Theses/Dissertations from 1949
A Study of the Style and Content of the Poems of Thomas Merton, Paul E. Brewer
A Study of the Factors Associated with the Adjustment of One Hundred Delinquent Girls, Mabelle Hathaway Brooks
The Gothic Short Story in American Periodicals from 1800-1850 with Especial Reference to the Lady Books, Clarence E. Brown
The Influence of the Juvenile Drama on the Works of Robert Louis Stevenson, Malcolm T. Carron
An Analysis of the Poetry of Alice Meynell on the Basis of Her Personal Principles of Literature, Gertrude Agnes Carter
A Wartime History of Government Conciliation Service, Thomas J. Cleland
The Literary Relationship of Coventry Patmore and Alfred Lord Tennyson, Mary Paula Connor
The Contribution of Organized Labor to Safety, William John Cribben
Symbolism in the Novels and in the Ballad of the White Horse of G.K. Chesterton, Mary Cullen
A Study of Standards of Assistance of the Cook County Bureau of Public Welfare, Public Assistance Division, the City of Chicago Welfare Department and Selected Townships, Richard Joseph Cummings
A Study to Determine the Relative Achievement of Boys and Girls in Home Mechanics, John R. Cunnea
Manuel Ugarte and Hispanoamericanismo, Robert Welter Daly
A Study of the Transition from the Spirit of the Renaissance to the Spirit of Puritanism in the Early Poems of John Milton, Bernard John Dooley
Critical History and Evaluation of Euripides' Bacchae, John E. Festle
The Relationship between Scores on a Battery of Nursing Tests and Scholastic Achievement at the End of the Pre-Clinical Period, Patrick Fitzmaurice
Electrolyte Equilibria in Blood, Edward J. Fitzsimons
The Idea of God in the Philosophy of Moses Maimonides, James Hamilton Fleming
Suffering: Key to Francis Thompson, Vincent J. Forde
The British Venezuela Incident and the Attitude of the American People Toward Cleveland's Policy in Venezuela, Jenny Pauline Gerakitis
Mobilizing the Illinois Spirit for the Civil War, Robert P. Golonka
The Genesis and a Critical Review of John C. Calhoun's Political Theories, Gerald Peter Grace
The Roman Family in the Annals of Tacitus: A Consideration of the Family of the Annals and Its Objective Validity, Walter M. Hayes
The Attitude of the American People Toward the League of Nations, 1919-1939, Mary Mary Healy
E.E.Stoll and the Realist School of Shakespearean Criticism, Joseph Stanislaus Karol
A Comparative Analysis of the Medieval Element in the Prose of Sir Walter Scott and John Henry Newman, Margaret B. Kearney
The Relation of Herbert Hoover to Congress, 1929-1933, Loretta. Loretta Kehoe
An Analysis of Lucretius' Ethico-Theological Solution to the Problem of Superstition, Edward F. Kennedy
The Women Characters in Maurice Baring's Novels, M. Raymond Kornely
The Relationship between Wilson and Carranza, Mary Marotta Levaccare
A Comparison of the Two Principal Characters of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra with Their Prototypes in Plutarch's Life of Marcus Antonius, Robert G. Lynch
Wordsworth's Poetical Theory: An Explanation and Defense, James Lorenz Magmer
The "Point of Rest" in Three Shakespearean Tragedies, Edward F. Maloney
The Triumph of Collectivism: An Analysis of the Factors Involved in the Election of 1932, Richard A. Matre
The Nature of Errors in Serial Learning, Kiyoshi Matsukuma
The Troilus and Criseyde of Chaucer as Romance, William Charles McCusker
The Relationship of William H. Seward to the Trent Affair, Christopher J. McGarigle
The Influence of Coventry Patmore on Francis Thompson, Mary Carolyn McGinty
The Relations between the Religious Orders of the Diocese of Lincoln and Robert Grosseteste, John Francis Mitzel
Relationship of School Background to Reading Ability of One Hundred Disabled Readers, Mary Loretta Nolan
The Effect of Practice with Digits upon the Span of Retention in Children, Kathleen E. O'Brien
The Hierarchical Concept in Paradise Lost, Richard J. O'Brien
The Diplomatic Techniques of Daniel Webster as Revealed in His Negotiation of the Treaty of Washington, Mary Philomene O'Connor
The I.W.W. Since 1932, George Pearce
An Experimental Study of Related Processes in Span of Attention and in Perception, Jesse Ralph Pearson
The Supreme Court and the Struggle for Judicial Independence, 1860-1873, John Fay Philbin
The Wreck of the Deutschland and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius; A Comparison, John Joseph Powell
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Clement of Rome, with Special Reference to the Epistle of the Corinthians, John W. Raad
The Populist Challenge, 1889-1892, Wallace Ward Reichelt
Silas Deane - His Diplomatic Career, Catherine M. Ryan
The West Side Community Center , John Francis Sinnott
Liberalism and Conservatism in the Life and Works of Pedro Antonio De Alarcon, Mary Josephine Stack
The Factors Which Influence the Teacher's Mark in Arithmetic, Mary Francis Thinnes
The Alliterations in Virgil's Aeneid with Special Reference to Books I-VI, Mary Rosia Thoma
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of St. John Chrysostom with Special Reference to Selected Homilies on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, Henry A. Toczydlowski
An Analysis of Macbeth According to Scholastic Aesthetics, William George Topmoeller
The Religious Element in the Poetry of Matthew Arnold in Relation to the Victorian Era, Mary Maristella Wagner
Moral and Social Aspects of the Plays of Juan Ruiz De Alarcon, Mary Madeline Walsh
Perseveration and the Rate of Recovery After the Psychogalvanic Response, Charles August Weisgerber
An Investigation Into the Relationship Between Racial Prejudice and Personality, Donald Edward Williams
The Position of John Donne's Sermons in Early Seventeenth Century Prose, Raymond L. Zeitz
A Tracing of the Melancholy in the Poetry of John Keats, James J. Zigerell
The Speed of Learning in Relation to the Amount Retained After Different Time Intervals Following Original Learning, George H. Zimny
Theses/Dissertations from 1948
The Effect of the Election of 1876 Upon the South, Mary Helen Barnes
A Study of the Policies and Practices of Unemployment Compensation Agencies Concerning In-Service Training, Roscoe Leonard Barrett
A Study of the Origins of Cicero's Consolatory Writings and Their Effectiveness in the Author's Own Life, Charles J. Brannen
The Construction of a Blueprint For a Comprehension Test in Religion, Marian Bernice Burke
The Opinion of the Religious Press Towards Wilson's Mexican Policy, Thomas R. Byrne
The Attitude of the Catholic Press Regarding the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, Jude Aloysius Cantwell
A Study of the Electromotive Force Developed in Grignard Solutions, Frank P. Cassaretto
James Wilson and the Sovereignty of the People in the Philadelphia Convention of 1787, Jeremiah E. Connolly
The Position of George Russell (A.E.) in the Celtic Renaissance, Helen M. Dalton
Cicero's Views on Historical Composition as Exemplified in Caesar's Gallic Wars, Francis X. Dolan
Traditionalism in the Dramas of Tamayo Y Baus, Mary G. Dolan
The Problem of the Best Form of Government in Thomistic Political Philosophy, George Drury
The American Labor Leader: A Statistical Survey and Interpretative Study, Irving Frederick Friedman
An Analysis of John Collop's Poesis Rediviva, Mary Ann Ida Gannon
Expressionism in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Luke Maurelius Grande
Charles Carroll of Carrollton: A Member of the Continental Congress, 1776-1778, Bernard D. Haas
The Development of Pragmatism in William James with Special Reference to the Attacks on the Universality of the Moral Law, Louise Hawthorne
The Relationship of Tractarianism and Pre-Raphaelitism, Mary Henrietta Henrietta
The Problem of the External World in David Hume, John G. Herrmann
Rhetorical Principles in Newman's Present Position and Their Relationship with Those of Aristotle as Outlined in His Rhetoric, Paul A. Hummert
Labor and the Conflict of Federal Commerce Power and State Police Power, Mark James Jennings
Literary Pre-Raphaelitism of William Morris as Exemplified in the Defence of Guenevere and Other Poems and Scenes from the Fall of Troy, Mary Dorothy Klaers
The "Psychological" Proof For the Existence of God Developed By Saint Augustine, Patrick J. Kremer
A Descriptive Survey of the Council of Catholic Women of the Archdiocese of Chicago, John H. Kuhlmey
The Relations Between America and Britain 1791-1795, as Centered in Neutrality and the Jay Treaty, Virginia Agnes Kuhn
The Realism of Ellen Glasgow, Lucius Michael Kump
The Medieval Latin Vocabulary of the Letters of John of Salisbury, Casimir F. Kuszynski
The Theory of Supposition: An Answer to Some of the Difficulties of Modern Logicians, Norman H. Langenderfer
The Clothing Situation in the American Revolutionary Army, Richard G. Leonard
Foundations to American Nationalism as Viewed Through John Marshall's Early Life and Three of His Decisions in Constituional Law, Earl McKinley Lewis
Critical Analysis of the Artistic Principles of William Dean Howell's Criticism and Fiction By Means of a Comparison with Aristotle's Poetics, Richard H. Lundstrom
Dickens' Reform Purpose in the Child Characters of His Novels, Marie Agnes McCall
Chaucer's Consistency in His Portrait of the Monk in the Canterbury Tales, David F. McCarthy
Self-Realization in the Works of Henrik Ibsen, Richard A. McCormick
Representative Attitudes Toward Child Labor, Mary Loyola McDonald
A Survey of the Status of the Jews and the Germans in Poland Up to 1939, Jane. Jane. McKinley
T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets: A Study in Explication, Willis Everett McNelly