Theses/Dissertations from 1955
The Functional Morphology and Phylogenetic Significance of the Deglutitional Mechanism in the Generalized Culubrid Elaphe Obsoleta Quadrivittata, Raymond Gerard Albright
An Exploratory Study of 18 Returned Veterans Who Went on Trial Visit from Downey, Illinois Veterans Hospital between July 1, 1953 and December 31, 1953, Elaine B. Bannick
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Pacific Coast States, Louis Eva Black
Child Guidance Services in Rural Areas, Norman Booth
An Evaluation of Lanfranc's Ecclesiastical Reform in Relation to the Gregorian Movement, William Joseph Bosch
The Effects of British Propaganda on the Great Adventure of Colonel Edward M. House from May 1914 to June 1915, James Richard Carney
Discharge and Discipline Cases in Labor Arbitration in the Post World War II Period, September I, 1945- August 31, 1954, Frank Henry Caruk
Some Aspects of Correlation of Aptitude to Achievement in the Professional Field of Dentistry, Gerard J. Casey
An Analysis of Difficulties Encountered by Some Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils in the Solving of Verbal Arithmetic Problems, Bessie H. Chambers
The Relationship of Reading Ability to Performance on the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test, Paris P. Choncholas
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Western and Midwestern Foster Homes, Patricia Ann Condon
Angelo in Measure for Measure : Psychological Probability of His Repentance, John Aloysius Diamond
The Influence of Social Factors on Group Conformity in Normal and Abnormal Personalities : A Study of Perception of Unstable Stimuli and Attitude Formation, Salvatore Vincent Didato
A Study of Male Neuropsychiatric Patients Who Went Out on Trial Visit between July 1st and December 31st, 1953, From Downey Veteran's Administration Hospital and Were Later Discharged, Priscilla Williams Dymally
Ascendance-Submission as Related to Speed of Visual Recognition of Tachistiscopically Presented "Ascendant" And "Submissive" Words, Richard John Ferber
A Study of the Emotional Problems of a Selected Group of Cerebral Palsied Children, James Forkeotes
The Art theory of Sir Joshua Reynolds , Hugh Fox
Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight South and Western States, Sidney Freeman
A Taxonomic Study of Some Lophotrichous Alcaligenes, Thomas Paul Galarneault
The Principle of Individualization in Social Casework, Raymond Purcell Ganey
Catholic Organic Society and Some of Its Manifold Implications Relating to Socio-Economic Roles, Eric Geib
A Psychosocial Study of Fifty Recidivist Boys Recommitted to the Illinois Youth Commission, April 30, 1954 Through October 22, 1954, Robert Duddleston Geigner
Webster's Dramatic Characterization in the White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi with Special Reference to Aristotle's Poetics, Mary Jane Grogan
Royal Rule in the Political Writings of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, James Patrick Henry
Casework Counseling with Parents of Cerebral Palsied Children, Bennette L. Herrera
The Role of the County Home Nursing Program in Providing Care for Public Assistance Recipients in Illinois, June 1945 Through December 1954, Frank P. Higgins
Enzyme Studies in the at Pituitary, Doris M. Hilker
An Analysis of the Major Changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreements between Swift & Co. And the United Packinghouse Workers of America-C.I.O. From 1942 Through 1954, David Anthony Hock
A Study of the Moral Decay and Despair of Macbeth Through His Naive Imagination, William Joseph Holmes
Fair Employment Practice Commission with Special Emphasis on Municipal Varieties, William Adolphus Jackson
Acceptance in the Casework Relationship, Rose Maureen Kelly
Studies on the Use of Differential Centrifugation Procedures for the Measurement of the Intracellular Distribution of Potassium in Dog Heart Muscle, Rene Richard Kempen
L'Allegro - Il Penseroso : Pre-Election Poems, William F. King
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Southern Atlantic Seaboard States, Eugene Albert Kroschel
The Religious Mind of Lefevre D'Estaples (1455-1536), Rita Charlotte Kucera
The Trend Toward Public Ownership of Urban Mass Transportation with Special Emphasis on the History of the Chicago Transit Authority, William Raphael Kurtz
Employee Benefits and Morale : A Case Study, John Bohan Laughlin
The Economic Redevelopment of Herrin, Illinois, Lawrence Eugene Lewnard
Towers 1955, Loyola University College of Commerce
Plato's Philosophy of a Liberal Education as Found in the Republic, Richard M. Mackowski
The Navigation Acts and Colonial Massachusetts Industry, William O. Madden
A History of the Poe-Controversy in Periodical Literature of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century, Mary Gabriella Magrath
A Legislative History of the 1954 Amendments to the Social Security Act, Frank J. Maguire
A Seniority Plan : Administration and Application on a Local Level, William David Martin
Sophocles' Portrait of Oedipus the King, Norman George McKendrick
Child-Labor and Legislation in Nineteenth Century England, Mary Christopher McNaney
Children Known to the Family Court of Cook County Recommended for Placement by the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research, William B. Meyer
Effect of Estrogens on Certain Enzymes in Pituitary Tissue, Birute S. Micuta
The Sinking of the Lusitania : Crossroads for the United States on the Road to War, Christopher F. Mooney
The Medieval Synthesis and Unified Sensibility : Their Definition and Interrelation, Philip Thomas Mooney
The Nature of Deliberation According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Benjamin R. Morin
Social Factors Associated with the Admission of the Aged Patient to Cook County Psychopathic Hospital, Ella L. Murray
An Explanation of the Similarity of Style in the Writings of Newman and Cicero, John Richard Murray
The Historical Development of the Illinois Minimum Wage Standards for Women and Minors, 1945-1954, William B. Murray
The Effect of Hormones on the Rate of Healing of Experimental Wounds, George J. Neumann
Some Comparisons in Fundamental Education for Rural and Urban Areas in a Non-Industrialized Country, Nguyen-thi-Quyt
A Survey of the Use of Employee Attitude Questionnaires in a Selected Group of Companies in the Chicago Area, Raymond Jerome Novotny
Attitude Patterns of the Foreman and the Worker, Richard Joseph Obrochta
Intellectual Development and Educability of Cerebral Palsied Children as Revealed by Psychological Evaluation, Loo O'Donnell
A Comparison of the Responses of Public and Parochial School Children of Greek Parentage on the California Test of Personality, Diamond Pappas
Psycho-Social Factors in the Case Histories of Seventy Girls Admitted to the House of the Good Shepherd, Mary Patrice Patton
Philippine Labor Relations and Labor Problems, Pablo A. Pena
A Study of Crown Relations with Some Members of the House of Commons in the Reformation Parliament, 1529-1536, Mary Justine Peter
A Study of Patients Known to Social Service and Discharged Against Medical Advice from Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, From April 1, 1953 Through October 31, 1954, Mary Frances Powers
A Comparative Study of Emotional Problems in Children Who, Up to the Age of Five Years, Lived with Or without Natural Fathers and Were Examined at the Institute for Juvenile Research Before the Age of Eight Years, Mary Claire Prendergast
A Study of Employed Children in Families Receiving Aid to Dependent Children, Willa Elizabeth Randle
Spanish Aid to the Americans in the West During the Revolution, Nicholas V. Ricci
A Study in the Validation of Intelligence Tests for Cerebral Palsied Children, Elizabeth Richardson
Some Social Factors Relating to the Growth of Communism in India, Francis Sales
A Study of the Legal Philosophy of Jerome N. Frank, John Thompson Schuett
An Analysis of Seventy-Nine Adoptive Applications Accepted for Study During the Years 1952-1953 by the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford, Louis J. Shannon
The Artistic Probability of Chaucer's Criseyde, Edward Bolande Smith
Webster, Nationalism and the Reply to Hayne, Donald William Smythe
Comparison of the Binding Mechanisms of the Plasma Proteins and Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Robert Harry Spitzer
A Study of the Social Histories of Cerebral Palsied Patients at the Mercy Hospital Children's Rehabilitation Center, Jo Ann Splon
The Effect of Music on Paradise Lost, Bernard J. Streicher
Influence of Increased Glucose and Insulin Administration on Certain Chemical Constituents of Normal and Coronary Occluded Heart of the Dog, Blanche Tigerman
Sources of Motivation in Othello's Tragic Action, George T. Tolbert
Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds by a Strain of Alcaligenes Fecalis, Jerry J. Tulis
A Study of Patients Known to Social Service and Discharged Ama from Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, From April 1, 53 Through October 31, 54, Julia Vailokaityte
Religious Instruction at Certain Catholic Mission Schools for Chinese Children in Canada and the United States, Lawrence Wei
Basic Principles of Segregated Education in Prewar Japanese Secondary Schools, Joseph P. Wellens
A Comparison of the Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Eastern States, Kathleen Winter
Saint John Chrysostom's Theory and Practice of Preaching, George John Wuest
Fractionation of Pituitary Tissue by Differential Centrifugation, Daniel Martin Ziegler
Theses/Dissertations from 1954
The Concept of Man in the Poetry of Robert Frost, William W. Adams
Services to Families of Patients Hospitalized in the Psychiatric Section of Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, Clara C. Alexander
Physical Causality in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Walter Joseph Bado
An Experimental Study of the Effect of the Trial Blot Administration on Child Rorschach Responses at the Eight Year Level, Joan Carroll Baldwin
The Hitler Youth Movement, 1933-1945, Forest Ernest Barber
King Versus Parliament in the Reign of Charles I, Robert E. Beckman
The Effect of Local Heat Application on the Human Skin, Fred Berthold Benjamin
A Study of Edmund Burke and the American Revolution, Lee Joseph Bennish
An Analysis of the Performances of Six-Month-Old Infants on the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Patricia Bledsoe