Theses/Dissertations from 1952
The Role of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in the Adjustment of the Mexican Community to Life in the Indiana Harbor Area, Mary Helen Rogers
A Study of Male Alcoholics by Means of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Leonard J. Rothfeld
Voice and Address in the Poetry of Robert Lowell, Mary Pacis Roth
A Study of Female Offenders Known to the United States Probation Office in the Federal District of Northern Illinois Whose Cases Were Discharged from Supervision During 1948, 1949 and 1950, Matthew Gerard Ryan
A Social Study of Sixty-Two Youthful Narcotic Addicts, Joseph Paul Sanculius
A Study of the Children's Receiving Home, Maywood, Illinois ; An Institution for the Care of Dependent Children, Alvina Marie Sandholm
An Analysis of the Case Records of Forty-Four Community Patients Known to the Chicago Community Clinic from July 1947 Through June 1951, Helen Sankofski
The Expansion of a Single-Valued Function of Several Variables Having for Its RangeaDenumerable Set of Real Numbers and for Its Domain of DefinitionaSet of Real Numbers, Nicholas Christ Scholomiti
The Social and Economic Status of the Older Worker, William George Scott
The Louisiana Purchase ; The Constitutional Difficulties of the Louisiana Treaty, Robert John Shanahan
Group Effects on Reasoning Functions, Walter Joseph Smith
The Part Played by Certain Regulators in the American Revolution, Lorraine Marie Stajdohar
A Rorschach Study of the Effect of Electric Shock Treatment on the Schizophrenic Personality, Anthony B. Tabor
Process Analysis of Rorschach Interpretation, Anthony B. Tabor
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Attitude and Emotion, Marshall J. Webb
A Study of Some Interactions between Newcastle Virus and Certain Animal Parasites., Viola Mae Young
Realistic Devices in Sir James Matthew Barrie's Dramatic Fantasies, Catherine Giovannetti Zachar
Imperial Russian Interest and Intervention in Korea, 1860-1903, Edmund J. Zvetina
Theses/Dissertations from 1951
A Study of the Omnipresence and Immensity of God, Patrick Francis Ahern
An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy as Exemplified in the Comic Characters of the Canterbury Tales, Clarice Asbury
The Comtist Strain in the Novels of George Eliot, James Donald Barry
The Development of the Child Welfare Department of the Green Bay Diocese Apostolate, Mary Claire Brady
Governor Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Republican Machine, Lawrence Joseph Cross
Psychiatric Consultation Service : Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross, Mary Jane D'Ambrosio
A Study of the Provisions for General Assistance in Illinois from 1790 to 1950, Margaret S. Dardwin
A Review of 113 Case Records of Families Receiving Homemaker Service from the Chicago Department of Welfare from October 1, 1948 Through March 31, 1949, Julia R. Deterville
A Follow-Up Study of Twenty Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery from 1946 to 1950, Joan Duffy
Panslavism as a Factor of Russian Imperialism in the Balkans Before the World War I, Stefan S. Falez
American Attitude Toward World War II During the Period from September 1939, to December, 1941, Mary Gertina Feffer
The Role of Love in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, Rosemary Fitzpatrick
The Growth and Development of Madonna Center, a Catholic Social Settlement, Margaret A. Galvin
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Flavius Josephus with Special Reference to the Jewish War (Books I to VII), Chester S. Goldstein
Exemplarism in Saint Thomas Aquinas, Frederick Charles Herx
A Study of 202 Children Referred to the Family Court of Cook County for Unspecified Neglect, Irma L. Hillery
The Slovenian Minority in Italy 1918-1943 : A Study of the Policy of the Italian Government, Dushan Valentine Humar
American Attitude Towards Philippine Independence During President Wilson's Administration, Mary Annette Lapinski
A Study of Being as the Proper Object of Suarez' Metaphysics, Francis J. Litton
St. Thomas' Principle of Individuation, Materia Quantitate Signata , Joseph M. Loftus
A Comparative Study of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Catholic Youth Organization, John P. Ly
A Statistical Study of 166 Patients on Family Care Status Under the Chicago State Hospital Program : February, 1942--January 1, 1950, Helen C. Lynch
Modernism in the Prose and Verse of Ruben Dario, Robert C. Mac Neely
Francis Thompson : Poet of Divine Love, Robert Joseph Mayer
A Study of the Religious Life and Opinions of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D., Ella McElligott
Satirical Methods in Eight Novels of Evelyn Waugh, Joseph Thomas McIntyre
The Caribbean Lands and the American Revolution, Consuela Mary McKee
Children Referred to the Family Court of Cook Country for Delinquent Behavior, Mary Splinter Nicklaus
The Utilization of the Literature of Industrial Sociology in Teaching the Papal Social Encyclicals, James J. O'Gara
The Necessity of a Priori Forms in Kant, Francis Mathias Oppenheim
A Comparative Study of the Supreme Good of Plato's Republic and of the God of Dionysius' De Divinis Nominibus, Nicholas A. Predovich
A Critique of the Family as Envisaged in the Teachings of Confucius, Caroline Elizabeth Prom
The Institutional Child Looks at the Family, Lee W. Rockwell
Old-Age Pensions, An Answer and a Problem, Leo A. Rodell
An Analysis of the Cases Under Care with the Society of St. Vincent De Paul of Racine, Wisconsin from January 1, 1947 to January 1, 1948, Margaret Pieh Rogan
The Attitude and Opinion of the Press Toward Cordell Hull's Latin American Policy 1933-1939, Mildred C. Rogers
An Evaluation of the Opinion of Father Arthur Little Concerning Art and Morality, William Dennis Ryan
An Analysis of the Relationships Existing between the Number and Kinds of Problems of Children and Their Degree of Intelligence, Herbert L. Sachs
The Development of Shakespearean Character Analysis in England from 1665 to 1786, Harry F. Sebastian
A Study of one Hundred and Seventy New Applicants at the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene Clinic from January 1, 1950 Through March 31, 1950, Martha Gloria Sellers
Pre-Commitent Factors AmongaSelected Group of Delinquent Girls, Joan Jane Shaw
The Legal and Learned Opinion of the Destroyer-Naval Base Deal of 1940, Rita Elizabeth Shaw
An Analysis of the Case Histories of Thirty Patients Classified as Schizophrenic WithaPregnancy Or Postpartum Factor, Bernice Sherlock
An Analysis of the Religious Influences in 100 Cases Known to the Juvenile Bureau of the Chicago Park District, Georgia R. Smith
American Relations with the Weimar Republic 1919-1930, Lawrence Edmund Sommers
Pompey, the Man, as Delineated by Cicero in His Correspondence, in the Light of Other Ancient Testimony, Edward Francis Stace
The Effects of Radio Programs on Recognitive Memory in High School Students, William Edwin Tatter
Spanish-American Relations, 1776-1783, Thomas Theodore Thalken
The Roman Catholic Religion AsaSource and Instrument of Social Control in the United States, Donald J. Thorman
Gilson's Epistemology, Gerard Van den Hurk
Parents' Reasons for Premature Termination of Contacts in a Child Guidance Center, Fred Donnel Whelan
A Study of Fifty Mentally Retarded Children in a Supervised Play Group Experience, Frances Mary Wilkins
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Virgil's Choice of Aeneas in the Light of His Purpose in Writing the Aeneid, John Patrick Beall
A Study of the Mechanisms of Pupillary Dilatation, Beatrice Ann Berteau
The Structure of the Lymphoid Tissues In the Adrenalectomized Albino Rat, James C. Beyer
The Yakima Indian War: 1855-1856, William Norbert Bischoff
Lowell the Political Satirist: A Study of His Use of Literature as a Medium for His Political Thought, 1846-1867, De Lourdes Bragg
Hamlet's Concept of Christian Womanhood, the Major Motive-Force for His Actions, Charles J. Cagney
The Comic Principles of the Tractatus Coislinianus as Exemplified in the Savoy Libretti of William Schwenk Gilbert with Emphasis on Patience and Iolanthe, Mary Sheila Cannon
Personalities and Issues of the Presidential Election of 1920, Jeanne Rita Demling
Programs and Policies of Political Action of American Trade Unions, 1828-1928, Donald H. Devine
Toussaint Louverture: Relations with Great Britain and the United States, 1798-1802, Rosemary Downey
The Theistic Problems in the Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Robert C. Dressman
Employers' Relationship to the Illinois Unemployment Compensation Act, Robert F. Du Mont
The 1907 Financial Upheaval, Laurette M. Dunne
The History and Educational Program of St. Patrick Academy: 1850-1950, Conrad Leo Gilskey
The Histological Structure of the Albino Rat Thyroid and Pituitary Glands After the Administration of 2-Thiouracil and 6-n-Propyl Thiouracil, Gareth Benway Gish
Select Elegies of Sidronius Hosschius, S.J., Leo Thomas Gourde
The Loyolan 1950, Loyola University Chicago
An Annotated Translation of the Life of St. Thomas Becket by Herbert Bosham (part Three), Mary Benetta Luonas
A Comparison of Standard and Varied Forms of Administering and Scoring the Revised Stanford-Binet, Form L, Jeanne McRae McCarthy
The Jesuits and the Popish Plot, Robert Joseph Murphy
Saint Joseph Home of the Divine Child, an Institution for the Care of Dependent Boys, Hammond, Indiana, Richard J. Podgorski
Horatian Themes and Phrases in the Lyrics of Father James Balde, S.J., James Aloysius Voss
Theses/Dissertations from 1949
The Personal Relationship of Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift as Revealed by Their Mutual Correspondence, John F. Abel
The Issues of the Election of 1916, John D. Alexander
The Political Problems in Mississippi During the Reconstruction Period 1863-1876, John J. Beckman
The Way of Purgation in the Works of Alice Meynell, Richard Ferdinand Bocklage
A Study of the Effects of a Coloured Episcotister on Brightness Matches with Grays, Lillian-Frances Bowden
An Analysis of the Marriage Theme in the Unknown Eros of Coventry Patmore, Dorothy Bresnahan