Theses/Dissertations from 1954
The Development of the Lutheran Charities' Child Care Division, Ruth Mathilda Blom
The Effect of a Strike on the Right of Workers to Vote in a Bargaining Representation Election, Henry Anthony Budzinski
An Analysis of the Length of Time Patients Remain in Treatment at the Mental Hygiene Clinic Service of the West Side Veterans Administration Hospital of Chicago, Illinois, Marietta J. Bundy
The Elementary Educational Program in the Rural Schools of Mexico, Jacqueline Lois Cadwell
The Initial Reading Program in Mexico, Louise Marion Cadwell
John Dewey's Concept of Truth, Peter Joseph Cahill
The Problems of the Identity of the Praecipere of Prudence as Found in St. Thomas, Cornelia Mary Callahan
A Study of Automobile Thefts in the Chicago Area, John Charles Callahan
Evaluation of the Intake Program of the Audy Home, James Edward Chambers
Bradley's Theory of Tragedy : Analysis and Critique, Thomas William Charbeneau
Fall and Resurgence of Art in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Frederick Paul Chenderlin
The Influence of the Walker Commissions on the Isthmian Canal Question, John Walter Christian
The Ultimate Norm of Morality in the Tragedies of Sophocles, Paul Francis Conen
Guidance Institute in Socio-Economic Problems : The John Carroll Program, John Joseph Connelly
The Use of Expressionism in Three Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Charles A. Conroy
Studies on the Influence of Perfusate Potassium Concentration on Phosphate Metabolism in the Isolated Rabbit Heart, Jerry Stuart Cowan
Aristophanes' Criticism of Euripides, Matthew Eugene Creighton
The Value of the School Research Experience to the Student of Social Work, Jeanine Marie Deka
A Survey of Company Policies on Garnishments and Wage Assignments in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Thomas Edward De Pinto
An Experimental Study of Rorschach Performance of Six-Year-Olds with and without a Trial Block, Katusha Marilyn Didenko
A Study of 100 Postwar Irish Immigrants in the City of Chicago, 1953, Patrick Joseph Dillon
Changes in the Organization of the Field Services Program of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Charles William Dixon
A Study of the Humor of Ronald Firbank as Revealed Through Critical Analysis of His Novels, Agnes McNeill Donohue
Judgments of the Self Made in the Absence of Self-Recognition, Richard George Doyle
The Role of the Social Worker in the Home Medical Care Program at Mercy Free Dispensary, Mary Gwendoline Durkin
A Study of Family Allowances Made in Owen Sound, ontario, Canada, Cecelia Agnes Eberle
The Non-Communist Affidavit of the Labor Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act : Its Effectiveness and Legality, Clayton F. Everett
A Study of Selected Intake in the Salvation Army Family Service Division, M. Rosalie Farwell
The Uniform, Arms, And Equipment of the Union Soldier, 1861-1865, John Joseph FitzGerald
The Narcotic Problem Among Juveniles in Chicago, 1950-1953, Mary Elizabeth FitzSimmons
A Study of the Original Norms of the Furfey Developmental Age Scale Witha1952 Population, Edward Maurice Flaherty
The Influence of Duns Scotus on Gerard Manley Hopkins, Lenore Marie Fleming
Some Problems in Diuresis, James Wendell Flesher
Rorschach and Wechsler-Bellevue Changes Following Electric Shock Therapy in the Aged, James Joseph Flynn
American Historians' Opinion of the Reasons for the Pearl Harbor Attack, Mary Antonetta Foley
In Defence of Lycidas : A Study of Emotion in Milton's Elegy, Robert Joseph Fox
A Psychological Investigation of the Effect of Learning a Foreign Language on the Development of Certain Skills in English, Alan J. Fredian
The Utilization of Sulfur Amino Acids During the Healing of Experimental Wounds, Herbert Jerome Fromm
Analysis and Evaluation of the Methods of Selection and Training of Police Officers in Principal Cities of the United States, Thomas Maurice Frost
A Study of the Characteristics of Twenty-Five Maladjusted High School Girls, Mary Margarita Geartts
Proposed Governmental Reforms for Chicago, George Spiro Georgacopulos
A Study of the Imaginal Qualities of Poetry Based on Descriptive Passages of Milton and Coleridge, John Sebastian Gerrietts
Blue Cross-Blue Shield : Past, Present, And Future, Edwin Bernard Gilroy
The Comparison of Problem Areas for Entering Juniors and Leaving Seniors at Jones Commercial High School, Ruth Mary Gorman
Basic Criteria Used in Voluntary Wage Arbitration in the United States, August 15, 1945-June 30, 1953, Paul Bernard Grant
Studies on Barbiturate Reversal, Jonas Antanas Gylys
A Critical Analysis of the Wage Stabilization Board, As Established by the Defense Production Act of 1950, Amended, Neil Laurance Harmon
A Study of the Factors Involved in Re-Admission to the Hospital of Fifty-Eight Veterans Treated for Psychiatric Illness, Modia Hawkins
Rorschach Responses of Nine-Year Old Children, Catherine J. Ivis
An Analysis of the Problem of Illiteracy in India, Teresa K. Kalathiveetil
The Methods of Training Supervisors in the Leading Airline Companies in the Chicago Area, William Bernard Kelly
A Modified Thunberg Method for the Study of the Action of Antibiotics on Micrococci, Ann Mary Kennedy
Common Factors in the Social Histories of U. S. Army Servicemen Sentenced to the Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Eleanor C. Knox
Employment and Occupational Adjustment of Probations and Parolees, Anthony Stephen Kuharich
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and the Formation of the Republic of China, Hans Kuo-Hsiung Kung
The Discriminatory Power of Time-Phase Patterns in at Stories, George Ridley Lewis
Towers 1954, Loyola University College of Commerce
The Social and Economic Aspects of Family Allowances to Wage Earners in the United States, John Francis Madden
A Critical Evaluation of Electromigration in Stabilized Electrolytes, Edward Philip Marbach
A Critical Analysis of 140 Illinois Workmen's Compensation Settlements in the Year 1952 in a Soap Manufacturing Company in Chicago, Laurence Joseph McCarthy
An Analysis of the Length of Time Patients Remain in Treatment at the West Side Veteran's Administration Hospital Mental Hygiene Clinic Service, Chicago, Illinois, Rosemarie McGuire
A Study of Sixty Prima Facie Korean Veterans Known to the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene Clinic in Chicago, Illinois from July 1952 Through January 1953, Richard Mitchell
The Choctaw Nation and the Dawes Commission, Jeanne Francis Moore
The Social Role of the Catholic Girl Scout Movement : A Study of the Chicago Area, M. Mercedes Moore
Approximations to the Industry Council Plan in American Industry, Isabelle Gladys Morello
The Meaning of Independence to the Philippines Since July 4, 1946, Mary Morello
A Comparison of Two Adjustment Inventories on the Eighth-Grade Level, Elizabeth Jane Murphy
A Study of Chromatic Stereo-Effects, Thaddeus Rudolph Murroughs
A Study of the Influence of the Temporal Position of Success and Failure upon Level of Aspiration, Robert Clair Nicolay
The Austro-Slovenian Frontier Question at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Bogdan Novak
The Repeal of the Stamp Act : George the Third and the Marquis of Rockingham, David Alfred O'Dowd
Aspects of the Perry Mission and the Opening of Japan, Mary Agnes O'Grady
An Evaluation of Geography Achievements of Grade VIII-A Chicago Public School Pupils in Terms of Objectives for Teaching Geography, Aldan Francis O'Hearn
Modernism and the Works of Gutierrez Najera, Patricia Hagey Olson
Iontophoresis: Fundamental Experimental Studies Using Radio-Isotopes, Edward Paul O'Malley
Two American Concurrences in the 'Industry Council Plan', Thomas Raymond Overkleeft
The Thurstone Temperament Schedule as an Instrument of Supervisory Evaluation, Francis Xavier Paone
The Hemodynamic Adjustments in the Carotid Sinus Pressor Reflex, Harry John Pappas
Studies on the Structure of Pepsin : An N-Terminal Sequence and the C-Terminal Groups, John Martin Passmann
Study of the Primary Salt Effect and of the Change in Dielectric Constant of the Medium on the Kinetics of the Urease-Urea Reaction, William R. Pasterczyk
A Study of Children of Families Receiving ADC Who Become Employed between the Ages of Sixteen and Nineteen, Leona Pliske
A Study of the Philosophical Thought and Background in Hamlet, Thomas E. Porter
Private Old-Age Retirement and Disability Allowance Plans in the Local Transit Industry, Thomas James Prost
The Sociological Benefits of a Parish Survey, Ann Judith Provancher
Profit Sharing - A Means of Economic Cooperation between Labor, Management, And Government, James H. Quill
The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of the Dog Myocardium, John Rebar
Thomas Merton as Poet of the Liturgy, Mary Paul Reilly
The Educational Work and Theory of Frans De Hovre, Raymond P. Renson
A Follow-Up Study Juvenile Commitments to the Milwaukee County Hospital for Mental Dieases from 1938 to 1947 Inclusive, Margaret Fitzgerald Rice
The Attitude of the United States Senate Toward the Versailles Treaty, Michael Agnes Roche
Some Aspects of the Mission of Joel Roberts Poinsett to Buenos Aires and Chile 1810-1814, Charles E. Ronan
Studies on the Correlation of Brain Diazo Coupling Reaction Levels and the Activity of Para Substituted Phenols in Experimental Poliomyelitis, Pierre-Georges Roy
The Alien and Sedition Laws and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, John Arthur Russell
A Study of Some Foster Children Who Became Delinquent, A. Elizabeth Ryan
The Use of Acceptance as Found in the Words and Works of Saint Vincent De Paul, Harry William Schloetter
A History of Catholic Orphan Homes in the United States, 1727 to 1884, Mary Viatora Schuller
Studies on Heat-Inactivated Salmonella Antibodies, William Scotese
Social Implications of the Commitment Laws Governing the Mentally Ill, Annie Louise Scruggs
The Casework Relationship, Mary Elizabeth Scully
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Trial Blot Administration of the Rorschach Test with Seven-Year-Old Children, Leonard Andrew Setze