A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1941
Henry James's Principles and Practice as a Craftsman of Fiction, Wesley Francis Amar
The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Their Schools in Chicago, 1867-1940, Mary Anna Rose Callan
A Study of Spelling Errors of the Freshmen of the Colored Race in the Du Sable High School, Helen Cecelia Cleary
Analysis of the Philosophy of Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Gabriel Connery
Juvenal and the Foreigner, John R. Connery
The Medea of Euripides and Seneca: A Comparison, Mary Enrico Frisch
Coventry Patmore: Critic of Literature and Art, Julitta Gaul
J. B. S. Haldane and the Thomistic Argument from Motion For the Existence of God, Cletus F. Hartmann
Portrait of a Philosopher in the Dialogues of Plato, Robert F. Harvanek
Expressionism in the Twentieth Century American Drama, Norbert Joseph Hruby
Escapist Tendencies as Evidenced in the Poetry of the Romantic Poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron, Anita Marie Jochem
Tax-Exemption of Non-Public School Property, Cornelia A. Johnson
Satirical Tendencies in Modern American Drama, Marie H. Kelly
A Summary and An Evaluation of Selected Experimental Placement Investigations in Elementary School Arithmetic, Joseph Ernest King
The Literary Versatility of Oliver Goldsmith, Francis Kinkel
Cultural and Social Values of High-School Chemistry, Mary Josephine Kortman
The Social Spirit of the Age of Louis XIV: 1650 - 1714, Edward Joseph Lally
A Model For Prelections on the Pro Archia of Cicero, Charles Francis Leichtweis
The Knowledge of the Separated Soul in the Philosophy of St. Thomas, Louise Lundergan
Milton's Use of the Epic Simile in Paradise Lost, Francis Louis Martinsek
The Naval Policy of the United States, 1919-1931, Lillian Ruth Nelson
Francis Thompson the Poet of Modern Catholicity, Marita O'Connell
Size Constancy in Filled and Unfilled Space in Relation to Intelligence, Loretto M. Olson
An Inquiry Into the Universality of Descartes' Doubt, Joseph Mary Casimir Osuch