A collection of theses submitted and approved for a Master's degree at Loyola University Chicago.
Theses/Dissertations from 1940
The Distracting Influence of Radio Speech Upon Performance in Silent Reading, Thomas Michael Kennedy
The Social Traditions During the Reign of Queen Anne, M. Benedicta Koller
A Study of the Photoelectric Properties of Solutions of Potassium in Liquid Ammonia, Adam S. Kowalczyk
An Apparatus For Molecular Weight Determinations, Philip A. Lefrancois
The Fall of the Bourbon Throne, 1848, Marguerite C. Lynch
Catulle Mendès, a critical study, John Jex Martin
The Career of Lamothe-Cadillac, Anna McCracken
Separation of English Lay and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Its Antecedents and Aftermath, John James McKechney
A Study of the Equilibrium Diagrams of the Systems, Benzene-Toluene and Benzene-Ethylbenzene, John B. Mullen
The Sources of Democracy: A Study in the Meaning and Idea of Democracy in the Works of Walt Whitman, Frances R. Paine
Jane Austen and the Critical Novel of Manners, Anthony Joseph Peterman
The Place of Facts in the Educative Process, Paul F. Quinn
Saint Francis De Sales and His Religious Symbolism, Mary Ancilla Reilly
Art and Society According to John Ruskin, Edward D. Reynolds
An Experimental Study of the Equilibrium Diagrams of Two Binary Systems: Benzene-Anisole and Benzene-Benzyl Alcohol, Otto Joseph Richiardi
Plato and Poets, Vincent G. Savage
Aristophanes and the Sophists, Joseph O. Schell
Plato's Use of the Socratic Method, William J. Schmidt
War and Some of Its Problems, Alfred E. Schwind
Walt Whitman: His Dominant Themes, Maurice H. Schy
The Concept of Love By Plato in the Symposium Compared with the Concept of Love By John in the Holy Scriptures, J. Warren Slote
The Westward Expansion of the Bill of Rights, M.E. Stevenson
An Evaluation of Prophecy in Greek Tragedy According to the Dramatic Theory of Aristotle, John F. Sullivan
Bernard Shaw as Dramatic Critic, Martin J. Svaglic
An Experimental Study of Equilibrium Diagrams of the Systems: Benzene-Chlorbenzene and Benzene-Fluorobenzene, John C. Tomunak