Theses/Dissertations from 1959
An Analysis of Executive Fringe Benefits, Robert Francis. Riefke
A Methodological Study of the Cultural Definition of Man of Ernst Cassirer, Peter Joseph Roslovich
The Relation of the Illative Sense to the Act of Assent According to J. H. Newman, John David Ryan
Observations on the Time of Eruption, the Growth Rate and the Effects of Cortisone on the Incisors in the Golden Hamster, Sigurd Carl Sandzén
Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer, Howard Bernard Schapker
Working Mothers, a Contributing Factor to Juvenile Delinquency, Mary Euthelia Schlesser
Thermal Reflex Sweating in Normal and Paraplegic Man, Russell C. Seckendorf
The Educational Philosophy of Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and Its Influence in Indonesian Life, Norbert Anthony Shadeg
English as a Medium of Instruction in the Territory of New Guinea ; a Critical Analysis of the Literature, Werner Joseph Shadeg
Studies of Phenethylbiguanide, an Oral Hypoglycemic Compound, Herndon Guinn Shepherd
Some Socio-Economic Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency Among Boys in Thirty West Central Suburban Communities of Cook County, Marvin Coleman Shuwal
Effects of Mechanization upon Selected Areas of the Bituminous Coal Industry, James David Smith
Symbolism in the Short Stories of Katherine Anne Porter, Mary St. Peter Smith
Hormones and Wound Healing, Lilita Straumanis
Labor Legislation and Industrial Workers' Conditions in Egypt After World War Ii, Isam Taji
NLRB Case Load and Business Fluctuations, Joseph Edward Warren
Measurement of Attitude and Information Changes in Mental Health Concepts Among Seminarians, Neil John Webb
The Usefulness of the Spranger Values in the Determination of Basic Values, Eugene Henry Welsand
Histogenesis of Repair of the Dental Supporting Tissues After Mucogingival Resection, Malbern Norris Wilderman
A Survey of the Validity of Age Discrimination in Employment, Charles Martin Wiltfang
The Nature of the Absolute in the Writings of Solovyev with an Appendix Containing an Unpublished Translation of Chapters Forty-Three and Forty-Four in Solvyev's Criticism of Abstract Principles, Edward Casimir Wojciechowski
Enteric Bacteria Recovered from Reptiles Other Than Snakes at Two Public Zoos, Donald Arthur Yarashus
Theses/Dissertations from 1958
Technical Manual Editor Analysis Profile: Test Construction and Preliminary Standardization for Personnel Selection, Aurelius Anthony Abbatiello
An Investigation of Some Factors Relating to the Identification of Eighth Grade Children Possessing Musical Potential , Wesley Francis Amar
Problems and Personalities of the Civil Service Reform in the Administration of Benjamin Harrison , Carl Joseph Armbruster
Regeneration of Denervated Striated Muscle in the White Rat , William Constantine Avgerin
Diocesan and Jesuit Labor Schools in America: A Comparative Study, Maurus Barrenechea
Fakability of Interest Tests , James Anthony Becker
A Study of George Wilson Knight's Imaginative Interpretation of Shakespeare , Joan Evelyn Biedertsedt
A Study of Selected Social and Economic Factors in the Formation of a Religious Vocation , Jerome Francis Bowman
The Innate Idea in the Later Philosophical Works of Rene Descartes: Its Development, Nature, and Function, Charles George Boysen
Selected Personal and Social Factors for Transient and Non-Transient Pupils of a Minority Group in a Large Metropolitan Elementary School , A. John Brinkman
Thucydides' Account of the Athenian Empire in the Light of Contemporary Coinage , J. A. Brinkman
Characteristic Differences, Determined By Tat Sequential Analysis, between Teachers Rated By their Pupils At the Extremes in Teaching Efficiency , Mary Innocentia Burkard
A Comparison of Psychogalvanic Responses with Certain Categories of the MMPI , Stanley J. Cabanski
Olfactory Discrimination in Lobotomized Patients , Joseph R. Caldwell
A Metaphysical Analysis of Life , Francis Joseph Catania
A Historical Survey of the Lutheran Charities of Chicago, Ralph Gerald Cathcart
The Anatomy of the Temporomandibular Joint in Humans , Nicholas Chris Choukas
A Comparison of the Methods of Desegregation of the Public School Systems of St. Louis, Missouri and Louisville, Kentucky , John Richard Crowley
The Foundations of Political Society According to John Locke , Thomas Joseph Curran
Indictments for the White Collar Crime of Embezzlement in Cook County, Illinois 1945-1954, Jeffie C. Davis
The Actions of Selected Central Nervous System Acting Drugs on Certain Mono- and Poly-Synaptic Pathways Affecting the Patellar Reflex , Salvatore Joseph DeSalva
Industrial Relations in India , Maurice V.A. Dias
An Investigation of the Influence of Occupations on the Loyola Language Study , Frank Anthony Dinello
A Study of the Dog Electrocardiogram By the Method of Spatial Vector Analysis , James Graham Dobbie
James Madison's Doctrine of National Sovereignty at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Edward Patrick Echlin
The Social and Economic Status of Labor in Iraq During the Last Two Decades with Special Emphasis on Unionism and Its Effect on This Status , Ramzi Nadhim Frangul
A Comparison of Normal, Vitamin E Deficient and Denervated Skeletal Muscle in Experimental Animals By Means of Electrodiagnostic, Electromyographic and Pharmacologic Criteria , John Joseph Fudema
Concreteness in Chesterton , John William Glaser
Disputed Questions in Wordsworth's Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood , Frank Anthony Grady
In Vivo Antagonism between a Strain of Shigella Flexneri and Microorganisms Found in the Normal Intestinal Flora , David John Hentges
Efforts At Anglo-American Adjustment: 1763-1775, George Henry Holczl
Four Approaches to the Study of Social Character and Personality , James Jana
A Study of the Lay Teacher Program in the Catholic Elementary Schools in the State of Iowa , James Michael. Janssen
The Scout Movement: A Community Approach to Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Edward J. Kaciur
A Guide to the Teaching of Civics in the High Schools of Kerala State, India, Based on a Critical Survey of Civics Curricula in Selected School Systems in the United States, Teresa K. Kalathiveetil
A Comparison of the Problems of Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Children , John Walter Keller
A Philosophic Study of the Fifth Amendment , J. Timothy Kelley
Imitation in Plato's Aesthetic Theory, Thomas Patrick Kennealy
Chicagoland Salary Surveys, - a Critical Analysis, Joseph Lawrence Kennedy
Index to a Microfilm of Shaviana Displayed for Shaw's Centennial By the Shaw Society of Chicago , Marion King
The Religious Festivals of Ovid's Fasti Adapted for Use in the Early Christian Church, John Leo Klein
An Analysis of Item Order in Seven Subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , William Gregory Klett
The Metaphysical and Psychological Principles of Pleasure According to St. Thomas Aquinas, John F. Kramer
The Originality of the Aeneid, Robert Joseph Lab
An Experimental Investigation of the Histological and Histochemical Effects of Cortisone on the Thymus of the Rat , Robert Edward Lee
Wordsworth's Lucy Poems , John K. Locke
The Loyolan 1958, Loyola University Chicago
The Computer, the Industrial Relations Aspects, a Case Study , Arthur Anthony Malinowski
Cardiovascular Responses Elicited By Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus , John William Manning
A Histologic Study of Regeneration in the Supporting Dental Tissues of Dogs Following Experimental Surgery , Nicholas Robert Marfino
Opinions About the Priesthood in Catholic High School Boys and Minor Seminarians, David DeSales Markert
Sex Differences in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for Eighteen and Nineteen Year Olds , David DeSales Markert
An Investigation of a New Method of T.A.T. Analysis By a Prediction Study of High and Low Academic Achievers , Leo Alex McCandlish
Bishop John England, Pioneer American Catholic Spokesman on Church- State Relations, James Gerald McCann
John Locke on Knowledge of the Natural Law, Arthur F. McGovern
Protagonists of Seven Representative Plays of Joanna Baillie in Relation to Aristotelian Principles of Characterization , Ruth McGugan
The Psychologist, His Training and Functions: A Survey of Graduate Psychologists from Loyola University (1930-1954), Robert Francis Medina
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Growth and Survival of Candida Albicans in the Intestinal Tract of Mice , James William Messer
A Study of the Motivation of Leaders Followers and Isolates in a Group of Delinquent Boys, Robert G. Milligan
Healing of an Experimental Incision in the Human Attached Gingiva , Henry Robert Mittelman
An Analysis of Recent Catholic Opinion of Pre-School Training in Nursery-Kindergarten Programs , Floraetta Lanham Morow
The Pre-Supervisory Training Program (Continental Can Company) at Plant #51 (Stockyards): A Case Study, James Francis Murphy
A Validation Study of Three Non-Verbal Maps Test Signs as Indicators of Hostility Among Delinquent Boys , Basil Edward Najjar
The Pullman Strike of 1824 as Told in the Chicago Tribune, Lorraine Rose O'Connell
A Survey of Tuition Assistance Programs offered to Employees By Chicago Area Companies , Allen Jerome Paneral
An Experimental Study on the Influence of Cortisone on Pregnancy in the Albino Rat , Samuel Perelmuter
Some Adjustments of the Vietnamese Students in America as Related to the Westernization Level of their Fathers , Thi Ngo Pham Thi Ngo
Shaw's Doctrine of Realism in Caesar and Cleopatra, Gene D. Phillips
A Radiographic Study of the Relation of the Mandibular Angle to the Opening Movements of the Mandible, Bernard Joseph Powers
Preparations for Collective Bargaining , Paul Proteau
Lay Leadership in a Suburban Parish, Mary Carol Puchalski
In Vitro Effect of Parathyroid Gland Extract upon the Ultra-Violet Absorbtion of Reduced Coenzyme Ii, Leo Edmund Reichert
An MMPI Study of Religious Seminarians , Patrick John Rice
A Comparative Study of the Development of the Notion of Concept in the Psychology and Philosophy of William James, Paul Vincent Robb
White Jacket: A Study of Herman Melville's Literary Technique in Nautical Fiction, Henry Alphonso Robertson
Firmitas Animae : a Study of Fortitude in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, James William Sanders
Area Agreements with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Made By One National Company, 1940 to 1957 , Edward William Sexton