response to Music and Its Relation to Personal and Social Adjustment, Mary Frederick Arnold
Inductive Reasoning at the Grade School Level, Dorothy B. Auw
The Stem-Vowel Quantity of the Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs Used by Virgil and Horace, Emmett Bienvenu
An Analysis of Transfer Students: Values, Problems and Academic Acheivement, Walter Francis Block
The Critical Method of Yvor Winters, Richard William Bollman
The "Fallen Woman" in English Novels: 1870-1900, Gerda Bos
Contrasting Behavioral, Pharmacological, Neurophysiological and Biochemical Profiles of C57B1/6 and SC-1 Strains of Mice, Priscilla Bourgault
El Teatro Hispano-Americano hasta el Siglo XVII, Manuel R. Briseno
A Descriptive Analysis of Responses to the Nuns' Religious Appreception Test, Cel Brocken
A Comparative Study of the Effect of Temperature on Testicular Protein Labeling in Common Laboratory Animals, Richard Buyer
Rigidity: Its Relation to Intelligence as Measured by Psychological Tests and School Performance, Denis Cabezon
Role of Religious Orientation in the General Happiness of Married Catholics, Raymond G. Carey
Critique of Some Recent Research in the Identification of the Gifted Child, Patricia Chisholm
The Effect of Drugs on Temporal Organization of Behavior, Margaret E. Condon
An Experimental Investigation of Team Teaching in United States History at the Secondary School Level, Edmund Daly
An Experimental Investigation of Team Teaching in United States History at the Secondary School Level, Edmund B. Daly
The Relationship between Anxiety, Engagement in a Learning Situation, and Client-Centered Teaching, William Edward Davis
Effect of Some Oral Hypoglycemic Agents on Hepatic Protein Synthesis, Lawrence Dechatelet
The Fool of Quality (1765-1770) by Henry Brooke: A Compendium of Eighteenth-Century Sensibility, M. Agnesine Dering
Glycolytic Metabolism of the Dog's Myocardium in Hemorrhagic Shock, Joan Doersching
The Relationship of Personality Characteristics, Awareness, and Attitude in a Verbal Conditioning Situation, M. Austin Doherty
Comparability of Group and Individual Bender Reproductions of Delinquents, Richard G. Doiron
The Individual and Society in Selected Novels and Tales of Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study in Hawthorne's Use of the Crowd, Richard R. Dolezal
A Study to Determine If There Is a Relationship between Treatment Success and Patient Attitudes, Gene L. Dongieux
The Effect of Bilateral Lesions of the Hippocampus on the Learning and Retention of Auditory and Visual Discriminations in the Albino Rat, Gerald Driessen