Presenter Information

Emma GeiserFollow


Political Science

Anticipated Graduation Year


Access Type

Open Access


The outreach tactics and target population of non-governmental organizations vary by country and political & cultural climates. This project centers on NGO outreach to different populations of at-risk youth in both the Western and Eastern hemisphere. In Italy, there exists a generation of children of immigrants that are not automatically granted citizenship due to Italy's traditional naturalization laws. In Vietnam, the Khmer ethnic minority makes up 1.38% of the Vietnamese population and is a traditionally agrarian group. Despite the differences in political and cultural climate, the common denominator between these two groups of at-risk youth is the impact of educational opportunities and academic performance.

Faculty Mentors & Instructors

Dr. Mine Cinar, PhD., Faculty Sponsor, Department of Economics; Dr. Anne Wingenter, PhD., Italy Research Supervisor, John Felice Rome Center; Dr. Ngyuen Luu Bao Doan, PhD., Vietnam Research Supervisor, Vietnam Center

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



The Impact of NGO Outreach on At-Risk Youth Populations in Italy and Vietnam

The outreach tactics and target population of non-governmental organizations vary by country and political & cultural climates. This project centers on NGO outreach to different populations of at-risk youth in both the Western and Eastern hemisphere. In Italy, there exists a generation of children of immigrants that are not automatically granted citizenship due to Italy's traditional naturalization laws. In Vietnam, the Khmer ethnic minority makes up 1.38% of the Vietnamese population and is a traditionally agrarian group. Despite the differences in political and cultural climate, the common denominator between these two groups of at-risk youth is the impact of educational opportunities and academic performance.