Theses/Dissertations from 1964
A Study of the Classification of Pink Pigment Producing Organisms, Marion Walter Zielinski
The Theory of "Comprehension" in the Philosophy of Michael Polanyi, Richard W. Zipfel
Theses/Dissertations from 1963
Team Teaching in a High School Science - Chemistry, Michael Lawrence Agin
The Principal Theological Ideas in the Christian Fantasy Novels of Charles Williams, Joan Turner Beifuss
The Poetic Plays of Michael Field, Joan Evelyn Biederstedt
A Histologic Study of the Tooth and Supporting Structures After Apicoectomy in Dogs, Walter E. Bisch
The Distribution of Radioactive Rubidium Chloride in the Tissues of the Sprague-Dawley Rat, Everett Nelson Bowser
A Multiple Choice Version of the Loyola Language Study: A Comparison with the Original Version, Richard C. Braun
Some Factors Related to the Leisure Time Activity of a Select Group of City Firemen, James Nicholas Brichetto
Case History: Some Responses of Teachers to Their Major Challenges in a Changing Neighborhood Elementary School, H. Sumner Brown
Sartre's Philosophy of Freedom in L'Etre et le Neant, Casimir Robert Bukala
Anxiety, Stress, and Performance, Gary Karl Burger
An Analysis of Types of Guidance and Counseling Services Performed by Selected Secondary School Classroom Teachers in the Public Schools of Kentucky, Thomas Valentine Busse
A Study of Truthfulness in Male Orthodontic Patients from the Appraisal of Certain Autonomic Responses to Questions Concerning Cooperation, Richard Salvadore Campisi
An Analysis of the Recognized Consistencies and Inconsistencies of Three National Character Studies of the Japanese People: Its Implication for the General Theory of National Character, Lawrence Jerome Carlino
The Journal de Trevoux and the Philosophes, Francis Patrick Chamberlain
An Analysis of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Profiles in Acute and Chronic Schizophrenics, Bruce N. Christensen
An Appraisal of Guidance Programs in Selected Small Liberal Arts Colleges in Wisconsin, Raymond Paul Clouthier
The Site of the in Vitro Inhibition of Cholesterol Biosynthesis by Hypoglycemic Compounds, John Edward Dalidowicz
The Phenomenal Displacement of Lights as a Function of Various Background Stimuli, Raymond M. Daly
The Establishment of aHuman Dental Pulp Cell Line and Its Reaction to Some Endodontic Materials, Sumitra Das
Las Mujeres en la Obra de Benavente, Maria Rosa de Arvizu
Rorschach Study of Dependent Adolescents, Gerard Egan
An Appraisal of Three Scoring Procedures as Discriminators between Good and Poor Problem Solvers, James B. Erdmann
A Study of Experimental Measures of Leadership Applied to a Practical Problem of Leader Identification, Edward Maurice Flaherty
Melendez Valdes Poeta Tipico del Siglo Dieciocho, Mercedes Junquera de Flys
Individual Differences in Thought Processes, Hermelinda M. Fogliatto
An Investigation of the Effects of Item Placement on Test Performance, Thomas John Ginley
Hartshorne's Conception of God, James Patrick Godar
An Electromyograpic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part X. Six Months After Removal of Orthodontic Appliances, Oliver Gilbert Grimm
A Multidimensional Analysis of the Temporal Parameters of Behavior, John V. Haley
A Correlation of Displacement, Acceleration and Muscle During the Walking Gait of Normal and Above Knee Amputees, Albert Avery Halls
The Labor Press Comment on Steel Price Rise 1962, William Arthur Harper
The Significance of Transcendental Object in the Critique of Pure Reason, John W. Hauch
The Estates General of 1614, James Michael Hayden
Hawthorne's Theory of Art, Kenneth Heinitz
Temporal Dimensions of Response Duration, Joseph N. Hingtgen
An Analysis of the Reaction of American Newspapers and Secular and Religious Periodicals to the Encyclical, Mater et Magistra of Pope John Xxiii., Max D. Hochanadel
Factor Analysis of MMPI, H-K PGR Test, and TAT: Three Factors of Inappropriate Reaction, Robert E. Hoene
The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Slavery Controversy, 1828-1844, Harold C. Howard
A Study of the Recent (1958 and 1960) Educational Reforms in Communist China, Chii-Ming Hwang
Industrial Relations Game: A Simulation for Use in Management Development, College Courses, and Research, Philip S. Jaynes
A Comparison of the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Alveolar Mucosa and the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Eruptive Mucosa, Anil Prabhakar Joglekar
A Study of Selected Social Factors Associated with the Enrollment and Drop-Out of Evening Students in a Large University (Loyola University, Chicago) 1945-1958, Harriet Lois Kaufman
An Attitude Scale for the Assessment of Morale in a Psychiatric Hospital, William Gregory Klett
A Roentgenographic Study of the Orthodontic Movements Exhibited by the Mandibular First Molar Teeth During Class Ii Forces Utilizing Edgewise Mechanics and Light Wire Mechanics, Robert E. Krvavica
Problem Areas of the Undergraduate Resident Students at Loyola University, Where They Go for Help and Why, Elizabeth Hickok Langley
Madison and the Powers Reserved to the States, Robert E. Larkin
The Loyolan 1963, Loyola University Chicago
Appraisal of Potential Leadership Qualities Among Young Women Religious, Mary Rosaire. Lucassen
The Digit Symbol Subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale as an Indicator of Learning, Marilyn Lindahl Luotto
The Histogenesis of the Osteoclast, John J. Magon
Frederic Remington: Artist on Horseback, Spencer John Maxcy
The Idea of Freedom in the Philosophy of William James, Eugene Lawrence McCarney
Changes in the Cerebral Cortex of the Rat Following a Localized High Dose of X-Irradiation, as Seen with Electron Microscope, Thomas F. McDonald
Rorschach Content of College Students, William S. McGurk
A Comparison of Union Organization of White-Collar Workers in Sweden and the United States, Francis Joseph McVeigh
Identification in Psychotherapy as Measured on a Problem Solving Task, Marv L. Meyer
The Change of the Status and Role of the Chief in East and Central Africa, William Francis Moroney
The Isolation of Intermediary Metabolites of L-lysine-U-C₋p1₋s₋p4₋s from Tissues of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Robert N. Morris
Factors Affecting Arithmetical Achievement of Seventh Grade Students, Henry Moughamian
The Major Themes of Tennyson, Elsie Antony Panakal
A Study of the Lay Teacher in the Catholic Elementary Schools of the Galveston-Houston Diocese with the Development of a Handbook of Policies, Mary Teresita Partin
The History of Portland's Secondary School Guidance Programs, with Special Reference to Provisions for the Gifted Child, Athlyn Rose Petey
Some Social Determinants of Political Preference in Kerala State, India, Mathew Pulickaparampil
A Study of the Relationship between Complex Problem Solving Ability and a Measure of Scholastic Aptitude, Robert G. Riedel
Factors Related to Internalization of Catholic Views, Paul Thomas Schindler
An Evaluation of the Theses of Pierre Rousselot and Louis-B. Geiger on the Problem of Love in St. Thomas Aquinas, Robert Joseph Schwarz
Age and Grade Status Factors in Relation to Achievement in Children Grades 3-8, Charles E. Sherman
Temperament Traits of Public Welfare Caseworkers, Eugene Skoff
The Effects of a Part-Time Job on the Functioning of the Social Roles of a Selected Group of High School Girls, M. Helen Francis Small
Social Position and Age: Their Relationship to Catholic Ethnic Attitudes, Richard Bernard Smolar
The Status of Theory and Practice of Fiscal Control in Wisconsin School Districts, Anthony Thomas Sola
The Reliability of the Loyola Language Study: Its Relationship to Values, Interests, and to Group Mindedness, John V.P. Stewart
Kentucky Antislavery Thought, 1830-1850, J. Strassmaier
The Working Delinquent , Including an Analysis of Cook County, Illinois, Family Court Cases, Virginia Sarah Thatcher
Stimulus Generalization from Auditory Stimuli to Visual Stimuli in the Field of Verbal Behavior for Meaningful and Non-Meaningful Material, David W. Thompson
The Changing Objectives and Philosophy of the American Secondary School Curriculum, Eugene Merle Vandenberg
A Study of the Engineering Principles Underlying the Active Components Which Produce Orthodontic Forces, Robert Vestevich
The Influence of Spring Design upon Spring Rate, Velton Curtis White
An Investigation of the Comparative Efficiency of the MMPI and the TAT in Predicting Success in Nurses' Training, Glenn Francis Williams
Theses/Dissertations from 1962
The Social Debate in the French Constituent Assembly, 1848, Thomas P. Anderson
Rorschach Personality Pattern Differences between Over-Achievers, Normals, and Under-Achievers at the Fifth Grade Level, Joan Carroll Baldwin
A Radiographic Appraisal of the Effects of X-Radiation on the Mandibular Cartilage and Femoral Epiphyseal Cartilage of the Rat, Julio Aldo Battistoni
A Case Study of a Social Movement: The Young Christian Workers in The United States, Diane Bayer
A Study of the Personality Traits of Successful Religious Women of Teaching Orders, Anthony J. Becker
Social Perception and the Loyola Language Study, Bruce Clare Becker
Individual Competition and Group Competition as Motivation Factors at the High School Level, Earl Berke
Accuracy in Personal Judgment of Others as Related to the Study of Values, Robert Ralph Blair
Pereda y Galdos, las Dos Caras de una Medalla, Adriana Teresa. Bo'
The Reaction of the British Press to Pius IX: 1846-1850, Gerald L. Bristow
William James on Free Will: A Personal Response to the Dilemma of Determinism, Robert Michael Buren
An Analysis of Reported Incidents of Racial Violence in Chicago: 1958 Through 1960, James E. Burns
Growth and Liver Glycogen in the Developing White Leghorn Chick Embryo Under the Influence of Corticosteroids, Robert Charles Clawson
Parathyroid Hormone Effects on Intermediary Metabolism, John C. Colla
Automating a Rail Slitting Mill: A Case Study in the Effects of Automation, Walter Raymond Cross
In Vitro Effect of Certain Compounds, Including Hypoglycemic Agents, on Cholesterol Biosynthesis, John Edward Dalidowicz
Effects of Lesions in the Hippocampal Rudiment on Conditioned Olfactory Discrimination in the Albino Rat, Hacker Joseph Fagot