Theses/Dissertations from 1953
The History of Federal Protective Child Labor Legislation, Nello Paul Gamberdino
The Date and Sequence of the Terrible Sonnets of Gerard M. Hopkins, S.J., John Diedrich Gerken
Theodore Roosevelt's Work with Reference to the Conservation of Natural Resources, Mary Eusebia Glenney
The Uptake of Methionine by Tissues of Cancer-Susceptible Mice, Arthur Harvey Goldkamp
Unions and Job Evaluation, Warren Alfred Goodlad
The Performance of Delinquent Boys on the Furfey Developmental Age Scale, Mary Grace
Rorschach Patterns for Fifty Feebleminded Girls, William Anthony Guppy
The Effect of the Use and Threatened Use of Electric Shock on the Maze Learning of Human Subjects, Richard Joseph Haberle
John Adams Decides for Colonial Independence, Joseph James Hermiller
Compulsory Retirement Problems in Industry, Norbert William Heuel
An Orderly Presentation of Three Objects of Shelley's Symbolism., John Vincent Hopkins
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Far Western States, Barbara Huffman
The Genus Alcaligenes and Related Organisms, Rudolph Hugh
Status of Sociology in Public High Schools in Twelve Midwest States, William Anthony Juvancic
Establishment of a Wage and Allowance Plan for Students at the Illinois State Training School for Boys, Robert Laurence Kehoe
An Analysis of Fifty Independent Adoptions in Illinois, Eileen Mary Klinger
Some Characteristics of Endamoeba Histolytica Essentials in Egg Yolk, Miguel Kourany
A Social and Legal Analysis of the Secondary Boycott in Labor Disputes, Irving Kovarsky
The Metaphysics of the Passions According to the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, Kenneth Michael Kunert
Prediction of Academic Achievement and Professional Adjustment of Student Nurses by Use of the Group Rorschach Test, Henry Joseph Lambin
Thrift-Education in the High School Curriculum, Edwin Alexander Lederer
A Study of the Factors Involved in the Institutional and Post-Institutional Adjustment of Delinquent Boys, Paul Lenarduzzi
Age, Sex and Intelligence Differences in Size Constancy, Agnes James Leonas
A Study of Twenty-Four New Foster Fathers and Their Relationships to Their Foster Children, Florence Mae Levin
A Study Evaluating the Replacement of Children in Foster Homes of the Lutheran Homefinding Society, Geraldine Lewis
Experimental Acute Hypervolemic Heart Failure Due to the Rapid Infusion of Certain Plasma Expanders, Leonard Martin Lewis
The Meaning of "Imagination" In William Wordsworth's Prelude, Henry Robert Lynch
Treatment of Marital Discord in Catholic Social Agencies, Mary Joseph Lyons
Diplomatic Relations between the United States and the Vatican During the Civil War, Mary Salesia Martinkus
A Study of Contact with Social Agencies of Families in the Hillside Housing Project and Surrounding Area, Milwaukee, Wisconsin from January 8, 1948 to January 9, 1952, Edward P. Masterson
Pre-Retirement Practices of Ninety-Seven Companies in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Raymond Michael Maurello
A Study of the Spiritual Sonnets of Henry Constable, Mary Melora Mauritz
The Aesthetic and Spiritual Functions of Robert Southwell's Writing, Robert John McAuley
A Study of the Personality Characteristics of Engaged Couples in Relation to Expected Marital Adjustment, John Michael McCauley
A Study of Adoptive Placements of Children Five Years of Age Or Over When Placed, Mary Alice McDermott
American Critical Reception of the Later Novels of Sinclair Lewis, 1930-1951, Alan Eugene McFee
The Check-Off System in American Labor Relations, John Joseph McGeever
Ibsen's Moral Order Compared to Shakespeare's, Henrietta Marie McLoughlin
The Long Term Effects of Prefrontal Lobotomy on the Flicker Fusion Frequency of Light, Robert Francis Medina
The Immunology and Serology of Some Representative Members of the Parasitic Protozoan Flagellates, Nicholas J. Menolasino
Undergraduate Knowledge of Social Work, Harold James Merrill
A Longitudinal Study of the Leisure Activities of a Group of Intermediate Grade School Children in a Select Socio-Economic Area, Mary Madeleva Metten
The Social Problems of Clinical Patients at Mercy Free Dispensary, Joan Elizabeth Noll
A Comparison of Vocational Preferences of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Boys, Daniel Francis Novak
Intelligence and Social Maturity Changes in Feebleminded Children, Marguerite Jean O'Brien
Survey of the Concept of Workers' Education in Unions., L. A. O'Donnell
Studies on Iontophoresis, Edward Paul O'Malley
The Relationship between Parish Pastor and Diocesan Social Agency as Seen in Social Work Literature, Mary Alice O'Rourke
A Study of the Educational Financing of Students in Catholic Schools of Social Work in the United States : 1952-1953, Marie K. Otaka
A Comparative Study of Causative Factors of Dependency, Frank G. Partridge
A Study of the Parents Financial Indigence at the Time Their Children Were Committed to Children's Division, John Charles Pekarek
The Picture Frustration Study as an Index of Aggresive Behavior in Juvenile Delinquents, Francis Bernard Petrauskas
The Influence of Quinine, Cortisone, d-tubocurarine, and Prostigmine on the Responses of Mammalian Striated Muscle, John Faust Polli
Intuitive Knowledge in the Philosophy of John Duns Scotus, Daniel Wendelin Primac
The Criticism of the English Novel from 1836 to 1870 in Eight Leading British Literary Periodicals, Stanley Thomas Ptak
The Role of the Volunteer in the Diocesan Bureau of Catholic Charities, Christine Ragan
A Search for the Absolute in the Philosophy of Existence of Karl Jaspers, Zigmas Ramanauskas
A Study of First Admission Negroes Diagnosed as Having Alcoholism at Cook County Psychopathic Hospital between January 1, 1947 and December 31,1951, Henry Johnson Ratcliffe
The Sermon Style of Saint John Fisher, Herbert John Raterman
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Southern States, Mary Evelyn Reistroffer
The Ethical, Social, Economic and Political Aspects of the Point Four Program, Judy Sikes Rickher
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Near Western States, Clement V. Rogall
The Foundations of Hume's Notion of Causality, Donald Edward Ryan
The Various Functions of Irony in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Parson's Tale", Thomas Gerard Savage
An Interpretation of Iago, Daniel Clayton Schario
John Dewey's Philosophy of Education in Relation to Inquiry as Method and Process, Mary Dolores Schorsch
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the North Eastern Seaboard States, Vera Schwartz
The Concept of Obligation in Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, John Conlon Schwarz
The Economics of Productivity Changes and Their Effects on Wage Determination Under Collective Bargaining, Thomas Joseph Sheahan
The Nonjudgmental Attitude in Social Casework, Ruth Evelyn Sherlock
A Study of the Effects of Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Robert Aloysius Sliwinski
An Evaluation of Different Aspects of the Interscholastic Athletic Program of a Large City High School by Various Groups, James Harold Smith
Personality Differences between High and Low Academic Achievers in High School; a Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test Study, Louis Bernard Snider
Ionographic Properties of Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Robert Harry Spitzer
The Imagery of Father Tabb, Stella Marie Spitzley
The Effect of Frequency of Repetition on the Retention of Auditory Material Presented During Sleep, Thomas Stampfl
An Investigation of the Differences in Masculine-Feminine Interests Patterns of Three Groups of Women Students, Richard James Stanek
An Electromyographic Investigation of the Activity of the Thigh Muscles During Trunk Flexion and Extension, Leo Francis Stock
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Midwestern States, Astrid Margaret Strai
A Comparison of Structured Tests, Projective Techniques and Laboratory Procedures as Devices for Assessing Neurotic Personality, Francis J. Sweeney
A Study on Problems of Old Age Based upon Articles Appearing in Public Aid in Illinois from October, 1944 to April, 1952, William Joseph Thometz
A Study of Attitudes Toward Success and the Expression in the Lives of Professional Dance Musicians, Michael Patrick Tristano
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Counseling Programs for Student Nurses in Ten Chicago Area Schools of Nursing, Caroline Therese Ingeborg Bemberg Uhlmann
The Influence of Pyrogen Therapy on the Irradiation Syndrome, Joseph Anthony Ungari
The Analysis of Ten Case Records Focused on the Principle of Client Self-Determination in Social Casework, Martha L. Urbanowski
The Use of Symbolism in the Later Plays of Sean O'Casey, William E. Wengert
Inter-Agency Service : Its Function as Related to one Hundred Recipients Who Are Non-Residents of Illinois Requesting Service During June Through November 1952, Earline P. Woods
Legislative History and Administrative Procedures of the Evacuation Claims Act, John Y. Yoshino
Theses/Dissertations from 1952
A Comparison of Frustration Patterns as Revealed by Picture-Frustration Study Scores of Orphans and Non-Orphans, Aurelius Anthony Abbatiello
An Analysis and Appraisal of Induction Programs for New Elementary School Teachers with Reference to the Development of a Program for Chicago, Marion Benedict Amar
A Survey of the Historical and Higher Educational Aspects of Industrial Safety in Conjunction with a Suggested Curriculum for Training Professional Safety Administrators, Frederick Ian Anrod
The Interest of Catholic Leaders in Labor Problems 1875-1900, Jane Dominic Birney
The Lay Auxiliaries of the Missions, Margaret Genevieve Blaser
Correlation between Scores on the Kuhlmann-Anderson Scales and on the Performance Scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children in Testing Deaf Children, Edna Frances Bodjack
A Study of Twenty-Six Intellectually Superior Girls Known to the Institute for Juvenile Research, Bernice Marie Bunnell
Various Grievance Procedures Affecting Federal Employees Employed Outside the Continental United States, John William Clancy
Religious Women in Social Work--Their Training, Virginia Therese Conway
Casework Activities in the Mental Hygiene Clinic in the Chicago Regional Office of the Veterans Administration, Bernice Lewis Cooper