Theses/Dissertations from 1952
The Lay Auxiliaries of the Missions, Margaret Genevieve Blaser
Correlation between Scores on the Kuhlmann-Anderson Scales and on the Performance Scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children in Testing Deaf Children, Edna Frances Bodjack
A Study of Twenty-Six Intellectually Superior Girls Known to the Institute for Juvenile Research, Bernice Marie Bunnell
Various Grievance Procedures Affecting Federal Employees Employed Outside the Continental United States, John William Clancy
Religious Women in Social Work--Their Training, Virginia Therese Conway
Casework Activities in the Mental Hygiene Clinic in the Chicago Regional Office of the Veterans Administration, Bernice Lewis Cooper
A Study of the Resettlement of Displaced Persons in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Francis William Curtin
A Comparison of the Responses of Adjusted and Maladjusted Children on a Thematic Apperception Test, Therese Lorraine De Sousa
Performance of Children of the Same Mental Age on the Revised Stanford-Binet Scale, Form L, Mary Fidelissima Dzik
The Relationship of Reasoning Ability to Achievement in an Elementary Course in Quantitative Analysis, Richard Harold Elliston
The Court and Probation : A Survey of Informal Judicial Opinion Reflected in Articles of Federal Probation Quarterly, 1935-1950, Sheldon Engerman
An Historical and Critical Analysis of the Eudaemonological Argument for the Existence of God, William Jogues Ennen
A Study of Guidance Center Adjustment Plans for Dull Normal Boys, James Joseph Flynn
A Study of Guidance Center Adjustment Plans for Dull Normal Girls, Rita Stalzer Flynn
The Effect of Employment on the Socio-Medical Adjustment of the Diabetic Receiving Clinic Care, Audrey B. Fountain
A Measurement of the Accuracy of Self-Appraisal of College Students with Reference to Certain Aspects of Their Personalities, Jerome Frankel
The Role of Turnus in the Aeneid, Henry A. Gardocki
A Study of Humanism and Its Place in the Epics of Homer, James Norbert Gelson
A Study of the Finite God of Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Justin Donald Hayes
The Use of Precedent in Labor Arbitration, Joseph Raymond Hlavin
Philosophy of Natural Rights According to John Locke, Mark Francis Hurtubise
The Relationship between Achievement of the Wechsler Memory Scale and the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test for a Heterogeneous Group of Mental Patients, Lennart Charles Johnson
A Study of Cerebral Palsied Children Who Have Been Dismissed from School, Winifred Hill Jones
The Influence of the Labor Party on the Extension of Government Controls, 1906-1940, Walter Joseph Kapica
The Economic Effect of Military Mobilization on the Families of Enlisted Personnel, Geraldyn Wynona Kelley
Kierkegaard's Problem and His Theory of Existence, William Leo Kelly
Catholic Charity Bureau, John Francis Kenney
The Personal Problems of one Hundred Twelfth Grade Negro Students, Ida Belle King
Administrative Services for the Improvement of Reading in a Diocesan School System with Special Reference to the Retarded Reader, Richard John Kleiber
The Philosophical Thought of a Fourteenth Century Mystic, John Tauler, O. P., Hannah Laura Klein
An Analysis of the Applications Made to Family Service of the Rockford Catholic Charities, Rita Kortendick
The Establishment of a St. Coletta School for Retarded Boys in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Francine Lamb
An Analysis of Known Independent Interstate Adoptions in Illinois, Helen Joan Lane
Emotional Conflict, a Key to Artistic Unity of Character and Incident in Hamlet, Leonard Joseph Langenderfer
A Statistical Study of the 514 Local Residents Served by Chicago Travelers Aid, Patricia Dolores Leonard
Public Opinion and the Portsmouth Conference, Bernadette Long
The Nature of Errors Made by Children in Serial Learning, John P. Ly
A Definition of Social Services Rendered to Patients with the Major Diagnosis of Diabetes Admitted to the Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois During March, April and May, 1951, Margaret Bennett Many
The Effects of the Transfer of Training in Teaching Algebra to a Ninth Grade Group, Mary Roserita McGuire
A Study of Children Placed in Institutions by Children's Division, Chicago Welfare Department, Bernice Anne McNeela
A Study of the Expressed Opinion of the Papacy in the American Secular Press, John V. Mentag
The Catholic Community League of Canton, Incorporated : An Historical Progress Report, Helen L. Meyer
A Survey of the Problems of Girls in Catholic High Schools, Rosemary Moody
The Services Rendered by the Medical Social Worker in the Area of Discharge Problems of the Chronically Ill Service Patients Hospitalized at Mount Sinai Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, for a Period of Four Weeks Or Longer During 1951, Dorothy Rosenthal Morwitz
The Role of the Vis Cogitativa in the Prudential Syllogism According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Joseph A. Muenzer
The American Attitude Toward the First Moroccan Crisis and the Algeciras Conference, Betty Mullen
A Study of the Religious Participation of Catholic Delinquent Boys Detained in the Arthur Audy Home from July to November, 1951, Joseph Patrick Munday
The History of the Chicago Resettlers Committee, Christian S. Nakama
The Nomination of Warren G. Harding--1920, Joseph Hamilton Neale
The Doctrine of St. Augustine on Sense Knowledge, Daniel M. O'Malley
Sex Differences in Selective Forgetting, John Daniel O'Malley
The Analysis and Appraisal of the Master of Education Degree Program at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1934 to 1951, Arthur Peter O'Mara
A Comparison between Unemotional and Emotional Stimuli in Regard to Haggard's Ratios and Variances, Lee Francis Osborn
The Relationship of the Bayonet Constitution of 1887 to the Hawaiian Revolution of 1893, Donald Julius O'Shaughnessy
A Study of the Social History and Characteristics of Long Term ADC Cases, Ines T. Pannell
The Study of Warsaw : A Study of the Opposition to Its Existence by Russia, Prussia and Austria, Bernadine Florence Pietraszek
A Comparative Statistical Study of Eighty Non-Recidivous and Recidivous Deliquents, William S. Pilcher
The Role of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in the Adjustment of the Mexican Community to Life in the Indiana Harbor Area, Mary Helen Rogers
A Study of Male Alcoholics by Means of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Leonard J. Rothfeld
Voice and Address in the Poetry of Robert Lowell, Mary Pacis Roth
A Study of Female Offenders Known to the United States Probation Office in the Federal District of Northern Illinois Whose Cases Were Discharged from Supervision During 1948, 1949 and 1950, Matthew Gerard Ryan
A Social Study of Sixty-Two Youthful Narcotic Addicts, Joseph Paul Sanculius
A Study of the Children's Receiving Home, Maywood, Illinois ; An Institution for the Care of Dependent Children, Alvina Marie Sandholm
An Analysis of the Case Records of Forty-Four Community Patients Known to the Chicago Community Clinic from July 1947 Through June 1951, Helen Sankofski
The Expansion of a Single-Valued Function of Several Variables Having for Its RangeaDenumerable Set of Real Numbers and for Its Domain of DefinitionaSet of Real Numbers, Nicholas Christ Scholomiti
The Social and Economic Status of the Older Worker, William George Scott
The Louisiana Purchase ; The Constitutional Difficulties of the Louisiana Treaty, Robert John Shanahan
Group Effects on Reasoning Functions, Walter Joseph Smith
The Part Played by Certain Regulators in the American Revolution, Lorraine Marie Stajdohar
A Rorschach Study of the Effect of Electric Shock Treatment on the Schizophrenic Personality, Anthony B. Tabor
Process Analysis of Rorschach Interpretation, Anthony B. Tabor
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Attitude and Emotion, Marshall J. Webb
A Study of Some Interactions between Newcastle Virus and Certain Animal Parasites., Viola Mae Young
Realistic Devices in Sir James Matthew Barrie's Dramatic Fantasies, Catherine Giovannetti Zachar
Imperial Russian Interest and Intervention in Korea, 1860-1903, Edmund J. Zvetina
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
A Study of the Omnipresence and Immensity of God, Patrick Francis Ahern
An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy as Exemplified in the Comic Characters of the Canterbury Tales, Clarice Asbury
The Comtist Strain in the Novels of George Eliot, James Donald Barry
The Development of the Child Welfare Department of the Green Bay Diocese Apostolate, Mary Claire Brady
Governor Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Republican Machine, Lawrence Joseph Cross
Psychiatric Consultation Service : Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross, Mary Jane D'Ambrosio
A Study of the Provisions for General Assistance in Illinois from 1790 to 1950, Margaret S. Dardwin
A Review of 113 Case Records of Families Receiving Homemaker Service from the Chicago Department of Welfare from October 1, 1948 Through March 31, 1949, Julia R. Deterville
A Follow-Up Study of Twenty Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery from 1946 to 1950, Joan Duffy
Panslavism as a Factor of Russian Imperialism in the Balkans Before the World War I, Stefan S. Falez
American Attitude Toward World War II During the Period from September 1939, to December, 1941, Mary Gertina Feffer
The Role of Love in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, Rosemary Fitzpatrick
The Growth and Development of Madonna Center, a Catholic Social Settlement, Margaret A. Galvin
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Flavius Josephus with Special Reference to the Jewish War (Books I to VII), Chester S. Goldstein
Exemplarism in Saint Thomas Aquinas, Frederick Charles Herx
A Study of 202 Children Referred to the Family Court of Cook County for Unspecified Neglect, Irma L. Hillery
The Slovenian Minority in Italy 1918-1943 : A Study of the Policy of the Italian Government, Dushan Valentine Humar
American Attitude Towards Philippine Independence During President Wilson's Administration, Mary Annette Lapinski
A Study of Being as the Proper Object of Suarez' Metaphysics, Francis J. Litton
St. Thomas' Principle of Individuation, Materia Quantitate Signata , Joseph M. Loftus
A Comparative Study of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Catholic Youth Organization, John P. Ly
A Statistical Study of 166 Patients on Family Care Status Under the Chicago State Hospital Program : February, 1942--January 1, 1950, Helen C. Lynch