Content Posted in 2013
1,3,4-Trisubstituted Pyrrolidinones as Scaffolds for Construction of Peptidomimetic Cholecystokinin Antagonists , Daniel L. Flynn, Clara I. Villamil, Daniel Becker, and Gary W. Gullikson
2012 CHRC/Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights Alternative Report, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD and Maria Woltjen JD
Abbreviations, Robert Bucholz
A Blueprint for Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support: Implementation of Three Components, Anna Turnbull, Hank Bohanon, Peter Griggs, Donna Wickham, Wayne Sailor, Rachel Freeman, Doug Guess, Steve Lassen, Amy McCart, Jiyeon Park, Laura Riffel, Rud Turnbull, and Jared Warren
A bottom-up definition of self-sufficiency: Voices from low-income jobseekers., Philip Young P. Hong, Vamadu A. Sheriff, and Sandra R. Naeger
Absolute Convergence of the Regions and Provinces of Turkey, Haluk Erlat and Pelin Ozkan
Academic Needs of South-East Asian Education Students At Fourteen Mid-West Colleges and Universities , Vu Nhat Thanh
A Case Study of a Mixed Methods Study Engaged in Integrated Data Analysis, Daniela Marie Schiazza
A Case Study of a Social Movement: The Young Christian Workers in The United States, Diane Bayer
A Case Study of Methods of Training Insurance Workers in the Hartford Fire Insurance Company Group Office, Chicago, Illinois, Richard Eugene Wynn
A Case Study: The Impact of An Immersion Experience on the Vocation of Lay Teacher-Leaders in American Jesuit High Schools, Martin Joseph Schreiber
A. C. Bradley as a Critic of Shakespearean Tragedy, John Britton
Acceptance in the Casework Relationship, Rose Maureen Kelly
According to What Nomos: Understanding Romans 2 in Conversation with Diaspora Jewish Conceptions of Nomos, Kyle Fever
Acculturative Stress and Coping Strategies Used by Asian Indians Living in the United States: A Quantitative and Qualitative Inquiry, Ritu V. Thaker
Accuracy in Personal Judgment of Others as Related to the Study of Values, Robert Ralph Blair
Acknowledgments, Robert Bucholz
A.C.L.I. Catholic Associations of Italian Workers, James Aloysius Mohler
A Clinical and Histologic Study of the Effects and Retention of a Pair of Magnetic Metal Implants in the Jaw, Daniel D. Sanders
A Common Currency Peg in the GCC Area: The Optimal Choice of Exchange Rate Regime, Eisa A. Aleisa and Shawkat Hammoudeh
A Comparative and Factor Analytic Study of the Level of Aspiration in Industry, James Anthony Becker
A Comparative Statistical Study of Eighty Non-Recidivous and Recidivous Deliquents, William S. Pilcher
A Comparative Study of Aid to Dependent Children Recipients, Theodore B. White
A Comparative Study of Causative Factors of Dependency, Frank G. Partridge
A Comparative Study of Cerebral Palsied and Normal Adults on Two Forms of Raven's Progressive Matrices , Vernon Sloan. Tracht
A Comparative Study of Emotional Problems in Children Who, Up to the Age of Five Years, Lived with Or without Natural Fathers and Were Examined at the Institute for Juvenile Research Before the Age of Eight Years, Mary Claire Prendergast
A Comparative Study of Grievances in the Meatpacking Industry , Thomas Bernard Ewers
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Pacific Coast States, Louis Eva Black
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Southern Atlantic Seaboard States, Eugene Albert Kroschel
A Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Western and Midwestern Foster Homes, Patricia Ann Condon
A Comparative Study of Responses of Good and Poor Readers on the Revised Stanford-Binet, Form L. , Charles J. Joly
A Comparative Study of the Development of the Notion of Concept in the Psychology and Philosophy of William James, Paul Vincent Robb
A Comparative Study of the French Curriculum in Selected Elementary School Systems of the United States and Canada, Beatrice Vivian. Chidekel
A Comparative Study of the Supreme Good of Plato's Republic and of the God of Dionysius' De Divinis Nominibus, Nicholas A. Predovich
A Comparative Study of the Young Men's Christian Association and the Catholic Youth Organization, John P. Ly
A Comparative Study of Two Methods of Teaching Grammar, Jeanne d'Arc Barnes
A Comparative Study on the Masticatory Apparatus of a Rodent and a Lagomorph, Robert John Pollock
A Comparison between Unemotional and Emotional Stimuli in Regard to Haggard's Ratios and Variances, Lee Francis Osborn
A Comparison of a Factorial and a Multidimensional Approach to the Scaling of Psychological Data, Joseph Reynolds Devane
A Comparison of Free and Controlled Association on the Loyola Language Study , John J. Trainor
A Comparison of Frustration Patterns as Revealed by Picture-Frustration Study Scores of Orphans and Non-Orphans, Aurelius Anthony Abbatiello
A Comparison of Normal, Vitamin E Deficient and Denervated Skeletal Muscle in Experimental Animals By Means of Electrodiagnostic, Electromyographic and Pharmacologic Criteria , John Joseph Fudema
A Comparison of Psychogalvanic Responses with Certain Categories of the MMPI , Stanley J. Cabanski
A Comparison of Standard and Varied Forms of Administering and Scoring the Revised Stanford-Binet, Form L, Jeanne McRae McCarthy
A Comparison of Structured Tests, Projective Techniques and Laboratory Procedures as Devices for Assessing Neurotic Personality, Francis J. Sweeney
A Comparison of the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Alveolar Mucosa and the Ground-Substance of the Connective Tissue of the Eruptive Mucosa, Anil Prabhakar Joglekar
A Comparison of the Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight Eastern States, Kathleen Winter
A Comparison of the Methods of Desegregation of the Public School Systems of St. Louis, Missouri and Louisville, Kentucky , John Richard Crowley
A Comparison of the Problems of Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Children , John Walter Keller
A Comparison of the Responses of Adjusted and Maladjusted Children on a Thematic Apperception Test, Therese Lorraine De Sousa
A Comparison of the Responses of Public and Parochial School Children of Greek Parentage on the California Test of Personality, Diamond Pappas
A Comparison of the Revised Stanford-Binet, Form L with the Kuhlmann-Anderson Test and the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Tests, John Gerald Grant
A Comparison of the Vocational Interests and Aptitudes of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Adolescent Girls, Daniel Francis Novak
A Comparison of the Wisc and Binet in Delinquent Children, William S. McGurk
A Comparison of Two Adjustment Inventories on the Eighth-Grade Level, Elizabeth Jane Murphy
A Comparison of Union Organization of White-Collar Workers in Sweden and the United States, Francis Joseph McVeigh
A Comparison of Vocational Preferences of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Boys, Daniel Francis Novak
A Correlation of Displacement, Acceleration and Muscle During the Walking Gait of Normal and Above Knee Amputees, Albert Avery Halls
A Critical Analysis of 140 Illinois Workmen's Compensation Settlements in the Year 1952 in a Soap Manufacturing Company in Chicago, Laurence Joseph McCarthy
A Critical Analysis of an Experimental Curriculum for an Upper Grade Educational Center in a Depressed Urban Area , Joseph J. Connery
A Critical Analysis of Scholarship Concerning Sir John Fortescue (C1934-1476), Ronald Joseph Malecki
A Critical Analysis of the Educational Theories of Edith Stein, June Marie Verbillion
A Critical Analysis of the Epic Hero in Paradise Lost, Joseph Matthew Kuntz
A Critical Analysis of the "Right-To-Work" Laws, Paul Francis Crevoiserat
A Critical Analysis of the Wage Stabilization Board, As Established by the Defense Production Act of 1950, Amended, Neil Laurance Harmon
A Critical Appraisal of the Human Relations Philosophy of "The Mayo School" In the Light of the Labor Encyclicals, Joseph Randall Godwin
A Critical Evaluation of Electromigration in Stabilized Electrolytes, Edward Philip Marbach
A Critical Evaluation of the Epistemology of William Pepperell Montague , John Joseph Monahan
A Critique of Count Mirabeau's Secret History of the Court of Berlin, Stuart. Bonem
A Critique of the Family as Envisaged in the Teachings of Confucius, Caroline Elizabeth Prom
A Cross Section Estimate of Translog Production Function: Jordanian Manufacturing Industry, Ali M. Khalil
Activity Patterns and Spatial Resource Selection of the Eastern Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis), Matthew Gregory Most
Actual, Virtual, and Habitual Intention in St. Thomas Aquinas, Edmund Robert Skrzypczak
Added Complexity of Social Entrepreneurship: A Knowledge-Based Approach, Ugur Uygur and Alexei M. Marcoux
Addressing the Issue of Meta-Analysis Multiplicity in Education and Psychology, Joshua R. Polanin
A Definition of Social Services Rendered to Patients with the Major Diagnosis of Diabetes Admitted to the Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois During March, April and May, 1951, Margaret Bennett Many
A Delicate Dance: Identity Issues in a Religious Nonprofit Umbrella Organization, Edward J. Gumz
A Descriptive Analysis of a Group Counseling Project at the High School Level, LaVerne L. Landon
A Descriptive Analysis of Responses to the Religious Apperception Test, Robert A. Meyer
A Descriptive Analysis of the Aims and Methods of the Young Christian Students Movement as an Agency of Social Control Over High School Students, Lewis Theodore Drahmann
A Descriptive Analysis of the American Catholic Sociological Review, 1940-1954, F. Gilbert Callahan
A Descriptive, Multiyear Examination of Positive Behavior Support, Glen Dunlap, Edward G. Carr, Robert H. Homer, Robert L. Koegel, Wayne Sailor, Shelley Clarke, Lynn Kern Koegel, Richard W. Albin, Bobbie J. Vaughn, Darlene Magito McLaughlin, Kim Mullen, Anne W. Todd, J. Stephen Newton, Joseph Lucyshyn, Peter Griggs, Hank Bohanon, Jeong Hoon Choi, Laurie Vismara, and Pamelazita Buschbacher
A Discriminative Scoring System for the Tat: An Investigation, Thomas Leo Qinn
Adjustment and Interests of Fourth Year Minor Seminarians Studying for the Diocesan Priesthood, John Robert Gorman
Administrative Services for the Improvement of Reading in a Diocesan School System with Special Reference to the Retarded Reader, Richard John Kleiber
A Follow-Up Study Juvenile Commitments to the Milwaukee County Hospital for Mental Dieases from 1938 to 1947 Inclusive, Margaret Fitzgerald Rice
A Follow-Up Study of Pre-Psychotic and Psychotic Children Seen at the Institute for Juvenile Research, Louise Rose Amati
A Follow-Up Study of Twenty Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery from 1946 to 1950, Joan Duffy
African American Male Student-Athletes: Identity and Academic Performance, Kathryn Mary O'Brien
Age and Grade Status Factors in Relation to Achievement in Children Grades 3-8, Charles E. Sherman
Age, Sex and Intelligence Differences in Size Constancy, Agnes James Leonas
Agnes Nestor: Labor Leader, Politician, and Social Reformer--A Portrait of a Leader, Timothy Michael Grivois-Shah
Agreement and Disagreement in Parent and Child Perceptions of Spina Bifida Medical Responsibilities During the Transition to Adolescence, Alexandra Psihogios
A Grounded Theory of How Jewish Experiential Education Impacts the Identity Development of Jewish Emerging Adults, Scott Turberg Aaron
A Guide to the Teaching of Civics in the High Schools of Kerala State, India, Based on a Critical Survey of Civics Curricula in Selected School Systems in the United States, Teresa K. Kalathiveetil
A Heuristic Structure for the Study of Sociocultural Integration, Richard W. Moodey
A Histochemical and Histological Study on the Effect of Cortisone on the Glycogen Content of the Upper Incisor in the Rat Fetus, Bernadette Eileen Ward
A Histologic Study of Healing of Split Thickness Gingival Flap Surgery in Dogs, Harry Staffileno
A Histologic Study of Regeneration in the Supporting Dental Tissues of Dogs Following Experimental Surgery , Nicholas Robert Marfino
A Histologic Study of the Tooth and Supporting Structures After Apicoectomy in Dogs, Walter E. Bisch
A Historical Analysis of South Holland School District 151 Desegregation Order: An Examination of Superintendent Decisions Based on Board Actions Grounded in the Context of Prevailing Social, Political, Legal and Educational Conditions for the Period 1967-2010, Cecilia Villanueva Heiberger
A Historical Survey of the Lutheran Charities of Chicago, Ralph Gerald Cathcart
A History of Catholic Orphan Homes in the United States, 1727 to 1884, Mary Viatora Schuller
A History of Secondary Catholic Education in Lake County, Illinois, Gerald Daniel Fraser
A History of the Poe-Controversy in Periodical Literature of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century, Mary Gabriella Magrath
A History of the United Cement, Lime and Gypsum Workers International Union , John Martin Heneghan
A Legislative History of the 1954 Amendments to the Social Security Act, Frank J. Maguire
Alfonso Reyes Humanista Del Siglo XX, Jeanne Strauss
Aliens Found in Waiting: Women of the Ku Klux Klan in Suburban Chicago, 1870-1930, Sarah Elizabeth Doherty
A Longitudinal Study of the Leisure Activities of a Group of Intermediate Grade School Children in a Select Socio-Economic Area, Mary Madeleva Metten
Alpha-Alkyl-alpha-amino-beta-sulphone Hydroxamates as Potent MMP Inhibitors that Spare MMP-1, Daniel Becker, Gary A. DeCrescenzo, John Freskos, and Daniel P. Getman
A Measurement of the Accuracy of Self-Appraisal of College Students with Reference to Certain Aspects of Their Personalities, Jerome Frankel
American Attitudes Towards the Proposed Membership in the Permanent Court of International Justice , Joseph J. Schmitz
American Attitude Towards Philippine Independence During President Wilson's Administration, Mary Annette Lapinski
American Attitude Toward World War II During the Period from September 1939, to December, 1941, Mary Gertina Feffer
American Critical Reception of the Later Novels of Sinclair Lewis, 1930-1951, Alan Eugene McFee
American Historians' Opinion of the Reasons for the Pearl Harbor Attack, Mary Antonetta Foley
American Relations with the Weimar Republic 1919-1930, Lawrence Edmund Sommers
A Metaphysical Analysis of Life , Francis Joseph Catania
A Methodological Study of the Cultural Definition of Man of Ernst Cassirer, Peter Joseph Roslovich
A Modified Thunberg Method for the Study of the Action of Antibiotics on Micrococci, Ann Mary Kennedy
A Multidimensional Analysis of the Temporal Parameters of Behavior, John V. Haley
A Multidimensional Study of the Perceived Structure of Nations, Isabel O. Reyes
A Multiple Choice Version of the Loyola Language Study: A Comparison with the Original Version, Richard C. Braun
A Multi-Restart Iterated Local Search Algorithm for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem Minimizing Total Flow Time, Xingye Dong, Ping Chen, Houkuan Huang, and Maciek Nowak
An Administrator’s Perspective of Trends in Community Mental Health: An Interview With Norman J. Groetzinger, Edward Gumz
Analysis and Evaluation of the Methods of Selection and Training of Police Officers in Principal Cities of the United States, Thomas Maurice Frost
Analysis of Illicit Drugs, Their Metabolites and Other Micropollutants in Water by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Deepika P. Panawennage
Analysis of the Minimal Promoter from the Hatching Enzyme a Gene, Anna Matejczyk
Analysis of the "November" Eclogue of Edmund Spenser's Shepheardes Calender, M. Theresa Nicholson
Analysis of Thought Processes Involved in Solving Clinical Problems, Harry E. Gunn
An Analysis and Appraisal of Induction Programs for New Elementary School Teachers with Reference to the Development of a Program for Chicago, Marion Benedict Amar
An Analysis and Appraisal of the Working Relations between the Substitute Teachers and the Regular Teachers of the Chicago Public Elementary Schools, Bernard A. Quisch
An Analysis and Evaluation of Admission Policies of a Catholic Liberal Arts College , Ernest Joseph La Mal
An Analysis and Treatment of the Problems Faced by the Student Teachers in Off-Campus Elementary Schools, Louise Elizabeth Dieterle
An Analysis of Difficulties Encountered by Some Seventh and Eighth Grade Pupils in the Solving of Verbal Arithmetic Problems, Bessie H. Chambers
An Analysis of Employment in the Manufacturing Industries , Donald P. Piotrowski
An Analysis of Executive Fringe Benefits, Robert Francis. Riefke
An Analysis of Fifty Independent Adoptions in Illinois, Eileen Mary Klinger
An Analysis of Item Order in Seven Subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale , William Gregory Klett
An Analysis of Known Independent Interstate Adoptions in Illinois, Helen Joan Lane
An Analysis of Problems in Defining Total and Permanent Disability with Special Reference to Disability Insurance Benefits and the Disability Freeze Under Title Ii of the Social Security Act, Joseph John Pacholik
An Analysis of Recent Catholic Opinion of Pre-School Training in Nursery-Kindergarten Programs , Floraetta Lanham Morow
An Analysis of Reported Incidents of Racial Violence in Chicago: 1958 Through 1960, James E. Burns
An Analysis of Seventy-Nine Adoptive Applications Accepted for Study During the Years 1952-1953 by the Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Rockford, Louis J. Shannon
An Analysis of Some Aspects of Federal Support of Education in the United States and Canada, Samuel J. Chidekel
An Analysis of Some of the Implications of Carl Rogers' Hypotheses Concerning Human Nature, George Roderick Youngs
An Analysis of Some Personal and Executive Characteristics of Participants in a University Program of Executive Development for Federal Personnel, Frank X. Steggert
An Analysis of Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plans in the Rubber Industry, LeRoy Biondi
An Analysis of the Applications Made to Family Service of the Rockford Catholic Charities, Rita Kortendick
An Analysis of the Case Histories of Thirty Patients Classified as Schizophrenic WithaPregnancy Or Postpartum Factor, Bernice Sherlock
An Analysis of the Case Records of Forty-Four Community Patients Known to the Chicago Community Clinic from July 1947 Through June 1951, Helen Sankofski
An Analysis of the Cases Under Care with the Society of St. Vincent De Paul of Racine, Wisconsin from January 1, 1947 to January 1, 1948, Margaret Pieh Rogan
An Analysis of the Criminological Determinism of Donald Reed Taft , Philip Francis Quinn
An Analysis of the Falstaffian Device, Gregory Peter Foote
An Analysis of the Investment Policies of International Unions , Merlin Joseph Kingsley
An Analysis of the Length of Time Patients Remain in Treatment at the Mental Hygiene Clinic Service of the West Side Veterans Administration Hospital of Chicago, Illinois, Marietta J. Bundy
An Analysis of the Length of Time Patients Remain in Treatment at the West Side Veteran's Administration Hospital Mental Hygiene Clinic Service, Chicago, Illinois, Rosemarie McGuire
An Analysis of the Major Changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreements between Swift & Co. And the United Packinghouse Workers of America-C.I.O. From 1942 Through 1954, David Anthony Hock
An Analysis of the Objections Filed to Representation Elections Under the Labor Management Relations Act - August 22, 1947 to August 21, 1957, Bernadette Curry Lowum
An Analysis of the Performances of Six-Month-Old Infants on the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Patricia Bledsoe
An Analysis of the Problem of Illiteracy in India, Teresa K. Kalathiveetil
An Analysis of the Reaction of American Newspapers and Secular and Religious Periodicals to the Encyclical, Mater et Magistra of Pope John Xxiii., Max D. Hochanadel
An Analysis of the Recognized Consistencies and Inconsistencies of Three National Character Studies of the Japanese People: Its Implication for the General Theory of National Character, Lawrence Jerome Carlino
An Analysis of the Relationships Existing between the Number and Kinds of Problems of Children and Their Degree of Intelligence, Herbert L. Sachs
An Analysis of the Religious Influences in 100 Cases Known to the Juvenile Bureau of the Chicago Park District, Georgia R. Smith
An Analysis of the Rhetoric of Flavius Josephus with Special Reference to the Jewish War (Books I to VII), Chester S. Goldstein
An Analysis of the Role of Labor, Management and Government in the Administration of Health and Welfare Plans , Milton C. Jossey
An Analysis of the School Records of One Hundred Juveniles Appearing Before the Family Court of Chicago, December 1957 to March 1958, John Jude Boyle
An Analysis of Types of Guidance and Counseling Services Performed by Selected Secondary School Classroom Teachers in the Public Schools of Kentucky, Thomas Valentine Busse
An Analysis of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Profiles in Acute and Chronic Schizophrenics, Bruce N. Christensen
An Analysis of Written School Board Policies in Certain Districts of the State of Illinois, Melvin P. Heller
An Appraisal of Guidance Programs in Selected Small Liberal Arts Colleges in Wisconsin, Raymond Paul Clouthier
An Appraisal of the Accelerated Program of the Covington Latin School, Covington, Kentucky, John A. Reifsnyder
An Aristotelian Approach to the Sources of Comic Effect in the Birds of Aristophanes, John J. O'Callaghan
An Aristotelian Theory of Comedy as Exemplified in the Comic Characters of the Canterbury Tales, Clarice Asbury
An Attitude Scale for the Assessment of Morale in a Psychiatric Hospital, William Gregory Klett
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Muscle Tensions in the Temporal and Infrahyoid Musculature, Charles Edwin Smith
An Electromyographic Appraisal of Temporal and Digastric Muscle Behavior Under the Influence of Oblique Loads, Bernard M. Pawlowski
An Electromyographic Investigation of the Activity of the Thigh Muscles During Trunk Flexion and Extension, Leo Francis Stock
An Electromyographic Study of Certain Leg Muscles in the Easy Standing Position , Lucille Virginia Naponiello
An Electromyographic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment., Thomas Watson Fleming
An Electromyographic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part Iii. One Week After the Placement of Archwires, Richard John Shanahan
An Electromyographic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part VI. During Final Stages of Treatment, Ronald Howard Roth
An Electromyographic Study of the Effect of Immobilization on Muscle with Intact Nerve Supply, John Joseph Fudema
An Electromyographic Study of the Effect of Negative Intraoral Air Pressure on the Perioral Musculature, David Leonard Edgar
An Electromyographic Study of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Procedure: Part I. Before and One Day After Separating Wires Were Placed between the Teeth, Bernard Arnold Widen
An Electromyographic Study of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During, and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part IV. During Anchorage Preparation, Eugene Hipolit Zylinski
An Electromyograpic Study of the Behavior of the Masseter and Temporal Muscles Before, During and After Orthodontic Treatment: Part X. Six Months After Removal of Orthodontic Appliances, Oliver Gilbert Grimm
An Empirical Avaluation of the Theory of Manifest Structure Analysis, Lucille Armstrong Foster
An Empirical Examination of Price Competition in the Turkish Credit Card Market, Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Nusret Ahmet Muslim
An Empirical Study on the Benefit of Split Loads with the Pickup and Delivery Problem, Maciek Nowak, Chelsea C. White, and Ozlem Ergun
An empowering approach to crisis intervention and brief treatment with preschool children, Katherine Tyson McCrea
An Equilibrium Dialysis Study of the Interaction of Proteins with Local Anesthetics, Vincent John Sawinski
An Essay on the Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 , William M. King
A Neurocomputational Model of Analogical Reasoning and its Breakdown in Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration, Robert G. Morrison, Daniel C. Krawczyk, Keith J. Holyoak, John E. Hummel, Tiffany Chow, Bruce L. Miller, and Barbara J. Knowlton
An Evaluation of Different Aspects of the Interscholastic Athletic Program of a Large City High School by Various Groups, James Harold Smith
An Evaluation of Geography Achievements of Grade VIII-A Chicago Public School Pupils in Terms of Objectives for Teaching Geography, Aldan Francis O'Hearn
An Evaluation of Lanfranc's Ecclesiastical Reform in Relation to the Gregorian Movement, William Joseph Bosch
An Evaluation of Prediction of Success in Shorthand, Joseph J. Zbornik
An Evaluation of the Counseling and Guidance Services in Seven Catholic Liberal Arts Colleges for Women, Margaret Burke
An Evaluation of the Opinion of Father Arthur Little Concerning Art and Morality, William Dennis Ryan
An Evaluation of the Theses of Pierre Rousselot and Louis-B. Geiger on the Problem of Love in St. Thomas Aquinas, Robert Joseph Schwarz
An Event History Analysis on the Effects of Academic Integration Factors on Degree Completion of Low-Income Underrepresented Minority Students, Lisa Marie Metzger-Mugg
A New Chromatographic Procedure for Isolation of Lipoprotein Fractions, James Quinn Kissane
An Examination of Felony Case Processing in the Circuit Court of Cook County, 2000-2012, Don Stemen
An Experimental Approach to the Quantification of Ionographic Value, Matthew Charles Urbin
An Experimental Evaluation of Television Instruction in the Field of College Physical Science, F. Russell Koppa
An Experimental Investigation of Psychogalvanic Responses in a Threat Situation , Eugene Joseph Albrecht
An Experimental Investigation of the Histological and Histochemical Effects of Cortisone on the Thymus of the Rat , Robert Edward Lee
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between Personality Traits and Social Preference of Classmates , Mary Brudny
An Experimental Investigation of the Relationship between the Psychogalvanic Response and the Conscious Intensity of Emotional Response, John Joseph Flanagan
An Experimental Investigation on the Effects of ACTH and Cortical Steroids on the Histology and Histochemistry of the Thymus in the Albino Rat, Robert Edward Lee
An Experimental Study of Rorschach Performance of Six-Year-Olds with and without a Trial Block, Katusha Marilyn Didenko
An Experimental Study of the Development of Critical Thinking Through the Language Arts in a High School Senior English Program, Mary Constantine Sobieszczyk
An Experimental Study of the Effect of the Trial Blot Administration on Child Rorschach Responses at the Eight Year Level, Joan Carroll Baldwin
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Trial Blot Administration of the Rorschach Test with Seven-Year-Old Children, Leonard Andrew Setze
An Experimental Study of the Relation between Perception of Self and Evaluation of Another, Henry Joseph Lambin
An Experimental Study on the Influence of Cortisone on Pregnancy in the Albino Rat , Samuel Perelmuter
An Explanation of the Similarity of Style in the Writings of Newman and Cicero, John Richard Murray
An Exploration of Current Practices in Curricular Design of Resident Assistant Training Programs, Virginia Albaneso Koch
An Exploration of the Experiences of First-Generation College Students in Lasallian Higher Education, Kurt Schackmuth
An Exploratory Evaluation of a Culturally Specific Model of Psychological Well-Being for An African American Population, Kyle J. Telander
An Exploratory Investigation of Anxiety in Alcoholics , Daniel John Anderson
An Exploratory Study of 18 Returned Veterans Who Went on Trial Visit from Downey, Illinois Veterans Hospital between July 1, 1953 and December 31, 1953, Elaine B. Bannick
An Exploratory Study of Principals' Attitudes Regarding the Provision of Special Education Services Using the Traditional Special Education Model Compared to Using the Response to Intervention Model, Deirdre Marie Williams
Angelo in Measure for Measure : Psychological Probability of His Repentance, John Aloysius Diamond
An Historical and Critical Analysis of the Eudaemonological Argument for the Existence of God, William Jogues Ennen
An Historical Comparison of the Federal Constitutions of the Achaean League and the United States of America , William Henry Hogan
An Historical Survey and Annotated Bibliography of Studies in Periodical Articles on the English Mystery Cycles, Mary Charles Kielpinski
An Inquiry Into the Absence of Moral Advertence in a Sample of Catholic High School Students with Specific Focus upon Racial Prejudice, Mary Ignatius. Staley
An Interpretation of Iago, Daniel Clayton Schario
An Interpretation of Spenser's Colin Clouts Come Home Again, Sam Meyer
An Investigation Into the Relationship between Attitude and Emotion, Marshall J. Webb
An Investigation Into the Use of Psychological Tests as an Aid in the Selection of Candidates for the Diocesan Priesthood, LeRoy A. Wauck
An Investigation of a New Method of T.A.T. Analysis By a Prediction Study of High and Low Academic Achievers , Leo Alex McCandlish
An Investigation of Chinese Graduate Student Understanding of Academic Integrity in U's Higher Education, James E. Hammerschmidt
An Investigation of General Sense of Humor: Its Relationship to Personality, Richard Joseph Haberle
An Investigation of Personality Correlates of Some Common Patterns of Level of Aspiration Response in Children, Therese Lorraine De Sousa
An Investigation of Some Factors Relating to the Identification of Eighth Grade Children Possessing Musical Potential , Wesley Francis Amar
An Investigation of the Comparative Efficiency of the MMPI and the TAT in Predicting Success in Nurses' Training, Glenn Francis Williams
An Investigation of the Differences in Masculine-Feminine Interests Patterns of Three Groups of Women Students, Richard James Stanek
An Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Counseling Programs for Student Nurses in Ten Chicago Area Schools of Nursing, Caroline Therese Ingeborg Bemberg Uhlmann
An Investigation of the Effects of Item Placement on Test Performance, Thomas John Ginley
An Investigation of the Influence of Occupations on the Loyola Language Study , Frank Anthony Dinello
An Investigation of the Phospholamban-Serca Regulatory Interaction with Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer, Philip Adam Bidwell
An Investigation of the Relationship between Skill in Deductive Reasoning and Adjustment and between Skill in Problem Solving and Adjustment at Various Levels of Education, Mary Rosaire Lucassen
An Investigation of the Stretch of the Perioral Muscles, Raul R. Acevedo
An Item Analysis of the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Mary Lou Strassmaier
An MMPI Study of Religious Seminarians , Patrick John Rice
An Object-Oriented Framework for Userland Filesystem Development, George K. Thiruvathukal, Joseph P. Kaylor, and Konstantin Läufer
An Orderly Presentation of Three Objects of Shelley's Symbolism., John Vincent Hopkins
A Normative Intra-District Cost-Quality Study of a Selected Group of Chicago Public Elementary Schools , Ira Hobart Monell
Antibodies to Inhibit Clostridium Difficile Adhesion to Human Gut Epithelial Cell Line, Wonbeom Paik
Anti-Foreignism in the Chinese Communist Appeal, John E. Kai-Cheng Fu
A Panel Approach to Investigating the Persistence in Turkish Real Exchange Rate, Haluk Erlat and Nilufer Ozdemir
A Paper Chromatographic Study of the Adenosine Triphosphate Complexes with Sodium and Potassium Ions , Charles I. Lupu
A Partial Validation of the Manifest Hostility Scale, Thomas F. Grib
A Phenomenological Study of Indonesian Cohort Group's Transformative Learning, Markus Budiraharjo
A Philosophic Study of the Fifth Amendment , J. Timothy Kelley
A Photoelectric Plethysmographic Study of the Sympathetic Vasomotor Outflow to the Hind Limb of the Dog, Robert Orrin Rawson
A Polyglot Approach to Bioinformatics Data Integration: Phylogenetic Analysis of HIV-1, Steven Reisman, Catherine Putonti, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Konstantin Läufer
A Portrait of Christ the Hero in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Jeremy Miselbrook
Apparent Alkyl Transfer and Phenazine Formation via an Aryne Intermediate, Daniel Becker, Andria M. Panagopoulos, Doug Steinman, Alexandra Goncharenko, Kyle Geary, Carlene Schleisman, Elizabeth Spaargaren, and Matthias Zeller
Appraisal of Potential Leadership Qualities Among Young Women Religious, Mary Rosaire. Lucassen
Approximations to the Industry Council Plan in American Industry, Isabelle Gladys Morello
A Preliminary Study of Differences in Inductive Reasoning Ability Among Upper Division College Men, Valerio Ortolani
A Profile of Women Released Into Cook County Communities from Jail and Prison, Gipsy Escobar and David Olson
A Proposed Sales Training Manual: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Bag Sales Department, Verlyn Ronald Roskam
A Proposed Sales Training Manual: Olin Mathieson Chemical Corporation Bag Sales Department, Verlyn Ronald Roskam
A Psychological Investigation of the Effect of Learning a Foreign Language on the Development of Certain Skills in English, Alan J. Fredian
A Psychosocial Study of Fifty Recidivist Boys Recommitted to the Illinois Youth Commission, April 30, 1954 Through October 22, 1954, Robert Duddleston Geigner
Aptitude and Interest Measures Predictive of Ninth Grade Woodshop Performance, Donald Joseph Racky
A Qualitative Exploration of the Influence of Racism on Identity Development for African American Adolescent Males, John Corey Steele
A Qualitative Study of Stakeholder Perceptions in Early Childhood Intervention Partnership, Ruth Schumacher
Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Response to Invasion and Subsequent Removal of Typha × glauca From Great Lakes Coastal Marshes, Kimberly Anne Greene
A Race to Educate: A Look at the Aims of the Student Life Programming at Hampton University, From 1930-1940, and Its Intended Effects on the Black American Cultural Identity, Akela Louise Stanfield
A Radioautographic and Histological Study of Proteolytic Specificity on White Rat Brain Stem Motoneurons, Jack T. Beuttas
A Radiographic Appraisal of the Effects of X-Radiation on the Mandibular Cartilage and Cranio-Facial Growth of the Rat, Jerome John Kozakiewicz
A Radiographic Appraisal of the Effects of X-Radiation on the Mandibular Cartilage and Femoral Epiphyseal Cartilage of the Rat, Julio Aldo Battistoni
A Radiographic Study of the Relation of the Mandibular Angle to the Opening Movements of the Mandible, Bernard Joseph Powers
A Radiographic Study of Tooth Movement Determined by the Changes Seen in the Periodontal Space of the Mandibular Molar Teeth During Anchorage Preparation with Light Forces, Jesse Patrick Gantt
Arbitration Trends in Disputes Involving Production Standards, 1946 to 1959, Kenneth Clarence Heyer
Area Agreements with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Made By One National Company, 1940 to 1957 , Edward William Sexton
A Recent Controversy on the Common Good , James Lee Anderson
Are Real Wages and Competitiveness Compatible in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry?, Hasan Kirmanoglu and M. Ege Yazgan
A Response to John P. Meier, Jon Nilson
A Re-Standardization of the Loyola Language Study on a Far Western Population, William Anthony Guppy
Are There Shifts in Persistence in the Turkish Inflation Rates?, Haluk Erlat
A Review of 113 Case Records of Families Receiving Homemaker Service from the Chicago Department of Welfare from October 1, 1948 Through March 31, 1949, Julia R. Deterville
A Review of “Digital Libraries and Information Access: Research Perspectives”, Margaret Heller
A Review of “Digital Media: Technological and Social Challenges of the Interactive World”, Margaret Heller
Aristophanes' Criticism of Euripides, Matthew Eugene Creighton
Aristotelian Rhetoric in Homer, Howard Bernard Schapker
A Roengenographic Study of the Trabecular Pattern of the Alveolar Processes of the Human Maxilla and Mandible, Nicholas Joseph Brescia
A Roentgenographic Study of the Orthodontic Movements Exhibited by the Mandibular First Molar Teeth During Class Ii Forces Utilizing Edgewise Mechanics and Light Wire Mechanics, Robert E. Krvavica
A Rorschach Study of the Effect of Electric Shock Treatment on the Schizophrenic Personality, Anthony B. Tabor
Arvind Sharma and Katherine K. Young, eds., Fundamentalism and Women in World Religions, Colby Dickinson
Ascendance-Submission and the Psychogalvanic Response to Stress, John Joseph Flanagan
Ascendance-Submission as Related to Speed of Visual Recognition of Tachistiscopically Presented "Ascendant" And "Submissive" Words, Richard John Ferber
A Search for the Absolute in the Philosophy of Existence of Karl Jaspers, Zigmas Ramanauskas
A Seniority Plan : Administration and Application on a Local Level, William David Martin
A Short Synthesis of 1-Azaadamantan-4-one and the syn and anti Isomers of 4-Amino-1-azaadamantane, Daniel P. Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
A Social and Legal Analysis of the Secondary Boycott in Labor Disputes, Irving Kovarsky
A Social Study of Sixty-Two Youthful Narcotic Addicts, Joseph Paul Sanculius
A Sociological Study of the Reciprocal Relations between the Clientele and the Program of Services of Marillac House, Chicago 1947-1961, Winifred Kilday
Aspects of the Perry Mission and the Opening of Japan, Mary Agnes O'Grady
Assessing the Performance of Islamic Banks: Some Evidence from the Middle East, Abdel-Hameed M. Bashir
Assessing the preliminary impacts of the Libya's crisis on the Tunisian economy, Emanuele Santi, Saoussen Ben Romdhane, and Mohamed Safouane BenAïssa
Asset Forfeiture: Civil Remedies Against Organized Crime, Robert M. Lombardo
Assignment of Swimmers to Dual Meet Events, Maciek Nowak, Marina Epelman, and Stephen M. Pollack
A Statistical Study of 166 Patients on Family Care Status Under the Chicago State Hospital Program : February, 1942--January 1, 1950, Helen C. Lynch
A Statistical Study of the 514 Local Residents Served by Chicago Travelers Aid, Patricia Dolores Leonard
A Stem Craft Program in the Elementary School Curriculum, George Raymond Balling
A Streetcar Named Desire: A Study of Determinism in Modern Drama, John Skelly Kundtz
A Study Evaluating the Replacement of Children in Foster Homes of the Lutheran Homefinding Society, Geraldine Lewis
A Study in the Psychology of Sex Modesty and Shame, John J. Evoy
A Study in the Validation of Intelligence Tests for Cerebral Palsied Children, Elizabeth Richardson
A Study of 100 Postwar Irish Immigrants in the City of Chicago, 1953, Patrick Joseph Dillon
A Study of 202 Children Referred to the Family Court of Cook County for Unspecified Neglect, Irma L. Hillery
A Study of Adoptive Placements of Children Five Years of Age Or Over When Placed, Mary Alice McDermott
A Study of a Group of Short Term Cases at the Jewish Family and Community Service Chicago, Illinois, Agnes S. Werch
A Study of a Professional Sequence in the Education of Elementary School Teachers, Marguerite O. O'Connor
A Study of Assimilation Patterns Found Among Former Agricultural Migrant Families of Mexican Descent, Robert Andrew Reicher
A Study of Attitudes Toward Success and the Expression in the Lives of Professional Dance Musicians, Michael Patrick Tristano
A Study of Automobile Thefts in the Chicago Area, John Charles Callahan
A Study of Being as the Proper Object of Suarez' Metaphysics, Francis J. Litton
A Study of Brand Blanshard's Epistemology, Andrew Kelbley Charles
A Study of Cerebral Palsied Children Who Have Been Dismissed from School, Winifred Hill Jones
A Study of Certain "Difficult" Words Used in the Administration of the Revised Stanford-Binet Scale, Form L, George Kenneth Zak
A Study of Children of Families Receiving ADC Who Become Employed between the Ages of Sixteen and Nineteen, Leona Pliske
A Study of Children Placed in Institutions by Children's Division, Chicago Welfare Department, Bernice Anne McNeela
A Study of Chromatic Stereo-Effects, Thaddeus Rudolph Murroughs
A Study of Closed Cases of Cerebral Palsied Patients Known to Mercy Cerebral Palsy Clinic, Rheta M. Collins
A Study of Coleridge's "Dejection: An Ode", William. Shurr
A Study of Contact with Social Agencies of Families in the Hillside Housing Project and Surrounding Area, Milwaukee, Wisconsin from January 8, 1948 to January 9, 1952, Edward P. Masterson
A Study of Crown Relations with Some Members of the House of Commons in the Reformation Parliament, 1529-1536, Mary Justine Peter
A Study of Differences between Free and Controlled Association at the Eighth Grade Level, Donald J. Rumann
A Study of Edmund Burke and the American Revolution, Lee Joseph Bennish
A Study of Employed Children in Families Receiving Aid to Dependent Children, Willa Elizabeth Randle
A Study of Employed Children in Families Receiving Aid to Dependent Children, Millicent Smith
A Study of Employed Children in Families Receiving Aid to Dependent Children, Sylvia Vedalakis
A Study of Experimental Measures of Leadership Applied to a Practical Problem of Leader Identification, Edward Maurice Flaherty
A Study of Factors Contributing to Success in Mathematics , James R. Gray
A Study of Family Allowances Made in Owen Sound, ontario, Canada, Cecelia Agnes Eberle
A Study of Female Offenders Known to the United States Probation Office in the Federal District of Northern Illinois Whose Cases Were Discharged from Supervision During 1948, 1949 and 1950, Matthew Gerard Ryan
A Study of Fifty Mentally Retarded Children in a Supervised Play Group Experience, Frances Mary Wilkins
A Study of First Admission Negroes Diagnosed as Having Alcoholism at Cook County Psychopathic Hospital between January 1, 1947 and December 31,1951, Henry Johnson Ratcliffe
A Study of Foreign Language Instruction in the Catholic Elementary Schools of the United States, M. Annunciata Sauer
A Study of Gamma Irradiated Mouse Incisor, John Martin Coady
A Study of Gamma Irradiated Mouse Submandibular Gland, Mario Vincent Santangelo
A Study of George Wilson Knight's Imaginative Interpretation of Shakespeare , Joan Evelyn Biedertsedt
A Study of Guidance Center Adjustment Plans for Dull Normal Boys, James Joseph Flynn
A Study of Guidance Center Adjustment Plans for Dull Normal Girls, Rita Stalzer Flynn
A Study of Happiness in the Major Works of Immanuel Kant, William Paul Johnson
A Study of Hemodynamics in Normal Dogs and in Dogs with Surgically Induced Cardiovascular Lesions, George Francis Flynn
A Study of Humanism and Its Place in the Epics of Homer, James Norbert Gelson
A Study of Inductive Reasoning Ability Among College Women, Ann Codd Forst
A Study of Male Alcoholics by Means of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Leonard J. Rothfeld
A Study of Male Neuropsychiatric Patients Who Went Out on Trial Visit between July 1st and December 31st, 1953, From Downey Veteran's Administration Hospital and Were Later Discharged, Priscilla Williams Dymally
A Study of Mathematical Ability as Related to Reasoning and Use of Symbols., Mary Sister Majewska
A Study of Memory Span with the Bernreuter Memory Test , Joseph Michael Angileri
A Study of Negro Vocational High School Graduates, Charles Edward Donegan
A Study of Occupational Status of the Foreign-Born Chinese College Graduates in Chicago, Wen-chih Ko
A Study of one Hundred and Seventy New Applicants at the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene Clinic from January 1, 1950 Through March 31, 1950, Martha Gloria Sellers
A Study of Organizational Size and Its Effect on Employee Morale, John Joseph Finnegan
A Study of Patients Known to Social Service and Discharged Against Medical Advice from Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, From April 1, 1953 Through October 31, 1954, Mary Frances Powers
A Study of Patients Known to Social Service and Discharged Ama from Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, From April 1, 53 Through October 31, 54, Julia Vailokaityte
A Study of Protease Activity of the Human Gingiva, Louis M. Orzolek
A Study of Residual Activity in Temporalis Muscle, Naishadh Parikh
A Study of Rorschach Characteristics of Asthmatic Children , Robert Neil Traisman
A Study of Rorschach Responses of Asthmatic Children, Robert Neil Traisman
A Study of Selected Intake in the Salvation Army Family Service Division, M. Rosalie Farwell
A Study of Selected Social and Economic Factors in the Formation of a Religious Vocation , Jerome Francis Bowman
A Study of Selected Social Factors Associated with the Enrollment and Drop-Out of Evening Students in a Large University (Loyola University, Chicago) 1945-1958, Harriet Lois Kaufman
A Study of Sixty Prima Facie Korean Veterans Known to the Veterans Administration Mental Hygiene Clinic in Chicago, Illinois from July 1952 Through January 1953, Richard Mitchell
A Study of Social Backgrounds and Other Factors Associated with Interest of the Chicago Secondary School Girl in the Religious Life, Mary Theresita Polczynski
A Study of Some Characteristics of Mental Hospital Attendants, Margaret Monica McConvey
A Study of Some Environmental and Constitutional Factors in the Background of Teen-Age Boys Treated at a Psychological Guidance Center, 1950-1956, John Ambrose Singer
A Study of Some Foster Children Who Became Delinquent, A. Elizabeth Ryan
A Study of Some Interactions between Newcastle Virus and Certain Animal Parasites., Viola Mae Young
A Study of Some of the Aspects and Implications of the Anglo-Argentine Commercial Treaty of 1825, Leslie B. Rout
A Study of the Adjustment and Interests of First Year College Seminarians for the Diocesan Priesthood, Andrew Joseph McDonagh
A Study of the Administration of the Henrician Act of Supremacy in Canterbury Diocese, Mary Justine Peter
A Study of the Administrative Elements Involved in Food Inspection in Illinois, Emmett C. Burke
A Study of the Aeschylean and Pre-Aeschylean Myth of Orestes, Richard Thomas Lambert
A Study of the American Labor Unions' Use of Commercial Advertising as a Means of Influencing Public Opinion, Maurice Michael Dore
A Study of the Behavior Patterns of the Physically Handicapped Child as Related to the Maternal Attitude, Helen E. Frazier
A Study of the Characteristics of Twenty-Five Maladjusted High School Girls, Mary Margarita Geartts
A Study of the Children's Receiving Home, Maywood, Illinois ; An Institution for the Care of Dependent Children, Alvina Marie Sandholm
A Study of the Concept of Matter in the Philosophy of Plotinus, Maurice Joseph Moore
A Study of the Department of Civil Rights of the Chicago Commission on Human Relations from 1943 to 1954, Claire Marie Sawyer
A Study of the Dog Electrocardiogram By the Method of Spatial Vector Analysis , James Graham Dobbie
A Study of the Editorial Policy of Poetry Under the Editorship of Harriet Monroe, Daniel Joseph Cahill
A Study of the Educational Financing of Students in Catholic Schools of Social Work in the United States : 1952-1953, Marie K. Otaka
A Study of the Effect of Meaningfulness of Materials Under Conditions of Practice on Learning and Retention, Le-Thi-Que. Le-Thi-Que
A Study of the Effect of Social Factors upon the Attitudes of the White Female Office Worker Toward the American Negro, Lottie Maria Vigil
A Study of the Effects of Sodium Monofluorophosphate, Robert Aloysius Sliwinski
A Study of the Electrodermal Response as a Measure of Anxiety and Impulsiveness, Glenn Francis Williams
A Study of the Emotional Problems of a Selected Group of Cerebral Palsied Children, James Forkeotes
A Study of the Engineering Principles Underlying the Active Components Which Produce Orthodontic Forces, Robert Vestevich
A Study of the Experience of Social Workers in Relation to Ethical Problems, Lester John Bohman
A Study of the Expressed Opinion of the Papacy in the American Secular Press, John V. Mentag
A Study of the Factors Involved in Re-Admission to the Hospital of Fifty-Eight Veterans Treated for Psychiatric Illness, Modia Hawkins
A Study of the Factors Involved in the Institutional and Post-Institutional Adjustment of Delinquent Boys, Paul Lenarduzzi
A Study of the Finite God of Edgar Sheffield Brightman, Justin Donald Hayes
A Study of the Growth Changes in Skeletal Facial Profile and Their Significance in Orthodontic Diagnosis, Nanda Nanda
A Study of the Humor of Ronald Firbank as Revealed Through Critical Analysis of His Novels, Agnes McNeill Donohue
A Study of the Imaginal Qualities of Poetry Based on Descriptive Passages of Milton and Coleridge, John Sebastian Gerrietts
A Study of the Influence of the Temporal Position of Success and Failure upon Level of Aspiration, Robert Clair Nicolay
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of George Meany, President of the AFL-CIO, John Cyboran
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of George M. Harrison, Grand President of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Union, Donald Patrick Klein
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of Jacob S. Potofsky, President of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, Donald Michael Kilourie
A Study of the Labor Philosophy of James B. Carey, President of the International Union of Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers, Monroe B. Sullivan
A Study of the Lay Teacher in the Catholic Elementary Schools of the Galveston-Houston Diocese with the Development of a Handbook of Policies, Mary Teresita Partin
A Study of the Lay Teacher Program in the Catholic Elementary Schools in the State of Iowa , James Michael. Janssen
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
A Study of the Leadership of a "People's Organization": The Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council, Patrick J. Henry
A Study of the Legal Philosophy of Jerome N. Frank, John Thompson Schuett
A Study of the Moral Decay and Despair of Macbeth Through His Naive Imagination, William Joseph Holmes
A Study of the Most Outstanding Problems of Boys in the Third Year of Three Catholic High Schools, James Joseph Merwick
A Study of the Motivation of Leaders Followers and Isolates in a Group of Delinquent Boys, Robert G. Milligan
A Study of the Motives, Attitudes, Achievements and Decline of the American Colonization Society from Its Inception to 1840, Leonard Gittings
A Study of the Omnipresence and Immensity of God, Patrick Francis Ahern
A Study of the Original Norms of the Furfey Developmental Age Scale Witha1952 Population, Edward Maurice Flaherty
A Study of the Parents Financial Indigence at the Time Their Children Were Committed to Children's Division, John Charles Pekarek
A Study of the Personality Characteristics of Engaged Couples in Relation to Expected Marital Adjustment, John Michael McCauley
A Study of the Personality Traits of Successful Religious Women of Teaching Orders, Anthony J. Becker
A Study of the Philosophical Thought and Background in Hamlet, Thomas E. Porter
A Study of the Problems Involved in Opening Kaiser Engineers Branch Office in Chicago, Robert James King
A Study of the Provisions for General Assistance in Illinois from 1790 to 1950, Margaret S. Dardwin
A Study of the Recent (1958 and 1960) Educational Reforms in Communist China, Chii-Ming Hwang
A Study of the Relation between Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Ability and Adjustment in Adults, Mary McNeil
A Study of the Relationship Among Certain Measures of Quantitive and Verbal Abilities, and Achievement in Freshman Engineering Drawing, Mathematics and English in a Public Junior College, Harold Constantine Messinides
A Study of the Relationship between a Real Mobility and Standardized Test Performance of 4300 Graduates of Chicago Public Elementary Schools , John Peter Byrne
A Study of the Relationship between Complex Problem Solving Ability and a Measure of Scholastic Aptitude, Robert G. Riedel
A Study of the Relationship between the Problems and Religious Attitudes of College Students, Gerd Maximilian Cryns
A Study of the Reliability of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale with Eighteen and Nineteen Year Olds , Fred Donnel Whelan
A Study of the Religious Life and Opinions of Samuel Johnson, Ll.D., Ella McElligott
A Study of the Religious Participation of Catholic Delinquent Boys Detained in the Arthur Audy Home from July to November, 1951, Joseph Patrick Munday
A Study of the Resettlement of Displaced Persons in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Francis William Curtin
A Study of the Separation of Twins in School Classes as a Factor in Academic Achievement, John Henry Kott
A Study of the Social Histories of Cerebral Palsied Patients at the Mercy Hospital Children's Rehabilitation Center, Jo Ann Splon
A Study of the Social History and Characteristics of Long Term ADC Cases, Ines T. Pannell
A Study of the Socioeconomic Determinants of the Performance of the New Lands Cooperatives, Ashraf S.E. Saleh
A Study of the Spiritual Sonnets of Henry Constable, Mary Melora Mauritz
A Study of the Theory and Practice of Effective Law Enforcement, John Joseph Cody
A Study of Truthfulness in Female Orthodontic Patients, from the Appraisal of Certain Autonomic Responses, to Questions Concerning Cooperation, Thomas P. Cavanaugh
A Study of Truthfulness in Male Orthodontic Patients from the Appraisal of Certain Autonomic Responses to Questions Concerning Cooperation, Richard Salvadore Campisi
A Study of Twenty-Four New Foster Fathers and Their Relationships to Their Foster Children, Florence Mae Levin
A Study of Twenty-Six Intellectually Superior Girls Known to the Institute for Juvenile Research, Bernice Marie Bunnell
A Study on Problems of Old Age Based upon Articles Appearing in Public Aid in Illinois from October, 1944 to April, 1952, William Joseph Thometz
A Survey of Company Policies on Garnishments and Wage Assignments in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Thomas Edward De Pinto
A Survey of Current Labor Problems Involving Scheduled Air Line Flight Crews, Thomas Francis Miller
A Survey of Mathematical Concepts, Their Development and Their Application, in Selected Experimental Writings of Mathematics Improvement Groups and in Eight Leading Arithmetic Textbook Series: Grades Three to Eight, Thomas Joseph McDonald
A Survey of Personnel Testing in the Chicago Area, Roy S. Barr
A Survey of the Effectiveness of Industrial Development Programs, Fred Philip Lauth
A Survey of the Historical and Higher Educational Aspects of Industrial Safety in Conjunction with a Suggested Curriculum for Training Professional Safety Administrators, Frederick Ian Anrod
A Survey of the Problems of Girls in Catholic High Schools, Rosemary Moody
A Survey of the Use of Employee Attitude Questionnaires in a Selected Group of Companies in the Chicago Area, Raymond Jerome Novotny
A Survey of the Validity of Age Discrimination in Employment, Charles Martin Wiltfang
A Survey of Tuition Assistance Programs offered to Employees By Chicago Area Companies , Allen Jerome Paneral
A Survey Study of Prepare Workshop Participants' Application of Knowledge, Confidence Levels, and Utilization of School Crisis Response and Recovery Training Curriculum, Brian Richard Lazzaro
Asymmetric α-hydroxy Ketone Synthesis by Direct Ketone Oxidation Using a Bimetallic Palladium(II) Complex, Othman A. Hamed, Arab El-Qisairi, Hanan Qaseer, Emad M. Hamed, Patrick M. Henry, and Daniel Becker
A Tat and Picture-Frustration Study of Naval Offenders and Non- Offenders, Francis Bernard Petrauskas
A Taxonomic Study of Some Lophotrichous Alcaligenes, Thomas Paul Galarneault
A Thematic Apperception Test Study of Non-Intellective Factors Related to Academic Success on the College Level, Joseph A. Garvin
A Theory of Property According to John Locke, Joseph Andrew Bracken
A Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characterization of the Solvent Dependence of the Saddle-Crown Equilibrium of Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) Oxime, David C. French, Marlon R. Lutz Jr., Chichi Lu, Matthias Zeller, and Daniel Becker
A Thomistic Theory of Authority: Yves Simon, John Alanson Lucal
Atrio-Ventricular Pressures and Their Relationships During Stellate Stimulation, Richard H. Ulmer
Attitude Patterns of the Foreman and the Worker, Richard Joseph Obrochta
Attitudes and Inclusion: An Examination of Teachers' Attitudes Toward Including Students with Disabilities, Thomas James Walker
Attitudes of Parents of Trainable Mentally Retarded Towards Their Children After Group Orientation, Norman Roy Hafemeister
Automated Teaching of Space Biology in the High School Science Classroom, Mary Stephanetta Kolanowski
Automating a Rail Slitting Mill: A Case Study in the Effects of Automation, Walter Raymond Cross
Automation, Displacement Methods and Collective Bargaining Issues: A Critical Analysis, Eugene Mitchell Kamy
A Validation Study of Three Non-Verbal Maps Test Signs as Indicators of Hostility Among Delinquent Boys , Basil Edward Najjar
Azaadamantane Benzamide 5-HT4 Agonists: Gastrointestinal Prokinetic SC-54750, Daniel Becker, Daniel L. Flynn, Robert L. Shone, and Gary Gullikson
Banking in the Middle East Revisited Amid Turbulence in Financial Markets: the Case of Egypt, Mine Cinar and Joseph Poulous
Bank Runs in Emerging Market Countries: Turkey's Special Finance Houses, Martha Starr and Rasim Yilmaz
Barbara Allen in Tradition and in Print , Mary Athanasius Riley
Basic Criteria Used in Voluntary Wage Arbitration in the United States, August 15, 1945-June 30, 1953, Paul Bernard Grant
Basic Principles of Segregated Education in Prewar Japanese Secondary Schools, Joseph P. Wellens
Beckmann Rearrangement of Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) Oxime: Tandem Beckmann-Electrophilic Aromatic Addition, Marlon R. Lutz Jr., Matthias Zeller, and Daniel P. Becker
Beginnings of the St. Francis Xavier Mission Colony for the Iroquois , Andrew Anthony Connolly
Beyond the Hold of Death: The Issues and Concerns of Women Formerly on Death Row in the Philippines, Diana Therese Montejo Veloso
Beyond Utility, Rights, and Care: An Alternative Approach to Global Poverty, Timothy Weidel
Biases in Children's Cognitive Styles: Investigating Local, Global, and Rule-Based Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Typical Development, Sandra Beatriz Vanegas
Bibliography of Novels for Teachers of Sociology Classified According to Terms in the "Dictionary of Sociology", Nathaniel Chicory
Bilateral Trade Flows of The Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A New Approach To Gravity Model, Aysu Insel and Mahmut Tekce
Binge Alcohol and Recovery After Traumatic Brain Injury, Ian Vaagenes
Bishop John England, Pioneer American Catholic Spokesman on Church- State Relations, James Gerald McCann
Black holes in the conical ensemble, Robert A. McNees IV and Daniel Grumiller
Blue Cross-Blue Shield : Past, Present, And Future, Edwin Bernard Gilroy
Bradley's Theory of Tragedy : Analysis and Critique, Thomas William Charbeneau
Bridgehead-methyl Analog of SC-53116 as a 5-HT4 Agonist, Daniel Becker, Daniel L. Flynn, and Clara I. Villamil
British Imperialism in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 1883-1899 , Clyde Benjamin Kelly
Bryan's Influence on Wilson's Nomination in 1912 , Henry Joseph Bourguignon
Budgetary Institutions in Turkey , Izak Atiyas and Serif Sayin
Building a Child Welfare Response to Child Trafficking Handbook (2011), Katherine Kaufka Walts JD; Shelby French MSW, MSc; Heather Moore MSW; and Sehla Ashai JD
Building Capable, Energy-Efficient, Flexible Visualization and Sensing Clusters from Commodity Tablets, Thomas Delgado Dias, Xian Yan, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Bullying (1950 - 2010): The Bully and the Bullied, Steven Arthur Provis
Business Cycles Characte of the Mediterranean Area Countries, Marco Gallegati, Mauro Gallegati, and Wolfgang Polasek
Calabrese Immigrants to Chicago, Giuseppe De Bartolo PhD
Calcium Effects on Yeast Hexokinase, Mary Ann Hurley
Can Fiscal Decentralization Contribute to Poverty Reduction? Challenges Facing a Low Income Country, Mona Said, Zuzana Brixiova, and Edward R. Gemayel
Canon as an Act of Creation: Giorgio Agamben and the Extended Logic of the Messianic, Colby Dickinson
Can Productivity Increases Really Explain The Lira Appreciation: Questions For The Central Bank Of The Republic Of Turkey, Kenan Lopcua, Almila Burgacb, and Fikret Dulger
Cardiovascular Responses Elicited By Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus , John William Manning
Cardozo's Philosophy of Law: His Concept of Judicial Process , William Charles Cunningham
Case History: Some Responses of Teachers to Their Major Challenges in a Changing Neighborhood Elementary School, H. Sumner Brown
Casework Activities in the Mental Hygiene Clinic in the Chicago Regional Office of the Veterans Administration, Bernice Lewis Cooper
Casework Counseling with Parents of Cerebral Palsied Children, Bennette L. Herrera
Catholic Charity Bureau, John Francis Kenney
Catholic Education and Assimilation, Al Gini PhD
Catholic Organic Society and Some of Its Manifold Implications Relating to Socio-Economic Roles, Eric Geib
Catholic Spiritual Revivals, Parish Missions in the Midwest to 1865 , John V. Mentag
Celebrating Faculty Scholarship: Bibliography - 2012, University Libraries
Cell Biology of Foxp3+ Regulatory T Cells, Mariko Takami
Chamber List 1, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 2, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 3, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 4, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 5, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 6, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 7, Robert Bucholz
Chamber List 8, Robert Bucholz
Changes in Exchange Rates and the Performance of the Manufacturing Sectors in Turkey, A. Suut Dogruel, Fatma Dogruel, and Umit Izmen
Changes in Impulse-Control Balance Following General and Specialized Treatment of Institutionalized Delinquent Boys, George Ridley Lewis
Changes in IQ of Institutionalized Delinquent Boys, Robert Allen Roe
Changes in the Cerebral Cortex of the Rat Following a Localized High Dose of X-Irradiation, as Seen with Electron Microscope, Thomas F. McDonald
Changes in the Maturation of Epithelial Cells in the Mucous Membrane of the Cheek After Therapeutic X-Ray Radiation in Patients with Head and Neck Carcinoma, Lawrence Philip Chase
Changes in the Organization of the Field Services Program of the Illinois Department of Public Health, Charles William Dixon
Changing Concepts of Institutional Child Care in the Uhlich Children's Home, Alice Skinner
Changing Length of the Work Week Within the Clearing Industrial District of Chicago, Illinois, Robert Shust
Character Development Through Guided Activities for Kindergarten and Primary Children, Marie Francine. Verpas
Characteristic Differences, Determined By Tat Sequential Analysis, between Teachers Rated By their Pupils At the Extremes in Teaching Efficiency , Mary Innocentia Burkard
Characterization of Inducible Regulatory T Cells: An Umbilical Cord Blood Model, Rebecca Anne Krier
Characterization of the Coca Chemokine Receptor Four Agonist Activity of Ubiquitin, Daniel M. Staren
Characterization of the Novel Response Regulator Sype: A Dual Regulator of Biofilm Formation and Colonization in Vibrio Fischeri, Andrew Robert Morris
Chaucer's Presentation of the Church in the Canterbury Tales , James Joseph Creighton
Cheerleaders and Performers: Mental Health Courts in a Midwestern State, Monte Staton
Chicago Italian Catholicism for the 21st Century, Richard Fragomeni PhD
Chicago Italians and the Concordat of 1929: Remembering the Work of Peter D’Agostino, Elfriede Wedam PhD
Chicagoland Salary Surveys, - a Critical Analysis, Joseph Lawrence Kennedy
Chicago's Italian Communities and the Chicago Area Project, Robert M. Lombardo
Child Guidance Services in Rural Areas, Norman Booth
Child-Labor and Legislation in Nineteenth Century England, Mary Christopher McNaney
Child Labor Supply in Palestine: Trends and Perspectives, Issam Abu-Ghallous
Children Known to the Family Court of Cook County Recommended for Placement by the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research, William B. Meyer
Children Referred to the Family Court of Cook Country for Delinquent Behavior, Mary Splinter Nicklaus
Children's Rights are Human Rights- An Introductory Handbook for Students and Professionals, Claire Bedard
Clerical Worker's Attitudes Toward White Collar Unions, O"Gerald Thomas O'Neill
Coffee and Welcome, Loyola University Chicago
College Student Pathways to the STEM Disciplines, Mark Engberg and Gregory C. Wolniak
College Students as Volunteer Subjects, Robert W.F. Kelly
Color of Aggressor in the Formation of Responses to Frustration, Rudolph Emanuel Cook
Common Factors in the Social Histories of U. S. Army Servicemen Sentenced to the Disciplinary Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, Eleanor C. Knox
Comparative Parental Perceptions of a Mentally Retarded Child, Edward Gumz and Jaber F. Gubrium
Comparative Study of Laws and Standards Pertaining to the Licensing of Foster Homes in Eight South and Western States, Sidney Freeman
Comparative Study of Three Intelligence Tests Administered to Deaf Children, Angela Lucille Chemazar
Comparison between Priests with Pastoral Counseling Training and Priests Without It as Measured by the Religious Apperception Test, John Walter Keller
Comparison of the Binding Mechanisms of the Plasma Proteins and Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Robert Harry Spitzer
Comparison of Two Methods for Recovery of Fungi from Clinical Material, Kenneth J. Smith
Complexity, Conflict, and Cooperation: The Micropolitics of American Civil-Military Relations in Small Wars, 1945-Present, Michael P. Noonan
Compositional Determinants of the Pharmacological Actions of Heparins, Angel Lee Gray-Shah
Compulsory Retirement Ages for Academic and Nonacademic Personnel of Colleges and Universities in the United States, Robert Bernard Brausch
Compulsory Retirement Problems in Industry, Norbert William Heuel
Conceptualizing Beauty: A Content Analysis of U.S. and French Women's Magazine Advertisements, Pamela Morris and Katharine Nichols
Concreteness in Chesterton , John William Glaser
Conflict of Federal and State Jurisdiction Under the National Labor Relations Act as Amended, John Joseph Devine
Conrad's Nostromo: Reception, Theme, Technique, Jerome A. Long
Conspiratorial Thinking: How Worldview and Mortality Salience Affect Belief, Eric James Anderson
Contributions of Liberal Arts Colleges Toward the Educational Preparation of Dental Students, Arthur E. Iwersen
Controversy in the Steel Industry: An Analysis of the Differing Views of Labor and Management in the 1959 Contract Negotiations, Alec A. Lazur
Convergence Between The Business Cycles of New European Member States And The "Euro" Business Cycle, Alain Safa, Marie-Jose Rinaldi-Larribe, and Nathalie Hilmi
Convergence of North African Countries to the Level of Southern Europe Income: An Empirical Evaluation, Meriem Djennas, Mohamed BenBouziane, and Mustapha Djennas
Coping Mechanisms Among Lebanese First-Time College Students, Rita Doumit
Coral Reefs and Tourism in Egypt's Red Sea, Nathalie Hilmi, Alain Safa, and Stéphanie Reynaud
Correlation between Scores on the Kuhlmann-Anderson Scales and on the Performance Scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children in Testing Deaf Children, Edna Frances Bodjack
Country Concentration of Turkish Exports and Imports Over Time, Guzin Erlat
Coventry Patmore's "Psyche's Discontent" and the Child's Purchase": An Explication, Kevin Edward Gallagher
Creon's Role in Sophocles' Antigone, John Joseph Kilgallen
Crisis Preparedness, Charles Maida
Cristo Rey and Christ the King Jesuit High School: Two Schools, Two Demographics, Two Realities: One Model, Alfredo Astorga-Velasquez
Critical Analysis of Ability Grouping in Selected Periodicals 1918-1960, Mary Healy
Critical Functions Specified by the MLL CXXC Domain Determine Leukemogenic Capacity, Noah Warren Birch
Cruel Sorority, Or, Feminizing Enjoyment in American Romance, Carina Dionne Pasquesi
Cultural Competence--Does It Matter?: Lessons from a Mixed-Methods Study of Wraparound Practice, Jennifer James Rose
Culturally Responsive Teaching: An Investigation of Effective Practices for African American Learners, Antonia L. Hill
Culture and metaphors in advertisements: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United States, Pamela Morris and Jennifer A. Waldman
Cupric Complexes of Glycine, Thomas Lawrence Duffy
Current Global Financial Crisis, M. Ibrahim Turhan
Darfur: Rainfall And Conflict, Michael Kevane and Leslie Gray
David and Goliath: The U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement and the Economic Development of Jordan, Grace Victoria Chomo
Decomposing The Marginal Intra-Industry Trade Index As A Measure of Changes In Trade Patterns And Its Application To The MENA Countries, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat
Decomposition of Income Inequality: Evidence from Turkey , Jacques Silber and Süleyman Ozmucur
¿Déjalo Descansar? The Parental Bereavement Experience of Mexican Migrant Mothers, Illeana Gomez
Democracy and Scientific Expertise: Illusions of Political and Epistemic Inclusion, J.D. Trout
Demographic Structure and Private Savings: Some Evidence from Emerging Markets, Jehad Yasin
Depopulation and Education in a Mexican Migrant Town: Schools in Villa Juarez, San Luis Potosi, 1942-2000, Magda Banda
Desire and Agency in the Modern Women's Sonnet, Catherine Anne Ramsden
Determinants and Impact on the Turkish Economy of Remittances, Nazli Elif Köksal
Determinants of Causal Ambiguity and Difficulty of Knowledge Transfer within the Firm, Ugur Uygur
Determinants of Consumer Confidence in Emerging Economies: A Panel Cointegration Analysis, Sadullah Celik, Erhan Aslanoglu, and Seda Uzun
Determinants of Private Saving and Interaction Between Public & Private Savings in Turkey, Eser Pirgan Matur, Ali Sabuncu, and Sema Bahçeci
Determinants of Technological Activities in Turkishanufacturing Industries: A Microeconometric Analysis , Teoman Pamukcu and PMC deBoer
Determinants of Turkish Fdi Abroad, Saime Kayam and Mehtap Hisarciklilar
Determination of An Interaction between Nipped B-Like Protein and MLL, Adam Robert Marek
Determination of Patterns of Behavior Through Controlled Early Experience, Betty Lou Penhale
Determination of the Molecular Mechanisms of Hyperglycemia-Induced Changes in Cav3.2 Calcium Channel Properties, Ginny Marie Keeling
Development of Union Counseling in the Congress of Industrial Organizations , Robert Edward West
Development Principles for Virtual Archives and Editions, Peter Shillingsburg
Developments in Pre-Retirement Programs Since 1950, Thomas Castronovo
Dialectical Freedom as Found in Soren Kierkegaard's Religious Works, Frank Joseph Granzeier
Differential Vocational Interest Patterns of Successful and Unsuccessful Foreign Mission Seminarians, Charles E. Kenney
Diocesan and Jesuit Labor Schools in America: A Comparative Study, Maurus Barrenechea
Diplomatic Relations between the United States and the Vatican During the Civil War, Mary Salesia Martinkus
Direct Patterning of a Cyclotriveratrylene Derivative for Directed Self-Assembly of C60, Zachary R. Osner, Dorjderem Nyamjav, Richard C. Holz, and Daniel P. Becker
Disagregated Education Data and Growth: Some Facts from Turkey and MENA Countries, Zeynep Deniz and A. Suut Dogruel
Discharge and Discipline Cases in Labor Arbitration in the Post World War II Period, September I, 1945- August 31, 1954, Frank Henry Caruk
discovered by the Process: A Methodology for Twentieth-Century Moral Fiction, Sean Adriaan Labbe
Disputed Questions in Wordsworth's Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood , Frank Anthony Grady
Diversifications in Turkish Industry and Trade, A. Suut Dogruel and Fatma Dogruel
Divine Sovereignty, Divine Providence, and Prayer in the Thought of Evagrius Ponticus, Chris Steven Gombos
Divine Will/Divine Command: Moral Theories and the Problem of Arbitrariness, Thomas Carson
DNA Metabolism of the Basal Cell Layer of the Epithelium of the Tongue in the Mouse, William Albert Schoenheider
Does an Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilization Programme Help For Disinflation in Turkey?, Oner Guncavdi and Benan Zeki Orbay
Doing Good Science Without Sacrificing Good Values: Why the Heuristic Paradigm is the Best Choice for Social Work, Jessica Heineman-Pieper, Katherine Tyson McCrea, and Martha Heineman Pieper
Do Turkish Exports have a Comparative Advantage with Respect to the European Union Market, 1999-2000, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat
Down to Earth Ethics: Exploring Relation and Environmental Responsibility, Matthew Gowans
Drivers of the Sentenced Population: Probation Analysis, David E. Olson, Donald Stemen, Sema Taheri, and Michelle D. Mioduszewski
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen and the Formation of the Republic of China, Hans Kuo-Hsiung Kung
Dualistic Development in UAE and GCC, Suleiman I. Cohen
Dual Labor Markets and Public Debt: An Illustration Using the Lebanese Example, Sheikh Shahnawaz
Early Padroni, Work, and the Church in Chicago: 1880-1910, Kirby Pringle
Eating Disorders and Health Related Quality of Life: What Residential Treatment Can Do, Robyn Michelle Welk-Richards
Ecological Analyses in Social Studies, Patrick J. Boyle
Economic Conditions and Resistance to Occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: There is a Causal Connection, Basel A. Saleh
Economic Development in the Southern Mediterranean Countries through Population Growth and International Trade: A Comparative Focus, Wai Mun Hong, Alejandro Lorca, and Eva Medina
Economic Growth with Unlimited Supplies of Labor: Theory and Some Evidence from the GCC, Tarek Coury and Mohamed Lahouel
Editorial Attitude Toward Unionism with Regard to Important Labor Issues, the Years 1919-1921 Inclusive, Eugene William Monroe
Educational Leaders Serving Language Minority Students (1965-2001), Jenny Maria Neal
Effectiveness of Graduate Training in School Psychology: Perspectives of Graduate Practitioners, Mary S. Satchwell
Effect of Advanced Age on the Innate Immune Response to Cutaneous Wound Infection, Aleah Lin Brubaker
Effect of Estrogens on Certain Enzymes in Pituitary Tissue, Birute S. Micuta
Effects of Acute Alcohol Exposure on Post Burn Intestinal Immunity: Role of IL-23, Juan L. Rendon
Effects of Binge Alcohol Exposure on Canonical Wnt Signaling During Fracture Repair, Kristen Leigh Lauing
Effects of Diethylstilbesterol on Pituitary Enzymology, Birute Micuta Baltrus
Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Policy in Tunisia: A SVAR Model Investigation, Sarra Ben Slimane
Effects of Electrical Stimulation and Testosterone in Translational Models of Peripheral Nerve Injury, Gina Monaco
Effects of Lesions in the Hippocampal Rudiment on Conditioned Olfactory Discrimination in the Albino Rat, Hacker Joseph Fagot
Effects of Mechanization upon Selected Areas of the Bituminous Coal Industry, James David Smith
Effects of Some Enzyme Inhibitors on the Threshold to Cortical Desynchrony by Reticular Formation Stimulation, Seward A. Ridlon
Effects of Structural Changes in the Turkish Banking Sector Since 2001 Crisis and a Risk Analysis for the Sector, Kenan Lopcu and Süleyman Bilgin Kilic
Efficiency Analysis of Turkish Preparation and Spinning of Textile Fibres; Weaving of Textiles Industry: The Cases of Firm-Based and Cumulative Data, M. Ensar Yesilyurt and Filiz Yesilyurt
Efforts At Anglo-American Adjustment: 1763-1775, George Henry Holczl
Electromyographic Studies on Some of the Muscles Involved in Rotation of the Leg, John Alex Boczkiewicz
Electromyographic Study of Mandibular Posture as Influenced by Horizontal Changes of Head Posture, Gilbert Vincent Carter
Electromyography of the Back Muscles During Respiration and Speech, Albert Avery Halls
Elementary School Teachers' Reasons for Staying in Their Current Schools: A Comparison Study, Luzmila Beanira Adrianzen
El Hombre En La Poesia Espanola Contemporanea, Isabella S. Milewski
Emerging Markets and Volatility of Real Exchange Rates: The Turkish Case, Saziye Gazioglu
Emerging Strains in GCC Labor Markets, Ugo Fasano and Rishi Goyal
Emotional Conflict, a Key to Artistic Unity of Character and Incident in Hamlet, Leonard Joseph Langenderfer
Employee Benefits and Morale : A Case Study, John Bohan Laughlin
Employee Pre-Retirement Programs in the Chicago Area, 1956-1961, John M. Long
Employer - Employee Relations in the Tennessee Valley Authority, from 1933 to 1959, Mathew Korah Karavelithara
Employment and Occupational Adjustment of Probations and Parolees, Anthony Stephen Kuharich
Empowering Counseling Program Description, Katherine Tyson McCrea
Enabling Greater Access to Home Meal Delivery, Maciek Nowak, Leo Gala, and Mike Hewitt
Enantioselective Synthesis of Dual Serotonergic Azanoradamantane SC-52491, Daniel Becker, Robert K. Husa, Alan E. Moormann, and Clara I. Villamil
English as a Medium of Instruction in the Territory of New Guinea ; a Critical Analysis of the Literature, Werner Joseph Shadeg
English Radical Thought, 1768-1788, as Seen in the Works of Richard Price and Joseph Priestley, M. Gregory Renzelmann
Enteric Bacteria from Reptiles in the Belgian Congo, Philomena A. Szafran
Enteric Bacteria Recovered from Reptiles Other Than Snakes at Two Public Zoos, Donald Arthur Yarashus
Enteric Bacteria Recovered from the Snakes of Two Public Zoos, Demetrios George Halkias
Enterobacteriaceae Isolated from Dogs and Cats in a Medical School Kennel, Bendt O. D. Bladel
Environmental Performance of Developing Countries: A Comparative Study, Salpie Djoundourian
Enzyme Studies in the at Pituitary, Doris M. Hilker
Epinephrine Induced Experimental Medical Aortopathy and Its Pathogenesis, Donal D. O'Sullivan
Equilibrium Level of the Real Exchange Rate and the Duration and Magnitude of the Misalignments for Turkey , C. Emre Alper and Ismail Saglam
E-Readiness Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises in Egypt: A Micro Study, Nagla Rizk
Establishment of a Wage and Allowance Plan for Students at the Illinois State Training School for Boys, Robert Laurence Kehoe
Ethnicity, Assimilation and Transnationalism: a Comparative Study of Eastern European Migration to the United States (1940-2012), Cezara Olga Crisan
Euro Pricing of Crude Oil: An OPEC's Perspective, Mohana Rajamanickam, Massood V. Samii, and Arul Thirunavukkarasu
Evading Innate and Adaptive Immunity During Adenovirus Cell Entry, Shauna Marvin
Evaluating Financial Sector Development in the Middle East and North Africa: New Methodology and Some New Results, Susan Creane, Rishi Goyal, Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak, and Randa Sab
Evaluating Management Development Programs, John Francis Roberts
Evaluation of an Expanded Satellite Based Mobile Communications Tracking System, Maciek Nowak and Alan L. Erera
Evaluation of the Intake Program of the Audy Home, James Edward Chambers
Evidence for Renewal and Reconstitution of Marginal Zone Macrophages in Young and Aged Mice, Erika Bahamon
Evolution of Interactomes, Monica Micek
Examination of Presenter Characteristics on Satisfaction and Learning in a Treatment Readiness Program, Haley M. Siler
Examiner Influence on the Rorschach Test, Marvel L. Meyer
Examining Female Principals That Lead Within the Same Schools That They Once Taught, Erica Michele Jordan
Examining Support That Exists for Social and Emotional Program Implementation in Elementary Charter Schools, Angela N. Brooks
Examining the Transition Experience of Students from Multiage Elementary Programs to Single-Grade Classrooms at the Middle School, Cindy Lynn Ruesch
Exemplarism in Saint Thomas Aquinas, Frederick Charles Herx
Exosomes: Antiviral Agents in the Human Lung, Jennifer Alexandra Novak
Expected Social Security Wealth Simulations And Generational Fairness of The Turkish Payg System, Yigit Aydede
Experimental Acute Hypervolemic Heart Failure Due to the Rapid Infusion of Certain Plasma Expanders, Leonard Martin Lewis
Explaining the Dearth of FDI in the Middle East, Sarkis Joseph Khoury, Eva Wagner, and Johannes Kepler
Exploring Predicted Vs. Actual First to-Second Year Retention Rates: A Study of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Colleges, Brenda Porter Poggendorf
Extreme Observations in the MENA Stock Markets and Their Implication for VAR Measures, Ata Assaf
Factor Analysis of MMPI, H-K PGR Test, and TAT: Three Factors of Inappropriate Reaction, Robert E. Hoene
Factors Affecting Arithmetical Achievement of Seventh Grade Students, Henry Moughamian
Factors in Destination Decisions for Cuban Study Abroad, Kari Beall
Factors of Nigeria's Economic Growth with Emphasis on Labor, Patrick Adebayo Uzoma Opara
Factors Related to Internalization of Catholic Views, Paul Thomas Schindler
Factors Related to the Racial Socialization of Asian American Children, Kimberly Langrehr
Fair Employment Practice Commission with Special Emphasis on Municipal Varieties, William Adolphus Jackson
Fakability of Interest Tests , James Anthony Becker
Fall and Resurgence of Art in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde, Frederick Paul Chenderlin
Fate and Free Will in the White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi , Robert Edward Cahill
Fathers' Early Engagement in Preschoolers' Language and Emergent Literacy Skills: Examining Patterns by Hispanic Heritage, Valerie Christina Flores
Female Labor Force Participation, Fertility and the Timing of Marriage in Morocco, Sami Zouari and Ragui Assaad
Fideism, Evidentialism, and the Epistemology of Religious Belief, Matthew P. Butcher
Fielding's Theory and Art of Composition, Thomas Radloff
Filesystems: Addressing the Last-mile “problem” in Services-Oriented/Cloud Computing, George K. Thiruvathukal, Joseph P. Kaylor, and Konstantin Läufer
Financial Markets and Globalization in Turkey, Tulay Arin
Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey, Oya Pinar Ardic and H. Evren Damar
Firmitas Animae : a Study of Fortitude in the Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, James William Sanders
First Ladies of the United States-Advocates for Children, Women Leadership and Social Causes: A Historical Examination of Nancy Reagan and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Nimsiha Bhatt Kumar
Five Approaches to Intermediate Grade Level Reading Problems: A Critique, Mary Therese Long
Flowers in Chicago: Counterculture in Chicago in the 1960s, Ronald Martin
Forebrain Noradrenergic Alterations and Anxiety After Myocardial Infarction, Jaimee Glasgow
Forecasting Energy Demand in Jordan Using Artificial Neural Networks, Bassam M. AbuAl-Foul
Foreign Debt Dynamics in Middle Income Countries, Fatma Dogruel and A. Suut Dogruel
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Some MENA Countries: Theory and Evidence, Abdel-Hameed M. Bashir
Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in the GCC Countries: A Causality Investigation Using Heterogeneous Panel Analysis, Mahmoud Al-Iriani
Forensic Social Work: Practice and Vision, Thomas P. Brennan, Amy E. Gedrich, Michael J. Tardy, and Katherine Tyson McCrea
Formal versus Informal Labor Market Segmentation in Turkey in the Course of Market Liberalization, Erdal Aydin, Mehtap Hisarciklilar, and Ipek Ilkkaracan
Fortune in Chaucerian Tragedy, James Joseph Donnelly
Foucault and Habermas, David Ingram
Four Approaches to the Study of Social Character and Personality , James Jana
Fractionation of Pituitary Tissue by Differential Centrifugation, Daniel Martin Ziegler
Francis Thompson : Poet of Divine Love, Robert Joseph Mayer
Fray Francisco Hidalgo, Pioneer Missionary in Texas, Arnold Andrew Wurzel
Frederic Siedenburg, SJ: the Journey of a Social Activist, Edward Gumz
Free Exchange for Mutual Benefit: Sweatshops and Maitland’s ‘Classical Liberal Standard’, Thomas Carson
From Finite to Eternal Being: Edith Stein's Philosophical Approach to God, Kathe Granderath
From Individual Conscience to Parish Culture: A Study of Two Catholic Parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Lucas S. Sharma
From Physical to Digital Textualiity: Loss and Gain in Literary Projects, Peter Shillingsburg
Funk My Soul: The Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And the Birth of Funk Culture, Domenico Rocco Ferri
Gendered Jobs and the New Gender Gap, George K. Thiruvathukal and Jon Ross
Gender Inequality and Countries' Responsiveness to Enforcing Human Trafficking Laws: A Cross National Study, Christina Rose Fiorito
General or Vocational: Evidence on School Choice and Returns from Egypt, Fatma El-Hamidi
Geography, Informal Information, and Mutual Fund Portfolios, Jinyi (Richard) Fu and Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee
George Derek Musgrove, Rumor, Repression, and Racial Politics: How the Harassment of Black Elected Officials Shaped Post-Civil Rights America, Christopher E. Manning
Gilson's Epistemology, Gerard Van den Hurk
Giving and Taking Orders: Race, Rank, and the United States Military, Natalie Levy Seefeldt
Globalization, Public Expenses and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey, Nathalie Hilmi and Alain Safa
Global Portfolios With Market, Size and Value Considerations, Tulin Sener and Hadi Salavitabar
God & Being: An Enquiry, by George Pattison, Colby Dickinson
Gothic Slumming: Realist Writers and Gothic Texts in Progressive Era America, Gillian Nelson Bauer
Governor Theodore Roosevelt and the New York Republican Machine, Lawrence Joseph Cross
Great Britain and the Irish Treaty of 1921, Maureen Patrice Buckley
Green Paradise: A Study of Andrew Marvell's Concept of the Relation of Man to Nature, William Dennis Sullivan
Group Effects on Reasoning Functions, Walter Joseph Smith
Group Life Insurance Programs Established by Catholic Colleges in the United States, James J. Cupicciotti
Growing Up Italian and Catholic: Perspectives from Loyola Students, Anna Clara Ionta LLC, Lic
Growth and Liver Glycogen in the Developing White Leghorn Chick Embryo Under the Influence of Corticosteroids, Robert Charles Clawson
Growth Potential of Tourism Taxation in Maldives, Fazeel Najeeb and Mehmet S. Tosun
Guidance Institute in Socio-Economic Problems : The John Carroll Program, John Joseph Connelly
Guidance Practices in Selected Elementary School Districts of Illinois, Ely Sires
Habitual Self-Knowledge: A Genetic Study of the Doctrine of St. Thomas in De Veritate, Q. 10, a. 8, W. Jared Wicks
Half-Day and Full-Day Kindergarten: Key Factors That Make a Difference in the Reading Achievement of Struggling Readers Receiving Literacy Intervention, Kari Elaine Pawl
Hamlet: A Study in Dramatic Art, John Francis Keating
Handicapped and Penal Students Enrolled in Chicago City Junior College Courses Offered on Wttw During Three-Year Experiment (1956-1959), Coletta A. Nelson
Hartshorne's Conception of God, James Patrick Godar
Hawthorne's Theory of Art, Kenneth Heinitz
Healing of an Experimental Incision in the Human Attached Gingiva , Henry Robert Mittelman
Henry James: The Achievement of Selfhood in the Transitional Phase, 1890-1900, as Related to His Later Work, Phyllis J. Brown
Hidden Treasure: The Epistemology of Love According to Hans Urs on Balthasar, Timothy John Squier
Histogenesis of Repair of the Dental Supporting Tissues After Mucogingival Resection, Malbern Norris Wilderman
Histological Effects of Cortisone on the Maxillary Incisors and Associated Tissues in the Albino Rat , Mar-Yohana Genia Mar-Yohana
Historical Origins of Inter-Religion Differences: Evidence from 19th and 20th Century Egypt, Mohamed Saleh
Hormones and Wound Healing, Lilita Straumanis
Household Below Stairs List 1, Robert Bucholz
Household Below Stairs List 2, Robert Bucholz
Household Below Stairs List 3, Robert Bucholz
Household of Mary II (1689-1694) compiled by Ms. Annah Hackett, Robert Bucholz
Household of Mary II (1689-1694) Index compiled by Ms. Annah Hackett, Robert Bucholz
Household Saints, Nancy Savoca
Households Poverty And Water Linkages: Evidence From Algeria, Samir B.E. Maliki, Abderrezak Benhabib, and Jacques Charmes
How Does Stability in Financial Openness Affect Growth?, Erhan Aslanoglu and Pinar Deniz
How Do Professional Learning Communities Foster Strong Career and Technical Education Programs of Study in Illinois Public High Schools?, Wendy Custable
How Has Specialization in Turkish Exports Evolved Over Time? A Study Based on Galtonian Regressions, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat
How Oil Revenues Have Translated Into A Sustainable Improvement In Social Welfare In Algeria: 1998-2007, Zine Med. Barka
How Open are Arab Economies? An Examination with the CTI Measure, Jay Squalli and Kenneth Wilson
How to Boost Private Investment in the MENA Countries: The Role of Economic Reforms, Ahmet Aysan, Gaobo Pang, and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis
Hugh Blair : A Study of His Rhetorical Theory, Edward P.J. Corbett
Human Love and Struggle in the Poetry of Robert Frost, John T. Trahey
Human Trafficking and Exploitation of Children and Youth in the United States- Outcome Document, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD
Hume's Natural Determinism of the Will, Matthew D. Cook
Ibsen's Moral Order Compared to Shakespeare's, Henrietta Marie McLoughlin
Identification in Psychotherapy as Measured on a Problem Solving Task, Marv L. Meyer
Identifying Student Perspectives: Addressing the Financial Barriers Facing Low-Income Students in Study Abroad, Lauren Miranda
Identity Negotiation of Young Arab Muslim Women Attending College in the United States and France, Danielle Dunand Zimmerman
Illinois Mental Health Courts: Intra-Group Dynamics in the Courtroom Work Group, Shanti J. Raman
Imitation in Plato's Aesthetic Theory, Thomas Patrick Kennealy
Impact of Team Citizenship Behaviors on Performance in Women's Sports Teams, Rachael Nichole Martinez
Imperial Russian Interest and Intervention in Korea, 1860-1903, Edmund J. Zvetina
Imprisoning Chicago: Incarceration, The Chicago City Council, Prisoners, and Reform, 1832-1915, Susan Marie Garneau
Improving the Quality of Spiritual Care as a Dimension of Palliative Care: The Report of the Consensus Conference, Christina Puchalski, Betty Ferrell, Rose Virani, Shirley Otis-Green, Pamela Baird, Janet Bull, Harvey Chochinov, George Handzo, Holly Nelson-Becker, Maryjo Prince-Paul, Karen Pugliese, and Daniel Sulmasy
Incentive-Based Regulations and Bank Restructuring in Egypt, Alaa El-Shazly
Incentives for Indirect Labor, Gerald Curtis Stone
In Defence of Lycidas : A Study of Emotion in Milton's Elegy, Robert Joseph Fox
Index-A, Robert Bucholz
Index-B, Robert Bucholz
Index-C, Robert Bucholz
Index-D, Robert Bucholz
Index-E, Robert Bucholz
Index-F, Robert Bucholz
Index-G, Robert Bucholz
Index-H, Robert Bucholz
Index-I, Robert Bucholz
Index-J, Robert Bucholz
Index-K, Robert Bucholz
Index-L, Robert Bucholz
Index-M, Robert Bucholz
Index-N, Robert Bucholz
Index-O, Robert Bucholz
Index-P, Robert Bucholz
Index-Q, Robert Bucholz
Index-R, Robert Bucholz
Index-S, Robert Bucholz
Index-T, Robert Bucholz
Index to a Microfilm of Shaviana Displayed for Shaw's Centennial By the Shaw Society of Chicago , Marion King
Index-U, Robert Bucholz
Index-V, Robert Bucholz
Index-W, Robert Bucholz
Index-Y, Robert Bucholz
Index-Z, Robert Bucholz
Indicated Truancy Interventions: Effects on School Attendance Among Chronic Truant Students., Brandy R. Maynard, Katherine Tyson McCrea, Terri D. Pigott, and Michael S. Kelly
Indictments for the White Collar Crime of Embezzlement in Cook County, Illinois 1945-1954, Jeffie C. Davis
Individual Competition and Group Competition as Motivation Factors at the High School Level, Earl Berke
Industrial Relations Game: A Simulation for Use in Management Development, College Courses, and Research, Philip S. Jaynes
Industrial Relations in India , Maurice V.A. Dias
Inequality in a "Postracial" Era: Race, Immigration, and Criminalization of Low Wage Labor, Ruth Gomberg-Munoz
Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in Turkey, Tevfik F. Nas and Mark Perry
Inflation and Output Growth in Turkey, 1963-1999, Tevfik F. Nas and Mark J. Perry
Influence of Increased Glucose and Insulin Administration on Certain Chemical Constituents of Normal and Coronary Occluded Heart of the Dog, Blanche Tigerman
Information Content of Analysts' Earnings Forecasts in an Emerging Market: The Case of Turkey, Hakan Saraoglu and Gulnur Muradoglu
Information Technology and Growth: Will the Software Industry Lead Egypt into a New Economy?, Nagla Rizk
Inhibitors of Bacterial N-Succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic Acid Desuccinylase (DapE) and Demonstration of In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity, Danuta Gillner, Nicola Armoush, Richard C. Holz, and Daniel P. Becker
Innovation Mashups: Academic Rigor Meets Social Networking Buzz, Dejan S. Milojicic, Martin Arlitt, Dorée Duncan Seligmann, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Christian Timmerer
Innovative Therapeutic Care for Homeless, Mentally Ill Clients: Intrapsychic Humanism in a Residential Setting, Katherine Tyson McCrea and Emily Carroll
Inquiry Into Income Convergence in MENA Countries: A Neural Network Approach, Majid Sameti
In Search of Resilience and Positive Health Outcomes in Low-Income Adolescents with Asthma, Darla Kim Dewolff
Institutional Reform and Efficiency of the Budget Process: A Case Study of Morocco , Cherkaoui Mouna
Integrating Spirituality in Practice: From Inner Journey to Outer Engagement, Holly Nelson-Becker
Intellectual Development and Educability of Cerebral Palsied Children as Revealed by Psychological Evaluation, Loo O'Donnell
Intelligence and Social Maturity Changes in Feebleminded Children, Marguerite Jean O'Brien
Intelligent Systems Development in a Non Engineering Curriculum, Emily A. Brand, William L. Honig, and Matthew Wojtowicz
Inter-Agency Service : Its Function as Related to one Hundred Recipients Who Are Non-Residents of Illinois Requesting Service During June Through November 1952, Earline P. Woods
Interconversions of the Adenosine-5'-Phosphates During Oxidative Phosphorylation by Rat-Liver Mitochondria, John Earl Biaglow
Interests, Rights and Standards of Care in the Context of Globalized Medicine, Hille Haker
Interethnic Marriages of Mexicans in Chicago, Peter Wan-Lee Keng
International Accounting Standards and Selected Middle East Stock Exchanges, Besalet Basoglu and Ahmed Goma
International Education Exposure in Secondary Schooling: Impacting Academic Outcomes Among Urban Girls of Color, Tiffini L. Andorful
International Trade and Labor Markets: Evidence from Turkey, Sajid Chinoy
Internet Support Groups for Parents of Children with Add: An Examination of the Characteristics of Group Members and the Impact of Social Support on Parent Functioning, Kriston B. Schellinger
Intra Industry Trade and Labour Market Adjustment in Turkey, Guzin Erlat and Haluk Erlat
Intra-marital Sharing Rules with Evidence from Turkey, Nejat Anbarci and E. Mine Cinar
Intra-Party Politics in the Election of 1880, Herbert Joseph Ryan
Introduction, Robert Bucholz
Introduction to Computer Science in C#, Andrew N. Harrington and George K. Thiruvathukal
Intuitive Knowledge in the Philosophy of John Duns Scotus, Daniel Wendelin Primac
Investigating the Electrostatic Role of a Critical Arginine for the Catalysis of E. Coli ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase, Angela Mahaffey, Saleh Aiyash, Miguel Ballicora, and Ligin Solamen
Investigation of Quantitative Polarographic Measurements of Oxygen Tension in Tissue, Albert Frederick Kelso
Investing in the ‘New Economy’: Mutual Fund Performance and the Nature of the Firm, Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee
Investment Opportunities for Foreign Capital and Economic Fragility in Turkey, Saziye Gazioglu and Ulkem Basdas
invisible Margin: Marginalization and Activism of Adivasi Women in Researches in Bangladesh, Aanmona Priyadarshini
In Vitro Effect of Certain Compounds, Including Hypoglycemic Agents, on Cholesterol Biosynthesis, John Edward Dalidowicz
In Vitro Effect of Parathyroid Gland Extract upon the Ultra-Violet Absorbtion of Reduced Coenzyme Ii, Leo Edmund Reichert
In Vitro Studies of Parathyroid Hormone Effects on Enzyme Systems, John C. Colla
In Vivo Antagonism between a Strain of Shigella Flexneri and Microorganisms Found in the Normal Intestinal Flora , David John Hentges
Ionographic Properties of Polyvinylpyrrolidone, Robert Harry Spitzer
Iontophoresis: Fundamental Experimental Studies Using Radio-Isotopes, Edward Paul O'Malley
Irish Writers on Catholic Social Principles, David F. Wall
IRRA Members on Pending Labor Legislation, Gerald James Caraher
Is Analogical Reasoning Just Another Measure of Executive Functioning?, Lindsey E. Richland and Robert G. Morrison
Is Government Size Optimal in the Gulf Countries of the Middle East? An Answer, Hassan Aly and Mark Strazicich
Is Immigration Policy Labor Policy? Immigration Enforcement, Undocumented Workers, and the State, Ruth Gomberg-Munoz and Laura Nussbaum-Barberena
Islamic Finance and Global Financial Crises: How to Keep Finance on Track?, Ayman Zerban, Eslam H. Elkady, and Rafik F. Omar
Isolation of a Highly Functionalized Troeger’s Base Derivative via a Novel Reaction, Daniel Becker, Patricia M. Finnegan, and Paul W. Collins
Isolation of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Clinical Materials by Pepsin Digestion and Interface Concentration with Pentane, M. Imogene Palen
Isolation of the Saddle and Crown Conformers of Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) Oxime, Marlon R. Lutz Jr., David C. French, Peter Rehage, and Daniel P. Becker
Is Reliable-Social-Scholarlyo-Editing an Oxymoron, Peter Shillingsburg
Issawi's Notion of Egypt's 'Lop-sided development' Revisited, Roger Owen
Italian-American Religious Orders in the Development of Chicago Catholicism in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Ellen Skerrett, Conrad Borntrager OSM, and Dominic Candeloro
Italian-American Writers, Susana Cavallo PhD, Wiley Feinstein PhD, Fred Gardaphé PhD, Cristina Lombardi-Diop PhD, and Samuele Pardini PhD
Italian Catholic Culture in Literature, Fred Gardaphé PhD
Italian Catholicism and its Literary Representations, Mary Jo Bona PhD and Gloria Nardini PhD
Italians and Catholicism in the Late 19th Century, Anthony Cardoza PhD
Jacques Maritain's Aesthetic : An Expository Essay, Richard J. Williams
James Madison's Doctrine of National Sovereignty at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Edward Patrick Echlin
Jeanne D'Arc in the Limelight: A Study of the Maid in Modern Drama, Daniel Hannefin
John Adams Decides for Colonial Independence, Joseph James Hermiller
John Dewey's Concept of Truth, Peter Joseph Cahill
John Dewey's Philosophy of Education in Relation to Inquiry as Method and Process, Mary Dolores Schorsch
John Locke on Knowledge of the Natural Law, Arthur F. McGovern
Jose Maria Luis Mora and the Suppression of the University of Mexico, Mary Liam. Gallagher
Judgments of the Self Made in the Absence of Self-Recognition, Richard George Doyle
Just Like Everyone Else? Locating South Asians in 21st Century American Popular Media, Bhoomi K. Thakore
Juvenile Injustice: Disproportionate Minority Contact in Oklahoma's Juvenile Justice System, Patrick M. Polasek
Kant's Change of Heart: Radical Evil and Moral Transformation, Christina Drogalis
"Keeping it Real": An Evaluation Audit of Five Years of Youth-led Program Evaluation, Jeffrey J. Bulanda, Katie Szarzynski, Daria Silar, and Katherine Tyson McCrea
Kentucky Antislavery Thought, 1830-1850, J. Strassmaier
Kierkegaard and Belief , James Joseph Dagenais
Kierkegaard's Problem and His Theory of Existence, William Leo Kelly
Kinetin and the Dissociation Pattern of Enteric Bacilli, Luba Liszczynska Kostiw
King Versus Parliament in the Reign of Charles I, Robert E. Beckman
Kv7 K+ Channels in Airway Smooth Muscle Cells as Target for Asthma Therapy, Priyanka Prakash Kakad
Labor and Management Interests in the Illinois Unemployment Compensation Act from 1945 Through 1955 , Quentin Foch Patterson
Labor Legislation and Industrial Workers' Conditions in Egypt After World War Ii, Isam Taji
L'Allegro - Il Penseroso : Pre-Election Poems, William F. King
La Mia Strada, Michael DiLauro
Large-scale Structural Rearrangement of a Serine Hydrolase from Francisella Tularensis Facilitates Catalysis, Ekaterina V. Filippova, Leigh A. Watson, Misty L. Kuhn, Brett Geissler, and Daniel Becker
Las Mujeres en la Obra de Benavente, Maria Rosa de Arvizu
Latino Academic Achievement: Impact of Individual, Family, School, Community and Immigration Factors, Jessica Catharine Martone
Lay Leadership in a Suburban Parish, Mary Carol Puchalski
Leadership Team Actions That Manifest Collective Autonomy and Their Impact on Student Growth and Curriculum, Brian Keith Wegley
Learning Freedom: Education, Elevation, and New York's African American Middle Class, 1827-1829, Michael Hines
Legal Services Assessment for Trafficked Children- Cook County, Illinois Case Study, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD, Linda Rio Reichmann JD, and Catherine Lee MA
Legislating the Risk of Light Teachers in 1950s and 1970s America, Kevin Vincent Heffernan
Legislative History and Administrative Procedures of the Evacuation Claims Act, John Y. Yoshino
Leon Battista Alberti, Renaissance Humanist and Educator : A Study Based on the First Book of a Cura Della Famiglia, Anthony John DeFilippis
Liberian Refugee Women's Personal Narratives on the Effects of War on Motherhood, Florence Wanjiru Kimondo
Library Labs, Margaret Heller, Mackenzie Brooks, and Eric Phetteplace
Linkages and Volatility Transmission Between Oil Markets and Stock Markets of the GCC Oil Exporting Countries, Shawkat Hammoudeh, Eisa Al-Eisa, and Rami Al-Nsour
Linking Distributive and Procedural Justice to Employee Engagement Through Social Exchange: A Field Study in India, Soumendu Biswas, Arup Varma, and Aarti Ramaswami
Literary and Visual Representations of Traumatic Memory of the Pinochet Dictatorship in Chile, Alison Tange
Literary Documents, Texts, and Works Represented Digitally, Peter Shillingsburg
Literary Introduction to the Japanese Writings of Lafcadio Hearn, Peter John Lindmans
Liturgical Celebrations with Emotional Expectations in Auxerre, 840-908, Thomas A. Greene
Lobbying and Growth: Explaining Differences among OECD Countries, Mehmet Babacan
Local Theologies for a Global Church: Report from Midwest Members' Group, Jon Nilson
Local Ventricular Bulging Following Acute Coronary Occlusion, Constantine J. Tatooles
Logical Positivism and the Principle of Verification , John Aloysius Dinneen
Long Memory in Turkish Inflation Rates, Haluk Erlat
Looked After Or Left Behind: The Effectiveness of Principal Preparation Programs as Perceived by Generation Y Principals, Chandra D. Sledge
Look Homeward, Angel: Great American Novel, Richard G. Polakowski
Luncheon Banquet, Loyola University Chicago
Luncheon Banquet, Loyola University Chicago
Lysine Biosynthesis in Bacteria: A Metallodesuccinylase as a Potential Antimicrobial Target, Danuta M. Gillner, Daniel P. Becker Ph.D., and Richard C. Holz
Macroeconomic Implications of Remittances In MENA And Mediterranean Countries, Claude Berthomieu and Anna Tykhonenko
Madison and the Powers Reserved to the States, Robert E. Larkin
Making Something Out of Nothing: Asexuality and Narrative, Elizabeth Hanna Hanson
Management Appraisal Programs: Current Practices, John J. Groch
Mandibular Remains Support Taxonomic Validity of Australopithecus sediba, Darryl J. de Ruiter, Thomas J. Dewitt, Keely B. Carlson, Juliet K. Brophy, Lauren Schroeder, Rebecca R. Ackermann, Steven E. Churchill, and Lee R. Berger
Manner of Growth of Listeria Using the Flagella as Markers , Robert Lee Muldoon
Mario L. Aguilar, Contemplating God, Changing the World, Colby Dickinson
Married Women Working in Hospital Service: Some Social and Economic Aspects, Immacula Moroder
Measurement of Attitude and Information Changes in Mental Health Concepts Among Seminarians, Neil John Webb
Measures of Executive Functioning and Their Relation to Functional Outcomes in a Sample of Youth with Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder (add), Amy Marie Lyons Usher
Measuring Fiscal Sustainablility For Practical Use In Short-Term Policy Making, Arda Aktas and Mehmet Emre
Measuring Poverty and Inequality in Turkey, Yusuf Ziya Ozcan and Kivilcim Metin Ozcan
Measuring the Accessibility of Arab Markets, Jay Squalli and Kenneth Wilson
Measuring the Impact of Trade Flows on Employment in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry, Guzin Erlat
Measuring Vertical and Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade: The Case for Turkey, Güzin Erlat, Haluk Erlat, and Demet Senoglu
Mediterranean Countries’ Potential Vulnerability to Ocean Acidification, Nathalie Hilmi and Alain Safa
Melendez Valdes Poeta Tipico del Siglo Dieciocho, Mercedes Junquera de Flys
Mental Health Education for Religious Women, Maureen O'Keefe
Metabolism of Carbohydrate and Phosphate Compounds in the Thirteen-Striped Ground Squirrel (Citellus Tridecemlineatus) During Hibernation, Marilyn Lucile Zimny
Middle Eastern Assimilation, Migration And Trade To Europe And North America, Hisham Foad
Midwife Or Med-Wife: Examining Emotion Work with Midwifery Students in Clinical Training, Jessica Anna Cebulak
Milton's Doctrine of Chastity : An Interpretation of Comus, Philip C. Rule
Minority Stress Theory: An Examination of Factors Surrounding Sexual Risk Behavior Among Gay and Bisexual Men Who Use Club Drugs, Michael P. Dentato, Perry N. Halkitis, and John Orwat
Mitotic Activity in the Human Epidermis , Lawrence Einar Scheving
Mitotic Activity of Human Oral Epithelium When Exposed to Hydrogen Peroxide, Anthony William Gargiulo
MMP-13 Selective Alpha-sulfone Hydroxamates: Identification of Selective P1' Amides, Yvette M. Fobian, John N. Freskos, Thomas E. Barta, Louis J. Bedell, and Daniel Becker
MMP-13 Selective Isonipecotamide Alpha-sulfone Hydroxamates, Stephen A. Kolodziej, Susan L. Hockerman, Gary A. DeCrescenzo, Joseph J. McDonald, Grace E. Munie, Theresa R. Fletcher, Nathan Stehle, Craig Swearingen, and Daniel Becker
MMP-13 Selective α-sulfone Hydroxamates: a Survey of P1' Heterocyclic Amide Isosteres, Thomas E. Barta, Daniel P. Becker, Louis J. Bedell, and Alan M. Easton
Models of Economic and Financial Crises, Roberto S. Mariano, Bulent N. Gultekin, Suleyman Ozmucur, and Tayyeb Shabbir
Modernism and the Works of Gutierrez Najera, Patricia Hagey Olson
Modernism in the Prose and Verse of Ruben Dario, Robert C. Mac Neely
Molecular Functions of MLL PHD3 Binding to Its Ligands Cyp33 and H3K4Me3, Gayathree Raman
Moral Landscapes: Religion, Secularism, and Symbolic Boundaries, Thomas Jose Josephsohn
Motherhood and Love: Beyond the Gendered Stereotypes of Theology, Sandra Sullivan-Dunbar
Mothers' Nonstandard Work Schedules and Young Children's School Readiness, Kelly Haas
Mothers' Perceptions of Social Work Helpgiving Practices: Implications for the Role of the School Social Worker, Kristina Lind
Motivation of the Natural Parents, the Placement Agents, And the Adoptive Parents in Independent Adoptions, Anne Marie Faletto
Mrs. Gaskell's Cranford: "The Importance of Living the Truth" as its Unifying Theme, Donald Joseph Racky
Mucopolysaccharides in the Oral Mucosa of the Thyroidectomized Rat, Rodrigo Eisenmann Grimas
Muppets Abroad: Globalization of Multiculturalism and the International Co-Productions of Sesame Street, Julianna Carlson Palm
Mystery Motivator Calendar: An Interdependent Group Contingency, Variable Ratio, Classroom Intervention, Eva Aleksandra Kowalewicz
Naturalism, Murder, and Identity in Three Short Stories of Ramon Ferreira, Haley Lee Osborn
Neighborhood Attachment Among Latinos in Low-Income Communities, Kathleen Bachtell
Neighbors Make a Difference: Mixed Strategies for Resolving Conflicts in Middle East and North Africa, Mine Cinar, Robert Lapointe, and Timothy Nelson
Neither Butch Nor Barbie: Negotiating Gender in Women's Roller Derby, Kaley Marissa Mullin
Network Technologies Used to Aggregate Environmental Data, Paul Stasiuk, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Neue Studien Zu Den Johanneischen Schriften, Urban C. Von Wahlde
Neurocognitive Process Constraints on Analogy: What Changes to Allow Children to Reason like Adults?, Robert G. Morrison and Soohyun Cho
Neuropsychological Functioning, Parenting Behaviors, and Healthcare Behaviors Among Youth with Spina Bifida, Lauren Kelly O'Hara
New (Nor)Aza-Adamantanes Are Agonists at the Newly Identified Serotonin 5HT4 Receptor and Antagonists at the 5HT3 Receptor, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Becker, Dale P. Spangler, and Roger Nosal
Nietzsche's Theory of Cognition: An Interpretation and Defense of Perspectivism, Justin R. Marquis
Nineteenth Century Liberalism and Newman's Idea of a University, Frederick Murdoch Henley
NLRB Case Load and Business Fluctuations, Joseph Edward Warren
Not Peace But the Sword: Violence in Contemporary American Catholic Literature, Michael O'Connell
Novel Role of ErbB-2 in Inhibition of Jagged-1-Mediated Trans-Activation of Notch in Breast Cancer, Kinnari Pandya
Nucleic Acids in Wound Healing, Wilhelm Guschlbauer
Objectives of Interscholastic Athletics and Factors Affecting Their Achievement, Aloysius Albert Zimmerman
Observations of Albino Rat Placental Labyrinths Associated with Either Living Or Dead Fetuses During Prolonged Gestation, Jerome S. Tomaszewski
Observations on the Time of Eruption, the Growth Rate and the Effects of Cortisone on the Incisors in the Golden Hamster, Sigurd Carl Sandzén
Of Sweatshops and Human Subsistence: Habermas on Human Rights, David Ingram
Oil and the Rentier State: Iran's Capital Formation : 1960-1997, Sousan Badiei and Cyrus Bina
Oil Consumption and Microeconomic Policies: Evidence of Asymmetry in Developing Countries, Magda E. Kandil and Ida A. Mirazaie
Oil Economics and Globalization: The Case of the GCC Countries, Yousif Khalifa Al-Yousif
Oil, Labor Markets, and Economic Diversification in the GCC: An Empirical Assessment, Tarek Coury and Chetan Dave
Old-Age Pensions, An Answer and a Problem, Leo A. Rodell
Olfactory Discrimination in Lobotomized Patients , Joseph R. Caldwell
One-Pot Preparation of 1,3-Dihydro-1- (Trifluoromethyl)isobenzofuran-1-ol Derivatives from 1,2-Dibromobenzene, Daniel Becker, Hui Li, and Daniel L. Flynn
One Sex, One School, Who Wins: How Single-Sex Learning Environments Impact Educational Attainment, Socio-Emotional Health, and Ambitions, Bradley Kirshenbaum
On the Dynamics of the Business Environment, A. Suut Dogruel and Can Karahasan
On the liquidity effect in Algeria and Morocco: An empirical investigation, Mohamed Benbouziane and Abdelhak Benamar
Open Enrollment in Advanced Placement Courses: Experiences of Traditional and Non-Traditional Students, Scott Errol Mcalister
Opening Session and Welcome, Mark Bosco, SJ; Michael Garanzini SJ; Renato Turano; Adriano Monti; and Joanne Spata
Opening the Black Box: Understanding Adult Inpatient Falls, Laura M. Rogers
Openness and Regional Distribution of Turkish Manufacturing Industries, Fatma Dogruel and A. Suut Dogruel
Opinions About the Priesthood in Catholic High School Boys and Minor Seminarians, David DeSales Markert
Opportunities for Women Trainees in Manufacturing in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. , Charlotte Lessing
Orally Active MMP-1 Sparing α-tetrahydropyranyl and α-piperidinyl Sulfone Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Inhibitors with Efficacy in Cancer, Arthritis, and Cardiovascular Disease, Daniel P. Becker, Thomas E. Barta, Louis J. Bedell, and Terri L. Boehm
Orally Bioavailable Dual MMP-1/MMP-14 Sparing, MMP-13 Selective Alpha-sulfone Hydroxamates, Daniel Becker, Stephen A. Kolodziej, Susan L. Hockerman, Terri L. Boehm, and Jeffery N. Carroll
Oregon Boundary Settlement, Edward J. Doherty
Organizational Approaches to Drug Law Enforcement by Local Police Departments in the United States: Specialized Drug Units and Participation in Multi-Agency Drug Task Forces, Robert M. Lombardo and David E. Olson
Organization of the Centromeric Satellite I Cluster and D21z1 Short Arm Junction Region of Human Chromosome 21, Riddhi V. Patel
Organized Activity Involvement Across the Transition to College: Multiple Dimensions Predicting Adjustment, Nicole Arola
Organometallic Chemistry Can Simplify the Synthesis of Important Biologically Active Natural Products, Daniel Becker, P Carter, J. Elliott, and R. Lewis
Origin of the Double-Zone Effect in the Disc-Plate Sensitivity Determinations with Proteus Species , Roberta Smith
Osteogenesis in the Rabbit Following Split Thickness Gingival Flap Operation, Alfred Joseph Farchione
Output, the Real Exchange Rate, and the Crises in Turkey, Oya Pinar Ardic
Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds by a Strain of Alcaligenes Fecalis, Jerry J. Tulis
Palestinian Labor Migration to Israel Since Oslo and Beyond, Leila Farsakh
Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Dicarboxymethylation of Chiral Allylic Alcohols: Chirality Transfer Affording Optically Active Diesters Containing Three Contiguous Chiral Centers, Othman Hamed, Patrick M. Henry, and Daniel P. Becker
Panel: 20th Century Italian American Vocation Stories, Rev. Anthony B. Pizzo; Rev. John Belmonte S.J., Ph.D; and Rev. Dominic Grassi
Panslavism as a Factor of Russian Imperialism in the Balkans Before the World War I, Stefan S. Falez
Parallel Text Immersion, Daniel P. Becker Ph.D.
Parameters for Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus, Robert J. Wilkus
Parametric Social Security Reforms and Saving: Evidence from Turkey, Yigit Aydede
Parathyroid Hormone Effects on Intermediary Metabolism, John C. Colla
Parental Rights and State Education, William A. Stanmeyer
Parents' Perceptions of Teenage Pregnancy, Mayra Nava
Parents' Reasons for Premature Termination of Contacts in a Child Guidance Center, Fred Donnel Whelan
Parish History Round Table, Angelo Ciambrone, CJ Martello, Peter Pero, Paula D'Angelo, Calogero Lombardo, and Joe Rosa
Patron Saints and Religious Traditions, Dominic Candeloro
Pattern Analysis of Movement Responses and Location Choices on the Rorschach, Thomas F. Grib
Perceived Partner Commitment and Implicit Self-Esteem Predicts Connectedness Accessibility in Response to Relationship Threat, Norma L. Reyes
Perceived Social Class, College Interest, and Post-Secondary Goals: An Application of the Scat Interest and Choice Model, Jason Daniel Hacker
Perceptions, Attitudes and Acceptability of HIV Testing Among Sub-Saharan African Immigrants in Chicago, Rita Ndidi Amadi
Perceptions of Middle School Teachers on the Quality of Professional Development, Safurat Anike Giwa
Pereda y Galdos, las Dos Caras de una Medalla, Adriana Teresa. Bo'
Performance of Children of the Same Mental Age on the Revised Stanford-Binet Scale, Form L, Mary Fidelissima Dzik
Performances and Attitudes of Chinese Students in the American Catholic Colleges, John B. Chao
Permissiveness as an Element of the Casework Relationship, Ann Snelus
Personality Correlates of Peer Selected Hospital Corps Students, Esther Florence Ramsay
Personality Differences between High and Low Academic Achievers in High School; a Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test Study, Louis Bernard Snider
Personality Differences between Socially Maladjusted and Socially Adjusted Negro Boys, as Indicated by the Rorschach and TAT Techniques, Norman George Kerr
Personnel Practices of the Chicago Civil Service Commission, Raymond Martin Emig
Pervasive Inequality in the Stratification of Four-Year College Destinations, Mark Engberg
Philippine Labor Relations and Labor Problems, Pablo A. Pena
Philosophy of Natural Rights According to John Locke, Mark Francis Hurtubise
Phylogenetic Development of Cardiovascular Control, Thomas Kenny Akers
Physical Causality in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, Walter Joseph Bado
Pindar's Philosophy of Life, Francis Joseph Houdek
Planning Strategies for Home Health Care Delivery, Mike Hewitt, Maciek Nowak, and Nisha Nataraj
Plato's Philosophy of a Liberal Education as Found in the Republic, Richard M. Mackowski
Policy and Progress in Moroccan Agriculture: A Retrospective and Perspective, Channing Arndt and Wallace E. Tyner
Policy Development in Government Wartime Seizures Arising from Labor Disputes, Albert Martin Krueger
Political Aspirations of the Cio : An Historical Evaluation of Their Political Action Committee from July, 1943 to July, 1953, Norbert W. Steele
Politics, Foreign Reserves and the Exchange-Rate-Based-Stabilization-Policy: The Lebanese Case, Kassim M. Dakhlallah
Pompey, the Man, as Delineated by Cicero in His Correspondence, in the Light of Other Ancient Testimony, Edward Francis Stace
Positive Behavioral Support: Family, School, and Community Partnerships, H. Corine Frankland, Hank Bohanon, and Anna Turnbull
Positive Behavior Intervention and Support: An Alternative Approach, Lucy Bridges
Positive Behavior Support: Teaching and Acknowledging Expected Behaviors in an Urban High School, Kelly L. Morrissey, Hank Bohanon, and Pamela Fenning
Poverty in Egypt: 1974 - 1996, Tamer Rady, George A.Slotsve, and Khan Mohabbat
Poverty Knowledge, Coercion, and Social Rights: A Discourse Ethical Contribution to Social Epistemology, David Ingram
Pragmatism in the Religious Thought of William James, Tomas Francis Ankenbrandt
Precedence Constrained Pickup and Delivery with Split Loads, Maciek Nowak, Mike Hewitt, and Chelsea C. White
Pre-Commitent Factors AmongaSelected Group of Delinquent Girls, Joan Jane Shaw
Predetermined Time Values: A Survey of Chicago Companies' Experiences, Frank Robert. DiGiovanni
Prediction of Academic Achievement and Professional Adjustment of Student Nurses by Use of the Group Rorschach Test, Henry Joseph Lambin
Predictors of Thriving Among Native American Youth, Josef Makatewassi
Preliminary Study of a Test of Inductive Reasoning in the Upper Grades, Mary Colomana. Buksa
Preparation of Trifluoromethyl Lactol Derivatives via Base Initiated Cyclobutanol Ring Opening to a Laterally Lithiated Trifluoromethyl Ketone, Daniel Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
Preparations for Collective Bargaining , Paul Proteau
Pre-Retirement Practices of Ninety-Seven Companies in the Chicago Metropolitan Area, Raymond Michael Maurello
Preschool Educators' Perceptions of Practice in Facilitating/modeling Oral Language Acquisition and Development, Nicole Alissa Jones
Preserving the Bond: Child Welfare Professionals' Perspectives on the Opportunities and Challenges of Parent-Child Visitation, Lina M. Munoz
Presidential Address: Confessions of a White Catholic Racist Theologian, Jon Nilson
Preventing Regional Conflicts as a Global Public Good: The Case of the MENA Region, Mehmet Serkan Tosun and Arzu Sen
Prices and Real Wages in the Middle East, 1469 to 1914 , Sevket Pamuk
Pricing Risk, Oil and Financial Factors in Saudi Sector Index Returns, Shawkat Hammoudeh and Salim Al-Gudhea
Prince Hal, the Hero of King Henry IV Part I, George Edward Von Kaenel
Principles of an Aristotelian Theory of Comedy as Found in the Tractatus Coislinianus Applied to Twelfth Night, Patricia Loyola Cummings
Private Old-Age Retirement and Disability Allowance Plans in the Local Transit Industry, Thomas James Prost
Problem Areas of the Undergraduate Resident Students at Loyola University, Where They Go for Help and Why, Elizabeth Hickok Langley
Problems and Personalities of the Civil Service Reform in the Administration of Benjamin Harrison , Carl Joseph Armbruster
Process Analysis of Rorschach Interpretation, Anthony B. Tabor
Processes Underlying Syntactic Control: Evaluating Linguistically Diverse Children, Vanessa R. Raschke
Profit Sharing - A Means of Economic Cooperation between Labor, Management, And Government, James H. Quill
Programs for Gifted Children in the Elementary Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Mary Norine Lynch
Prolegomena to Kant's Theory of the Derangement of the Cognitive Faculties, Gisele Velarde La Rosa
Property Rights Protection and FDI Flows: The MENA Experience, Wasseem Mina
Proposed Governmental Reforms for Chicago, George Spiro Georgacopulos
Prosecco Reception, Loyola University Chicago
Protagonists of Seven Representative Plays of Joanna Baillie in Relation to Aristotelian Principles of Characterization , Ruth McGugan
PR Ratio and the MMPI Ire: An Experimental Approach as to How a Person Handles His Emotions, Robert E. Hoene
Psychiatric Consultation Service : Chicago Chapter, American Red Cross, Mary Jane D'Ambrosio
Psychiatric Screening of Navy Recruits: Pre-Enlistment Factors Related to Success in Recruit Training, John Avner Plag
Psychosocial Distress Mediates Immune Dysregulation Through Alterations in Global Epigenetic Patterns and Chromatin Remodeling Proteins, Karen Krukowski
Psycho-Social Factors in the Case Histories of Seventy Girls Admitted to the House of the Good Shepherd, Mary Patrice Patton
Public Opinion and the Portsmouth Conference, Bernadette Long
Pyrrolizidine Esters and Amides as 5-HT4 Receptor Agonists and Antagonists, Daniel Becker, Daniel L. Flynn, Alan E. Moormann, and Roger Nosal
Quantification of the Relationship Poverty-Education in Algeria: A Multinomial Econometric Approach, Samir B-E. Maliki, Abderrezak Benhabib, and Abdelnacer Boutedja
Quiero Ser Alguien En La Vida: Hispanic Women and the Role of Culture in Educational Attainment, Lupita Maria Pivaral
Racial Discrimination Experienced by the Indian Students in Chicago and Its Effects upon Their Image of America, Philip Thomas Kalayil
Ralph Waldo Emerson: His Concept of Skepticism and His Doctrine of the Infinitude of the Private Man, Donal Francis Mahoney
Randi L. Rashkover and Martin Kavka, eds., Tradition the Public Square: A David Novak Reader, Colby Dickinson
Realism of Garbriel Marcel, John R. Crocker
Realistic Devices in Sir James Matthew Barrie's Dramatic Fantasies, Catherine Giovannetti Zachar
Reaping the "Colored Harvest": The Catholic Mission in the American South, Megan Stout Sibbel
Rearrangement of Cyclotriveratrylene (CTV) Diketone: 9,10-Diarylanthracenes with OLED Applications, Samuel R. Sarsah, Marlon R. Lutz Jr., Matthias Zeller, David S. Crumrine, and Daniel Becker
Receptor-Mediated Hypertrophic Signaling Via Protein Kinase D and Histone Deacetylase 5 in Adult Myocytes, Chia-Wei Jenny Chang
Reconciling Positivism and Realism: Kelsen and Habermas on Democracy and Human Rights, David Ingram
Recreation for the Aged in the Catholic Homes for the Aged of the Diocese of Chicago , James Tracy Hanna
Reducing Narcissistic Defensiveness Through the Activation of Belonging, Jennifer Lee Smith
Regeneration of Denervated Striated Muscle in the White Rat , William Constantine Avgerin
Reification and the Closed Mind, Mark D. Rockwell
Relative Price Variability: The Case of Turkey 1994-2002, Hande Kucuk and Burc Tuger
Religion and Ethnic Identity Among Italians in Chicago, Anthony Mansueto PhD
Religious and Ethical Problems in the Oresteia, Joseph Elijosius
Religious Attitudes and Beliefs in Relation to Adjustment , Gerd Maximilian Cryns
Religious Control and Delinquent Behavior: An Analysis of the Religious Orientation of a Group of Delinquent Catholic Boys, Thomas Michael Gannon
Religious Instruction at Certain Catholic Mission Schools for Chinese Children in Canada and the United States, Lawrence Wei
Religious Women in Social Work--Their Training, Virginia Therese Conway
Remembering the Cultural Trauma Legacies of Slavery: African American Young Adult Perceptions on Racism, Ethnic Identity, and Racial Socialization, Kimya Pearl Barden
Replication of a Study of Perception of Unstructured Stimuli and Individual Executive Performance, Mildred Pauline Radocha
Research In Spirituality, Religion, and Aging: An Emerging Area, Holly Nelson-Becker
Research Shows Lack of Support for Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Youth in U.S. School Systems, Tonei Glavinic
Restorative Justice: A Systematic Review of the Social Work Literature, Edward J. Gumz and Cynthia L. Grant
Resveratrol + Ethanol Preconditioning and Neuroprotection, Nastaran Khodaie
Rethinking Nation-Building: A Christian Socio-Ethical and Theo-Political Task for Appropriating the Common Good, Artemus Wlemongar Gaye
Review of Piety and Responsibility: Patterns of Unity in Karl Rahner, Karl Barth, and Vedanta Decika, Hugh Nicholson
Review of The Conversation of Faith and Reason: Modern Catholic Thought From Hermes to Benedict XVI, Jon Nilson
Review of The Cross and the Lynching Tree, Jon Nilson
Revolt on the Nile: Economic Shocks, Religion and Political Influence, Eric Chaney
Richard Hooker and His Theory of Anglicanism, Marilyn Jean Becic
Richard Hurrell Froude, Mary Regina Williams
Richard II on TV: A Critical Analysis Comparing the NBC Television Production with Shakespeare's Original Play, James A. Brown
Risk Analysis of the Government Domestic Debt Stock in Turkey: Cost-At-Risk Approach, H. Burcu Gurcihan
Ritual as Clinical Intervention in Groupwork with African American Women, Kathryn Kristin Berg
Role of Myosin Light Chain Kinase in Binge Ethanol and Burn Injury-Induced Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction, Anita Zahs
Role of The Middle Eastern Sovereign Wealth Funds In The Current Global Financial Crisis, Tayyeb Shabbir
Roman Catholic Masculinities: A Korean Roman Catholic Ethical Perspective, Hoon Choi
Romans 1:18-2:11 and the Substructure of Psalm 106(105): Evocations of the Calf?, Alexander James Lucas
Rorschach and Wechsler-Bellevue Changes Following Electric Shock Therapy in the Aged, James Joseph Flynn
Rorschach Content of College Students, William S. McGurk
Rorschach Movement Responses of College Students: A Normative Approach, Burton Siegel
Rorschach Movement Responses of Psychoneurotic Patients: A Normative Study, Margaret Ann Jacobs
Rorschach Patterns for Fifty Feebleminded Girls, William Anthony Guppy
Rorschach Personality Pattern Differences between Over-Achievers, Normals, and Under-Achievers at the Fifth Grade Level, Joan Carroll Baldwin
Rorschach Responses of Nine-Year Old Children, Catherine J. Ivis
Rorschach Study of Dependent Adolescents, Gerard Egan
Roscoe Pound and His Theory of Social Interests, Joseph Clarence Verhelle
Royal Rule in the Political Writings of Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas, James Patrick Henry
Rule of Law, Contract Enforcement, and the Level and Maturity of International Lending: Evidence from MENA, Jorge Martinez Vazquez and Wasim Mina
Sacred Liturgy in Celebration of Italian-American Heritage, Loyola University Chicago
Saint John Chrysostom's Theory and Practice of Preaching, George John Wuest
Saint Joseph Home of the Divine Child, an Institution for the Care of Dependent Boys, Hammond, Indiana, Richard J. Podgorski
Saint Thomas More's Letter to John Bugenhagen Translated and Annotated, with a Study of His Thought, Method and Style as a Religious Controversialist , Mary Aelred Sinclair
Salary and Wage Administration in the Chicago Housing Authority, a Municipal Corporation, Raymond Joseph Meyer
Sartre's Philosophy of Freedom in L'Etre et le Neant, Casimir Robert Bukala
Satirical Methods in Eight Novels of Evelyn Waugh, Joseph Thomas McIntyre
Saving and Social Security Wealth: A Case of Turkey, H. Yigit Aydede
Saving Investment Association in Turkey, Huseyin Kaya
SC-53116: The First Selective Agonist at the Newly Identified Serotonin 5-HT4 Receptor Subtype, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Zabrowski, Daniel Becker, and Roger Nosal
Scientific Method in Aristotle's De Caelo, I, I-II, VI , James Francis McCue
Secondary School Science Department Chairs Leading Change, Julie Ann Gaubatz
Second-Class Families: The Challenges and Strategies of Mixed-Status Immigrant Families, Diana Maritza Guelespe
Sectoral Composition and Unemployment in Turkey, Fatma Dogruel and Yasemin Ozerkek
Secure and Insecure High Self-Esteem and Social Identity Affirmation in Response to Belongingness Threats, Reyna Jacqueline Pena
Selected Cases on Picketing 1937 to 1953 : An Inquiry Into the Developing Law on Picketing, Robert Van Vaerenbergh
Selected Personal and Social Factors for Transient and Non-Transient Pupils of a Minority Group in a Large Metropolitan Elementary School , A. John Brinkman
Selective Expansion of B Cells by Intestinal Microbiota, Karina Ochoa
Selective, Orally Active MMP Inhibitors with an Aryl Backbone, Thomas Barta, Daniel P. Becker, Louis J. Bedell, and Gary A. De Crescenzo
Selective Reinforcers in the Operant Conditioning of Normal and Exceptional Children, Frank Anthony Dinello
Self-Control as a Determining Factor in Aftercare Compliance and Recidivism of Sheridan Correctional Center Releasees, Jana R. Krepel
Semantic Distance Modulates the N400 Event-Related Potential in Verbal Analogical Reasoning, Matthew J. Kmiecik and Robert G. Morrison
Seminar on the American Catholic Experience, Jon Nilson and Robert Kress
Seminar on the American Catholic Experience, Jon Nilson
Seminar on the American Catholic Experience, Jon Nilson
Senior Engineering Student's Interest in Company Recruiters, LeRoy Joseph Murphy
Sense Memory According to St. Thomas , Algimantas Jurgis Kezys
Serotonin 5-HT4 Agonist Activity of a Series of Meso-Azanoradamantane Benzamides, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, Clara I. Villamil, and Gary Gullikson
Serum Lipoproteins in Experimental Liver Damage, Luiz Paulo Ribeiro
Service Learning in the International Context: How Can It Be Beneficial When Studying Abroad?, Marquita Anna-Belle Butler
Services Liberalization and the Role of Natural Resources, Hatem Samman and Sheikh Shahnawaz
Services to Families of Patients Hospitalized in the Psychiatric Section of Veterans Administration Hospital, Hines, Illinois, Clara C. Alexander
Serving Through Adversity: Community-Based Nonprofits Negotiating Race, Place, and a State Budget Crisis, 2007-2011, Eilleen Rollerson
Sex Differences in Selective Forgetting, John Daniel O'Malley
Sex Differences in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale for Eighteen and Nineteen Year Olds , David DeSales Markert
Shaw's Doctrine of Realism in Caesar and Cleopatra, Gene D. Phillips
Shifts In Persistence In The Turkish Real Exchange Rates, Haluk Erlat
Simulation of Risks and Benefits from a Money Purchase Pension Scheme for Turkey, Serdar Sayan and Ahmet Tuncay Teksoz
Size and Type of High School as Factors in College Achievement, James Claudia Hinds
Social and Emotional Learning: An Argument for Religious Pluralism, Debra Mayconich Baron
Social and Emotional Learning in the Schools: The Effects of WhyTry as An Alternative to Suspension Program, Kathy Kula
Social Cognitive Predictors for Undergraduate College Student's Choice Goals in Math and Science: Understanding the Role of Coping Efficacy, Matthew David Abrams
Social Factors Associated with the Admission of the Aged Patient to Cook County Psychopathic Hospital, Ella L. Murray
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Eastern Seaboard States, Colette Baynes
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Far Western States, Barbara Huffman
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Midwestern States, Astrid Margaret Strai
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Near Western States, Clement V. Rogall
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the North Eastern Seaboard States, Vera Schwartz
Social Implications of Laws Pertaining to Paternity Proceedings in the Southern States, Mary Evelyn Reistroffer
Social Implications of the Commitment Laws Governing the Mentally Ill, Annie Louise Scruggs
Social Perception and the Loyola Language Study, Bruce Clare Becker
Social Position and Age: Their Relationship to Catholic Ethnic Attitudes, Richard Bernard Smolar
Sociology Courses in the High Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, 1955-56, Jacob Kalayil
Software Engineering Need Not Be Difficult, Jeffrey C. Carver and George K. Thiruvathukal
Some Adjustments of the Vietnamese Students in America as Related to the Westernization Level of their Fathers , Thi Ngo Pham Thi Ngo
Some Aspects of Child Care in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Joseph Lemson
Some Aspects of Correlation of Aptitude to Achievement in the Professional Field of Dentistry, Gerard J. Casey
Some Aspects of Culture Contact between Foreign Students and Chicago Christian Family Movement Hosts, Marcel Fredericks
Some Aspects of Cumpulsory Education in the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam, Vu-thi Yen
Some Aspects of Social Work Education in Belgium and in France, Ann Phan thi Ngoc-Quoi
Some Aspects of the Mission of Joel Roberts Poinsett to Buenos Aires and Chile 1810-1814, Charles E. Ronan
Some Aspects of the Stability of Human Serum Lipoproteins, in Vitro, Edward Bermes Jr.
Some California Test Bureau Measures Predictive of Ninth Grade and Eleventh Grade Academic Achievement, Daniel Joseph Hartigan
Some Characteristics and Rates of Insured Unemployment in the Chicago Area 1957-58, Paul P. Baltis
Some Characteristics of Endamoeba Histolytica Essentials in Egg Yolk, Miguel Kourany
Some Comparisons in Fundamental Education for Rural and Urban Areas in a Non-Industrialized Country, Nguyen-thi-Quyt
Some Effects of Cortisone on the Mother and on the Fetus When Administered During Pregnancy in the Albino Rat, Robert John Novak
Some Factors Related to the Leisure Time Activity of a Select Group of City Firemen, James Nicholas Brichetto
Some Problems in Diuresis, James Wendell Flesher
Some Social Determinants of Political Preference in Kerala State, India, Mathew Pulickaparampil
Some Social Factors Relating to the Growth of Communism in India, Francis Sales
Some Socio-Economic Aspects of Juvenile Delinquency Among Boys in Thirty West Central Suburban Communities of Cook County, Marvin Coleman Shuwal
Sophocles' Portrait of Oedipus the King, Norman George McKendrick
Soteriology, Jon Nilson
Sources of Motivation in Othello's Tragic Action, George T. Tolbert
Spanish Aid to the Americans in the West During the Revolution, Nicholas V. Ricci
Spanish-American Relations, 1776-1783, Thomas Theodore Thalken
Spanish Women Remembered in Elena Quiroga's Tristura, Escribo Tu Nombre and a Enferma, Ellen Patricia Brugliera
Speed and Accuracy of Decision Among Normals and Neurotics , Warren Freiband
Spirituality and Aging (review), Holly Nelson-Becker
Spousals and Scandal in Measure for Measure, George A. Lane
Spring11: PDC in CS1/2 and a mobile/cloud intermediate mobile/cloud intermediate software design course, Joseph P. Kaylor, Konstantin Läufer, Chandra N. Sekharan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Stables List, Robert Bucholz
Statin-Mediated Attenuation of Chemokine Expression in Peripheral Nerve Vascular Endothelial Cells, Kelly Ann Langert
Statistical Analysis of Aerosol Species, Trace Gases, and Meteorology in Chicago, Katrina Binaku, Timothy O'Brien, Martina Schmeling, and Tinamarie Fosco
Status of Sociology in Public High Schools in Twelve Midwest States, William Anthony Juvancic
Stereospecific Dicobalt Octacarbonyl Mediated Enyne Cyclization for the Enantiospecific Synthesis of a 6a-Carbocycline Analogue, Philip Magnus and Daniel Becker
Stereotypes and Patient-Provider Communication: Testing the Effects of Depression, Socioeconomic Status, and Race, Amy N. Kerr
Stimulus Generalization from Auditory Stimuli to Visual Stimuli in the Field of Verbal Behavior for Meaningful and Non-Meaningful Material, David W. Thompson
Stock Prices, Exchange Rates, and Oil: Evidences from Middle East Oil-Exporting Countries, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Georgios Chortareas, and Andrea Cipollini
St. Philips Conciliazione 1929
Structural Change and Efficiency of Banking in Turkey: Does the Ownership Matter?, Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Sanli Pinar Ceyhan
St. Thomas' Principle of Individuation, Materia Quantitate Signata , Joseph M. Loftus
Student Achievement in Middle Grades: Gauging the Effect of Teacher Training on Student Learning, Natalya Gnedko
Studies of Phenethylbiguanide, an Oral Hypoglycemic Compound, Herndon Guinn Shepherd
Studies of the Solid-Phase Pauson-Khand Reaction Selective in-situ Enone Reduction to 3-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]oct-anones, Daniel Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
Studies on Barbiturate Reversal, Jonas Antanas Gylys
Studies on Heat-Inactivated Salmonella Antibodies, William Scotese
Studies on Human and Rat Plasma Parathyroid Hormone Activity, Leo Edmund Reichert
Studies on Iontophoresis, Edward Paul O'Malley
Studies on Phosphate Exchange in Mammalian Heart and Erythrocyte, John Martin Ginski
Studies on Serum Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase , Herndon Guinn Shepherd
Studies on the Correlation of Brain Diazo Coupling Reaction Levels and the Activity of Para Substituted Phenols in Experimental Poliomyelitis, Pierre-Georges Roy
Studies on the Dubos-Middlebrook Cytochemical Virulence Test for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Harry Youmun Wong
Studies on the Influence of Perfusate Potassium Concentration on Phosphate Metabolism in the Isolated Rabbit Heart, Jerry Stuart Cowan
Studies on the Purification of the Parathyroid Hormone , Paul Melius
Studies on the Structure of Pepsin : An N-Terminal Sequence and the C-Terminal Groups, John Martin Passmann
Studies on the Use of Differential Centrifugation Procedures for the Measurement of the Intracellular Distribution of Potassium in Dog Heart Muscle, Rene Richard Kempen
Study of the Primary Salt Effect and of the Change in Dielectric Constant of the Medium on the Kinetics of the Urease-Urea Reaction, William R. Pasterczyk
Study of the Sequences Ascribed to Adam of St. Victor, Marie Bertrand Shigo
Subendocardial Hemorrhage Produced by Stimulation of Cardiac Sympathetic Nerves, Michael P. Kaye
Suggestions for a Course of Study in Elementary Local History Derived from an Analysis of Some Materials Used in Large City Schools, M. Anastasia O'Connor
Superintendent Leadership and Student Achievement in Suburban High Schools: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Analysis, Steven Reese Kellner
Superintendent's Perceptions of Adequacy in Illinois School Finance, Mark Alan Cohen
Supplemental Unemployment Benefits in a Situation of Permanent Layoff a Case Study), James C. Koch
Survey and Appraisal of Organized Guidance Services in the Catholic Secondary Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, Mary Bonita Wierzbowski
Survey of Non-Supervisor Factory Type Job Evaluation Plans Used by Manufacturers in the Chicago Metropolitan Area Employing Over 1,000 Persons, Frank J. Baleno
Survey of the Concept of Workers' Education in Unions., L. A. O'Donnell
Survey of the Problem Area of Junior High Negro Students, Mary Syra Galvin
Survey Results on Hunger and Food Insecurity in Yemen, Nader Kabbani
Susanne K. Langer's General Theory of Art, Francis Vincent Hillebrand
Sustainability of the Turkish PAYGO System's Generosity in People's Eyes, Yigit Aydede
Sustainable Diverse Communities: A Comparison of Hammond, Indiana and Chicago's Uptown Neighborhood, Teresa Neumann
Symbolism in the Short Stories of Katherine Anne Porter, Mary St. Peter Smith
Synthesis and Activity of Selective MMP Inhibitors with an Aryl Backbone, Thomas Barta, Daniel P. Becker, Louis J. Bedell, and Gary A. De Crescenzo
Synthesis and Pharmacological Actions of 5' Adenylmethylenediphosphonate: An Analog of APT, James Wendell Flesher
Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of ß- and a-Piperidine Sulphone Hydroxamic Acid Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors with Oral Antitumor Efficacy, Daniel Becker, Clara I. Villamil, Thomas E. Barta, and Louis J. Bedell
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Rearrangements of ortho-Cyclophane Cyclotetraveratrylene (CTTV) tetraketone, Marlon R. Lutz Jr., Matthias Zeller, Samuel R.S. Sarsah, Artur Filipowicz, Hailey Wouters, and Daniel Becker
Synthesis of an Ortho-Triazacyclophane: N,N',N''-Trimethyltribenzo-1,4,7-triazacyclononatriene, Andria M. Panagopoulos, Matthias Zeller, and Daniel P. Becker
Synthesis of N-BOC-3-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-7-one via reductive pauson-khand cyclization and subsequent conversion to a novel diazatricyclic ring system, Daniel Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
Synthesis of Substituted 2-Amino-Cyclobutanones, Nicola Armoush, Preeti Syal, and Daniel P. Becker
Synthetic Strategies for the Construction of Enantiomeric Azanoradamantanes, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, Daniel L. Zabrowski, and Daniel Flynn
Targeting the Notch-1/IGF-1R/Akt Axis in at Orthotopic Model of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Shuang Liang
Teacher-Pupil Relationship and the Problem Development of the Early Adolescent, Mary Ignatius Loyola Walsh
Teaching and Assessing Programming Fundamentals for Non Majors with Visual Programming, William L. Honig
Teaching Multimedia Commercial Production for Advertising And Public Relations, Pamela Morris
Teaching Spirituality in the Classroom: Building Compassionate and Non-judgmental Conversations with Students, Joan Letendre, Holly Nelson-Becker, and Jim Kreider
Team Performance on a Computerized Intellective Task, Joseph Bihary
Team Teaching in a High School Science - Chemistry, Michael Lawrence Agin
Technical Manual Editor Analysis Profile: Test Construction and Preliminary Standardization for Personnel Selection, Aurelius Anthony Abbatiello
Teilard De Chardin: On the Meaning of Consciousness, Richard James Vorwerk
Temperament Traits of Public Welfare Caseworkers, Eugene Skoff
Temporal Dimensions of Response Duration, Joseph N. Hingtgen
Testimony, Remhi and Senselessness in Guatemalan Memory, Melissa Jean Boroughs
Tetanus Toxin and Skeletal Muscle Electromyographic, Electrodiagnostic and Pharmacological Study, Venkatray G. Prabhu
The Ability to Perceive Embedded Figures: Its Relation to Personality, Age, Sex, and Intelligence, John Amadeus. Fronke
The Action of Digitoxin on Some of the Chemical Constituents of the Dog Myocardium, John Rebar
The Action of the Thyroid Gland in the Induction of Experimental Medial Arteriopathy, Adolph Peter Roszkowski
The Actions of Selected Central Nervous System Acting Drugs on Certain Mono- and Poly-Synaptic Pathways Affecting the Patellar Reflex , Salvatore Joseph DeSalva
The Administration and Maintenance of Salary Administration Programs Through Job Evalution , Thomas Senan Carey
The Aesthetic and Spiritual Functions of Robert Southwell's Writing, Robert John McAuley
The Alaskan Boundary Dispute : A Milestone in Canada's Maturing Desire for Political Independence, Edward J. McMahon
The Alien and Sedition Laws and the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, John Arthur Russell
The Allegiance Patterns of Unionized Professionals, Francis Xavier Paone
The American Attitude Toward the First Moroccan Crisis and the Algeciras Conference, Betty Mullen
The Analysis and Appraisal of the Master of Education Degree Program at Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois, 1934 to 1951, Arthur Peter O'Mara
The Analysis of Poverty Dynamics in Algeria: A Multidimensional Approach, Abderrrezak Benhabib, Tahar Ziani, Samir Bettahar, and Samir Maliki
The Analysis of Ten Case Records Focused on the Principle of Client Self-Determination in Social Casework, Martha L. Urbanowski
The Anatomy of Deglutition in a Generalized Ophidian, Raymond Gerard Albright
The Anatomy of the Temporomandibular Joint in Humans , Nicholas Chris Choukas
The Ancestral Activation Promiscuity of ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylases from Oxygenic Photosynthetic Organisms, Misty L. Kuhn, Carlos M. Figueroa, Alberto A. Iglesias, and Miguel Ballicora
The Application of Communication Techniques in the Industrial Plant, John Joseph O'Connell
The Appropriate Monetary Policy Coordination for the GCC Monetary Union, Bassem Kamar and Damyana Bakardzhieva
The Arab Spring in the MENA Region: it is not the economy!, José García Montalvo
The Artistic Probability of Chaucer's Criseyde, Edward Bolande Smith
The Art theory of Sir Joshua Reynolds , Hugh Fox
The Attitude and Opinion of the Press Toward Cordell Hull's Latin American Policy 1933-1939, Mildred C. Rogers
The Attitude of the American Secular Press Toward the Pontificate of Pope Pius XI, Michael Helene Royal
The Attitude of the Department of State to the Japanese Exclusion Clause in the Immigration Act of 1924, Carl Edward Meirose
The Attitude of the Lutheran Church in America Toward the New Deal, Alfred Paul Klausler
The Attitude of the United States Senate Toward the Versailles Treaty, Michael Agnes Roche
The Austro-Slovenian Frontier Question at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919, Bogdan Novak
The Binding Properties and Functional Consequences of Ryr2-Cam Interaction, Yi Yang
The Caribbean Lands and the American Revolution, Consuela Mary McKee
The Casework Relationship, Mary Elizabeth Scully
The Catholic Community League of Canton, Incorporated : An Historical Progress Report, Helen L. Meyer
The Causal Relation between Savings and Economic Growth: Some Evidence from MENA Countries, Bassam AbuAl-Foul
The Change of the Status and Role of the Chief in East and Central Africa, William Francis Moroney
The Changing Objectives and Philosophy of the American Secondary School Curriculum, Eugene Merle Vandenberg
The Characteristics of Bacterium Anitratum with Special Reference to Lactose Utilization, Grace Shramek
The Character of Odysseus, William Charles Schaefer
The Check-Off System in American Labor Relations, John Joseph McGeever
The Chicago Junior High School, Ellen Gonnelly
The Chicago Teachers Union : A Study of Its Programs, Problems, And Possibilities, Charles Paul Skibbens
The Choctaw Nation and the Dawes Commission, Jeanne Francis Moore
The Choice Between Accommodative and Non-Accommodative Exchange Rate Policy in the Presence of Foreign Shocks, Serhan Ciftcioglu
The Civilian and the War on Terror: Do Norms Shape Strategy?, Sherri Replogle
The Comparative Morphology of the Pectoral Free Rays in Scorpaenoid Fishes (perciformes: Scorpaenoidea)), Jeremy Peter Harris
The Comparison of Problem Areas for Entering Juniors and Leaving Seniors at Jones Commercial High School, Ruth Mary Gorman
The Computer Integration Into the Efl Instruction in Indonesia: An Analysis of Two University Instructors in Integrating Computer Technology Into Elf Instruction to Encourage Students' Language Learning Engagement, Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin
The Computer, the Industrial Relations Aspects, a Case Study , Arthur Anthony Malinowski
The Concept of Man in the Poetry of Robert Frost, William W. Adams
The Concept of Obligation in Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics, John Conlon Schwarz
The Concept of Social Stratification According to Saint Thomas Aquinas , Mary Ann Frances Biesel
The Confluence of Attachment Style, Perceived Social Support, and Role Attainment in Women Experiencing Postpartum Mood Disorders, Carrie Jennifer Feig
The Constraint Interpretation of Physical Emergence, James Blachowicz
The Contribution of Buchan, Jamieson, and Motherwell to the Scottish Ballad Revival, Bernard C. O'Halloran
The Controlled Association Responses of Religious and Lay Women as Measured by the Loyola Language Study, Laura Louise Logsdon
The Costumed Catholic: Catholics, Whiteness, and the Movies, 1928 - 1973, Albert William Vogt III
The Court and Probation : A Survey of Informal Judicial Opinion Reflected in Articles of Federal Probation Quarterly, 1935-1950, Sheldon Engerman
The Creation and Destruction of the Great American Middle Class (1930-2010), Stanley F. Stasch
The Crew of the Narcissus: A Study of Joseph Conrad, Charles Edwin Herman
The Criminal Law Reforms of Sir Samuel Romilly , Martin Francis Conley
The Critical Flicker Frequency in Relation to the Muller-Lyer Illusion, Paul Martin
The Critical Method of F.R. Leavis, Ilene Schoenau Tello
The Critical Orientation of T. S. Eliot, Honora Remes
The Critical Theory of John Keats, Rita Claire Callan
The Criticism of the English Novel from 1836 to 1870 in Eight Leading British Literary Periodicals, Stanley Thomas Ptak
The Date and Sequence of the Terrible Sonnets of Gerard M. Hopkins, S.J., John Diedrich Gerken
The Decipherment of Mycenaean Greek in the Linear B Script and Its Consequences in the Field of Homeric Scholarship , Francis Thomas Gignac
The Denaturation of Pepsin, Pairent Pairent
The Detection of Ionographically Separated Serum Lipoproteins, Edward William Bermes
The Development of Departments of Education in Catholic Universities and Colleges in Chicago, 1910-1960, Jane Dominic. Birney
The Development of Shakespearean Character Analysis in England from 1665 to 1786, Harry F. Sebastian
The Development of the Child Welfare Department of the Green Bay Diocese Apostolate, Mary Claire Brady
The Development of the Lutheran Charities' Child Care Division, Ruth Mathilda Blom
The Development of the Printing and Crafts Union No. 415, Katherine Jane Daly
The Development of Trust in the Nurse-Patient Relationship with Hospitalized Mexican American Patients, Sharon M. Jones
The Diagnostic Approach of Three Disciplines to Minimal Intracranial Pathology in Children, John Webb Mohrbacher
The Dialectic of Action in Maurice Blondel's L'Action (1893), Gerard. Egan
The Differences between Novice and Experienced Public Middle School Principals in the Decision to Remediate a Tenured Teacher, Andrew James Reuland
The Digit Symbol Subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale as an Indicator of Learning, Marilyn Lindahl Luotto
The Diplomacy Test of Empathy: A Validation Study, Jack H. Grossman
The Discriminative Value of the Items of the Loyola Nimh Attitude Scale, Verus Thomas Kalarickal
The Discriminatory Power of the Loyola Language Study in Schizophrenia , Anthony James Del Vecchio
The Discriminatory Power of Time-Phase Patterns in at Stories, George Ridley Lewis
The Distribution of Radioactive Rubidium Chloride in the Tissues of the Sprague-Dawley Rat, Everett Nelson Bowser
The Doctrine of Liberum Arbitrium in Saint Bonaventure , William G. Thompson
The Doctrine of Purusa in Samkhya, Ludwig F. Stiller
The Doctrine of St. Augustine on Sense Knowledge, Daniel M. O'Malley
The Doctrine of the Mystical Body as the Cardinal Theme of the High School Religion Curriculum, William F. Mehrkens
The Dominican Mission Foundations in Baja, California, 1769-1822, Albert Bertrand Nieser
The Economic and Financial Policies to Fight against Climate Change: The Case of Maghreb, Nathalie Hilmi and Alain Safa
The Economic Effect of Military Mobilization on the Families of Enlisted Personnel, Geraldyn Wynona Kelley
The Economic Redevelopment of Herrin, Illinois, Lawrence Eugene Lewnard
The Economics of Productivity Changes and Their Effects on Wage Determination Under Collective Bargaining, Thomas Joseph Sheahan
The Educational Philosophy of Ki Hadjar Dewantoro and Its Influence in Indonesian Life, Norbert Anthony Shadeg
The Educational Work and Theory of Frans De Hovre, Raymond P. Renson
The Education Issue, George K. Thiruvathukal
The Effect of an Audio-Visual Phonics Aid in the Intermediate Grades, Eileen Evelyn Stanton
The Effect of Antibiotics on the Growth and Survival of Candida Albicans in the Intestinal Tract of Mice , James William Messer
The Effect of Arterenol and Epinephrine on Experimental Arteriopathy , Bernard Friedman
The Effect of a Strike on the Right of Workers to Vote in a Bargaining Representation Election, Henry Anthony Budzinski
The Effect of Color on the Phenomenal Displacement of Lights Seen in Apparent Movement, Paul Joseph Von Ebers
The Effect of Emotional Meaning on Word Perception, Frances Herb
The Effect of Employment on the Socio-Medical Adjustment of the Diabetic Receiving Clinic Care, Audrey B. Fountain
The Effect of Frequency of Repetition on the Retention of Auditory Material Presented During Sleep, Thomas Stampfl
The Effect of Group Phonics Drill on Non-Verbal Sub-Tests of the Kuhlmann-Anderson Intelligence Tests, Form D., Alvaro Jimenez
The Effect of Hormones on the Rate of Healing of Experimental Wounds, George J. Neumann
The Effect of Instructions on the Magnitude of the Psychogalvanic Skin Reflex, Paul Samuel Kehres
The Effect of Learning on Performance in the Test of Diagnostic Skills, John V. Haley
The Effect of Local Heat Application on the Human Skin, Fred Berthold Benjamin
The Effect of Music on Paradise Lost, Bernard J. Streicher
The Effect of Nature and Imagination upon Wordsworth as Seen in the Prelude, Ralph Henry Talkin
The Effect of Promazine Hydrochloride on Anxiety as Measured by the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale, Vincent D. Pisani
The Effect of Some Aromatic Sulfur Compounds on the Growth of the Walker 256 Tumor , Jonas Antanas Gylys
The Effect of Special Placement upon the School Progress of Mentally Retarded Children , Gwendolyn Ann Smith
The Effect of Tetraethylammonium Ion on the Spectra of Certain Sulfonphthalein Indicators, Irene E. Mersol
The Effect of the Use and Threatened Use of Electric Shock on the Maze Learning of Human Subjects, Richard Joseph Haberle
The Effect of Values on Classroom Achievement , Neil John Webb
The Effect of Vitamin D on Human T Regulatory Cell Differentiation, Stephanie Anne Chapman
The Effects of British Propaganda on the Great Adventure of Colonel Edward M. House from May 1914 to June 1915, James Richard Carney
The Effects of Candidate Religiosity and Candidate Secularism on Voters' Support for the Political Candidate, Nathanael Gratias Sumaktoyo
The Effects of Certain Drugs upon Personal Tempo, Stanley J. Cabanski
The Effects of Chloramphenicol on the Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Progeus Rettgeri, George J. Cocoma
The Effects of Curriculum and Social Capital on Post-Secondary Educational Attainment Among Public High School Students: A Multi-Level Analysis, Elisabeth Davis
The Effects of Financial Liberalization on the Tunisian Banking Industry: A Non-parametric Approach, Wade D. Cook, Moez Hababou, and Gordon S. Roberts
The Effects of G-Strophanthin of the Electrical Activity of the Dog Heart as Recorded by the Time-Based Vectorcardiograph, Rene Richard Kempen
The Effects of Organized Activity Involvement on Latino Adolescent Well-Being, Maria D. Guzman
The Effects of Radio Programs on Recognitive Memory in High School Students, William Edwin Tatter
The Effects of Smooth Muscle Cells on Engineered Microvasculatures in Fibrin Hydrogels, Areck A. Ucuzian
The Effects of the Carotid Sinus Reflex on Cardiovascular Function, Thomas Kenny Akers
The Effects of the Transfer of Training in Teaching Algebra to a Ninth Grade Group, Mary Roserita McGuire
The Effects of Various Endocrine Disturbances on the Rate of Eruption and the Histology of the Maxillary Incisor in the Female Albino Rat, Wilbur Arthur Wellband
The Elementary Educational Program in the Rural Schools of Mexico, Jacqueline Lois Cadwell
The Emerging Family Pattern in Bombay Under the Social Impact of Industrial Urbanization, Anthony A. D'Souza
The Emotive theory of Value in Ayer's Logical Positivism , John D. O'Neill
The Employment Hope Scale: Measuring an Empowerment Pathway to Employment Success, Philip Young P. Hong and Sangmi Choi
The Encomienda System in the Philippine Islands : 1571-1597, Jane Calkins Forster
The End of the Affair and the Religious Sentiments of Graham Greene, Michael Gallagher
The Establishment of aHuman Dental Pulp Cell Line and Its Reaction to Some Endodontic Materials, Sumitra Das
The Establishment of a St. Coletta School for Retarded Boys in the Archdiocese of Chicago, Francine Lamb
The Estates General of 1614, James Michael Hayden
The Ethical, Social, Economic and Political Aspects of the Point Four Program, Judy Sikes Rickher
The Ethical Theory of Charles L. Stevenson: His Problem and Solution, Leo Peter Cachat
The Expansion of a Single-Valued Function of Several Variables Having for Its RangeaDenumerable Set of Real Numbers and for Its Domain of DefinitionaSet of Real Numbers, Nicholas Christ Scholomiti
The Family Court of Cook County Illinois: Structure and Function, Joel Francis Tenore
The Family Court of Cook County Illinois: Structure and Function, Joel Francis Tenore
The Fate of Intraosseous Anorganic Bone Implants in the Calvaria of Rabbits, John Moritz Sachs
The Fate of Subcutaneous Anorganic Bone Implants, John Peter Giannini
The Financing of Private Education in Certain Democratic Countries: A Comparative Study of the Systems in the United States, Canada, and India, Anthony J. Kurialacherry
The Fine Central Consciousness in Henry James's Turn of the Screw , Vernon. Ruland
The First Decade of the Sisters of Saint Felix in America, 1874-1884 , Mary Theophania Kalinowski
The Formation of the Federal Judiciary System Up to the Judiciary Act of 1789 , James William Moore
The Forty-Two Gang: The Unpublished Landesco Manuscripts, Robert M. Lombardo
The Foundations of Hume's Notion of Causality, Donald Edward Ryan
The Foundations of Political Society According to John Locke , Thomas Joseph Curran
The Fragility of the Moral Self, Hille Haker
The Freeport Debate, Ernest S. Sweeney
The Functional Morphology and Phylogenetic Significance of the Deglutitional Mechanism in the Generalized Culubrid Elaphe Obsoleta Quadrivittata, Raymond Gerard Albright
The Function of the Vis Cogitativa in Preparing the Phantasm for the Act of Abstraction According to St. Thomas Aquinas , Daniel Leo Flaherty
The Game They All Played: Chicago Baseball, 1876-1906, Patrick Mallory
The Genus Alcaligenes and Related Organisms, Rudolph Hugh
The Growing Need for the Teaching of Industrial Relations in Primary and Secondary Schools, Robert Joseph Dryfoos
The Growth and Development of Madonna Center, a Catholic Social Settlement, Margaret A. Galvin
The Hamartia of Richard Ii, Edward Francis Mulhern
The Hemodynamic Adjustments in the Carotid Sinus Pressor Reflex, Harry John Pappas
The Hero and the Anti-Hero in the Novels of Jane Austen , Raymond J. Jordan
The Herpesvirus Protease: Mechanistic Studies and Discovery of Inhibitors of the Human Cytomegalovirus Protease, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel P. Becker, Vickie Dilworth, and Maureen Highkin
The Histogenesis of the Osteoclast, John J. Magon
The Historical Changes in the Tooth and Surrounding Structure Following Apicoectomy in Dogs, Gokul Das Ojha
The Historical Development of the Illinois Minimum Wage Standards for Women and Minors, 1945-1954, William B. Murray
The History of Federal Protective Child Labor Legislation, Nello Paul Gamberdino
The History of the Chicago Resettlers Committee, Christian S. Nakama
The History of the Negro Vote in Mississippi , M. Michele M. Michele
The Hitler Youth Movement, 1933-1945, Forest Ernest Barber
The Hook Up Hangover: The Decline in Traditional Dating Beyond the College Campus - Before Formal Commitment, Reginald Nievera
The Human Relations Approach and Its Critics, Ronald William Korajczyk
The Idea of Freedom in the Philosophy of William James, Eugene Lawrence McCarney
The Imagery of Father Tabb, Stella Marie Spitzley
The Immunology and Serology of Some Representative Members of the Parasitic Protozoan Flagellates, Nicholas J. Menolasino
The Impact of Algal Community Succession, Taxonomic Composition and Biomass Accrual, On Denitrification Potential of Stream Periphyton, Allison Daley
The Impact of Broadband Infrastructure on Economic Growth in Some Arab and Emerging Countries, Mona Farid Badran
The Impact of Climate Change on Coastal Tourism in MENA Countries., Alain Safa and Nathalie Hilmi
The Impact of Court Decisions on Union Growth Around 1921, Vishwanath Prasad Singh
The Impact of Involvement in Mortar Board Senior Honor Society on Lifelong Views of Civic Engagement and Leadership, Daniel James Turner
The Impact of Trade Liberalization of Growth, The Case of Turkey, Nathalie Hilmi and Alain Safa
The Impact of Workers' Remittances on Macro Indicators:The case of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Majid Taghavi
The Independent Influences of Relational and Physical Victimization on Subsequent Physical Aggression in Middle School Children, Michelle D. Mioduszewski
The Influence of Adrenalectomy on the Concentration of High Energy Phosphate and of Electrolytes in Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle, Allen L. Wright
The Influence of Adult- Versus Child-Directed Television Programs on Distractibility in Preschoolers, Kathryn Joyce O'toole
The Influence of Duns Scotus on Gerard Manley Hopkins, Lenore Marie Fleming
The Influence of Environment on the Antagonistic Relationship between Shigella and Aerobacter: An Ecological Study, David John Hentges
The Influence of Examiner Personality on the Number of Rorschach Responses., Michael Anthony Partipilo
The Influence of Friendship and Motor Skill upon the Choice of Teammates, Joanne Gertrude Osmond
The Influence of Music on the Life of Gerard Manley Hopkins, John Jerome Lackamp
The Influence of Painting on the Fiction Theory of Henry James as Exemplified in the Ambassadors, William Horace Dodd
The Influence of Pyrogen Therapy on the Irradiation Syndrome, Joseph Anthony Ungari
The Influence of Quinine, Cortisone, d-tubocurarine, and Prostigmine on the Responses of Mammalian Striated Muscle, John Faust Polli
The Influence of Social Factors on Group Conformity in Normal and Abnormal Personalities : A Study of Perception of Unstable Stimuli and Attitude Formation, Salvatore Vincent Didato
The Influence of Spring Design upon Spring Rate, Velton Curtis White
The Influence of the Labor Party on the Extension of Government Controls, 1906-1940, Walter Joseph Kapica
The Influence of the Walker Commissions on the Isthmian Canal Question, John Walter Christian
The Information Revolution and the Industrial Revolution: Today's Egypt in the Shadow of the Past - A Note, Nagla Rizkm
The Initial Reading Program in Mexico, Louise Marion Cadwell
The Innate Idea in the Later Philosophical Works of Rene Descartes: Its Development, Nature, and Function, Charles George Boysen
The Institutional Child Looks at the Family, Lee W. Rockwell
The Integration of Denture and Skeletal Facial Profile Changes During Growth, Donald Charles Hilgers
The Intention, Art, And Originality of John Gower as Shown in His "Tale of Constance", Robert Edward Dulak
The Interest of Catholic Leaders in Labor Problems 1875-1900, Jane Dominic Birney
The Interpretative Debate of the Classical Islamic Jurists on Riba (Usury), Farhad Nomani
The Intersections of Social Activism, Collective Identity, and Artistic Expression in Documentary Filmmaking, John Abraham Stover Iii
The Isolation of Intermediary Metabolites of L-lysine-U-C₋p1₋s₋p4₋s from Tissues of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Robert N. Morris
The Jesuits and the Popish Plot, Robert Joseph Murphy
The Journal de Trevoux and the Philosophes, Francis Patrick Chamberlain
The Labor Market Effects of Palestinian Return Migration, Edward Sayre
The Labor Press Comment on Steel Price Rise 1962, William Arthur Harper
The Lay Auxiliaries of the Missions, Margaret Genevieve Blaser
The Legal and Learned Opinion of the Destroyer-Naval Base Deal of 1940, Rita Elizabeth Shaw
The Legal Positivism of Hans Kelsen, Michael H. Ducey
The Legislative History of the Kennedy-Ervin Labor Reform Bill in the First Session of the Eighty-Sixth Congress, Raymond Michael Ryan
The Locus of Preparation and Privilege: College Choice and Social Reproduction, Daniel Allen
The Logic of the ‘As If’ and the Existence of God: An Inquiry into the Nature of Belief in the Work of Jacques Derrida, Colby Dickinson
The Long Term Effects of Prefrontal Lobotomy on the Flicker Fusion Frequency of Light, Robert Francis Medina
The Lord Opened Her Heart: Women, Work, and Leadership in Acts of the Apostles, Teresa Jeanne Calpino
The Louisiana Purchase ; The Constitutional Difficulties of the Louisiana Treaty, Robert John Shanahan
The Major Themes of Tennyson, Elsie Antony Panakal
The Many Functions of Taste: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Desire in Nineteenth-Century England, Julia Bninski
The Matter and Purpose of G.B. Shaw's Saint Joan--A "Play of Ideas", Jerome B. Coll
Theme and Structure in the Novels of Nathanael West, Richard Waldron
The Meaning of "Imagination" In William Wordsworth's Prelude, Henry Robert Lynch
The Meaning of Independence to the Philippines Since July 4, 1946, Mary Morello
The Medieval Synthesis and Unified Sensibility : Their Definition and Interrelation, Philip Thomas Mooney
The Metabolism of Dihydrotachysterol, Joseph P. Liberti
The Metaphysical and Psychological Principles of Pleasure According to St. Thomas Aquinas, John F. Kramer
The Metaphysics of the Passions According to the Doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas, Kenneth Michael Kunert
The Methodist Episcopal Church and the Slavery Controversy, 1828-1844, Harold C. Howard
The Methods of Training Supervisors in the Leading Airline Companies in the Chicago Area, William Bernard Kelly
The Mother of Chaos and Night: Kant's Metaphilosophical Attack on Indifferentism, Matthew Allen Kelsey
The Multiple Choice Rorschach: A Comparison of Two Scoring Systems in Estimating Psychiatric Aide Efficiency as Rated By Supervisors, Edward O. Treesh
The Mystery of God in Situations of Suffering: Toward the Universality of Christ and a Reconstruction of African Identity, Leocretia L. Muganda
The Narcotic Problem Among Juveniles in Chicago, 1950-1953, Mary Elizabeth FitzSimmons
The Nature of Deliberation According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Benjamin R. Morin
The Nature of Errors Made by Children in Serial Learning, John P. Ly
The Nature of the Absolute in the Writings of Solovyev with an Appendix Containing an Unpublished Translation of Chapters Forty-Three and Forty-Four in Solvyev's Criticism of Abstract Principles, Edward Casimir Wojciechowski
The Navigation Acts and Colonial Massachusetts Industry, William O. Madden
The Necessity and Possibility of Directly Teaching the Christian Social Principles of the Encyclicals to High School Seniors, Francis Anthony Ciszczon
The Necessity of a Priori Forms in Kant, Francis Mathias Oppenheim
The Nomination of Warren G. Harding--1920, Joseph Hamilton Neale
The Non-Communist Affidavit of the Labor Management Relations (Taft-Hartley) Act : Its Effectiveness and Legality, Clayton F. Everett
The Nonjudgmental Attitude in Social Casework, Ruth Evelyn Sherlock
The Notion of Personal Communication in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel , Martha Ethelyn Williams
The Objections of Cajetan and Suarez to the Five Ways of Saint Thomas, Denis M. Hickey
Theodore Roosevelt and Civil Service Reform , Joseph Anthony Linehan
Theodore Roosevelt, Antagonistic Peacemaker, Allan Francis Kirk
Theodore Roosevelt's Work with Reference to the Conservation of Natural Resources, Mary Eusebia Glenney
Theological Plunderphonics: Public Theology and "the Fragment", William Myatt
The Organization and Development of the Christian Family Movement, M. Joseph Margaret Smith
The Organized Crime Neighborhoods of Chicago, Robert M. Lombardo
The Originality of the Aeneid, Robert Joseph Lab
The Paper Chromatography of Human Serum Lipoproteins, Leonard Jerome Banaszak
The Part Played by Certain Regulators in the American Revolution, Lorraine Marie Stajdohar
The Passion Sadness According to St. Thomas, Benjamin Joseph Urmston
The Performance of Delinquent Boys on the Furfey Developmental Age Scale, Mary Grace
The Personal and Public Relationship between Edmund Burke and Charles James Fox: Its Evolution and Significance, Susan Grace Scroeder
The Personalistic Philosophy of Louis Lavelle, Thomas Edward Gafney
The Personal Problems of one Hundred Twelfth Grade Negro Students, Ida Belle King
The Phenomenal Displacement of Lights as a Function of Various Background Stimuli, Raymond M. Daly
The Philosophical Thought of a Fourteenth Century Mystic, John Tauler, O. P., Hannah Laura Klein
The Philosophy of the United Steelworkers' Leader, David J. McDonald, Steven I. Pflanczer
The Picture Frustration Study as an Index of Aggresive Behavior in Juvenile Delinquents, Francis Bernard Petrauskas
The Poetic Plays of Michael Field, Joan Evelyn Biederstedt
The Political Economy of State Owned Enterprises, Cem Karayalcin
The Politics and Practicalities of Reentry: A Case Study of the Reentry Environment in a Suburban Community, Carlene Sipma-Dysico
The Predictive Value of the Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale, Patricia Bledsoe
The Predictive Value of the Individual Kuhlmann-Anderson Subtests Regarding Reading Improvement, Carolyn M. Cabanski
The Presence of Empathy in Male Completers of a Partner Intervention Program, Katherine Dahlberg
The President's Refusal of Information to Congress, Paul A. Becker
The Pre-Supervisory Training Program (Continental Can Company) at Plant #51 (Stockyards): A Case Study, James Francis Murphy
The Prevalence Morphology and Distribution of Epithelial Rests in the Periodontal Ligament of Humans, Charles McCormick Reeve
The Principal Theological Ideas in the Christian Fantasy Novels of Charles Williams, Joan Turner Beifuss
The Principle of Double Effect: Act-Types and Intentions, James G. Murphy
The Principle of Individualization in Social Casework, Raymond Purcell Ganey
The Privy Council and Economic Management in the Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1578, Vincent Ponko
The Problem of Evil in the Anti-Manichean Works of Saint Augustine, Herbert Heinrich Meyer
The Problem of Motivation in Graham Greene's the Heart of the Matter, Thomas John Walsh
The Problem of Schematism of Pure Concepts of Understanding in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, John Edward Dister
The Problems of the Identity of the Praecipere of Prudence as Found in St. Thomas, Cornelia Mary Callahan
The Profanation of Revelation: On Language and Immanence in the Work of Giorgio Agamben, Colby Dickinson
The Promise of an Accumulation of Care: Disadvantaged African-American Youths’ Perspectives About What Makes an After School Program Meaningful, Jeffrey J. Bulanda and Katherine Tyson McCrea
The Prospects of Petroleum Output and Investment in MENA Oil Exporting Countries, 2005-2030, Michael J. Twomey
The Proteolysis of Human Serum Beta Lipoproteins, Leonard Jerome Banaszak
The Psychological and Metaphysical Development of the Stream of Thought in the Philosophy of William Jame, John Thomas Dulin
The Psychologist, His Training and Functions: A Survey of Graduate Psychologists from Loyola University (1930-1954), Robert Francis Medina
The Pullman Strike of 1824 as Told in the Chicago Tribune, Lorraine Rose O'Connell
The Reaction of America, the Commonweal, and the Catholic World to Italian Fascism, Samuel Anthony Marotta
The Reaction of Five American Catholic Periodicals to the Rise of Nazism: 1923-1937, Robert Bireley
The Reaction of the British Press to Pius IX: 1846-1850, Gerald L. Bristow
The Reasons Why: Student Assignment Policies and Social Mobility in Wake County, North Carolina, Alicia Garcia
The Rebel Leader: A Sequential Explanatory Mixed Methods Analysis of Rebel Superintendents in Suburban Public Schools, Christopher Leigh Finch
The Relation between Performance on Certain Semi-Projective Tests and Adjustment to High School, Virginia Muller
The Relation of the Illative Sense to the Act of Assent According to J. H. Newman, John David Ryan
The Relation of the Muscle Fiber to the Tendon Fibers at the Muscle-Tendon Junction, Thomas F. McDonald
The Relation of the Veneration of the Cross to the Dream of the Rood, Mary Ignatia O'Connor
The Relationship between Achievement of the Wechsler Memory Scale and the Wechsler-Bellevue Intelligence Test for a Heterogeneous Group of Mental Patients, Lennart Charles Johnson
The Relationship between Consumer Confidence and Financial Market: Variables in Turkey during the Global Crisis, Sadullah Celik, Erhan Aslanoglu, and Seda Uzun
The Relationship between Parish Pastor and Diocesan Social Agency as Seen in Social Work Literature, Mary Alice O'Rourke
The Relationship of Canon and Messiah: The Convergence of Jan Assmann and Walter Benjamin on a Theory of Monotheistic Canon, Colby Dickinson
The Relationship of Interests and Values to Marital Happiness , James Carroll McGreevey
The Relationship of Reading Ability to Performance on the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Test, Paris P. Choncholas
The Relationship of Reasoning Ability to Achievement in an Elementary Course in Quantitative Analysis, Richard Harold Elliston
The Relationship of the Bayonet Constitution of 1887 to the Hawaiian Revolution of 1893, Donald Julius O'Shaughnessy
The Reliability of the Loyola Language Study: Its Relationship to Values, Interests, and to Group Mindedness, John V.P. Stewart
The Religious Festivals of Ovid's Fasti Adapted for Use in the Early Christian Church, John Leo Klein
The Religious Mind of Lefevre D'Estaples (1455-1536), Rita Charlotte Kucera
The Repeal of the Stamp Act : George the Third and the Marquis of Rockingham, David Alfred O'Dowd
The Result of Auditory Presentation During Sleep of Meaningful Material, Donald J. Tyrell
The Rhetoric of Gender in the Household of God: Ephesians 5:21-33 and Its Place in Pauline Tradition, Lisa Marie Belz
“The Right of Man to Migrate:” Catholic Social Thought and the Italian American Immigration Reform Movement, 1952-1965, Danielle Battisti PhD
The Rise of the Anti-Slavery Movement in Cincinnati , Thomas L. Hogan
Thermal Reflex Sweating in Normal and Paraplegic Man, Russell C. Seckendorf
The Road to Virtue and the Road to Fortune: The Scottish Enlightenment and the Problem of Individualism in Commercial Society, Sarah Ramirez
The Role of at Epistemic Community in Haitian Education Reform Post Earthquake 2010, Joy Okeefe
The Role of Cyp33 in MLL Mediated Gene Repression, Steven D. Poppen
The Role of Development in Promoting Environmental Awareness: Evidence from Lebanon, Salpie Djoundourian
The Role of Foreign Direct Investment For Economic Development In The MENA Region, Simon Neaime and Marcus Marktanner
The Role of Investments in Universities and in Airports on the Regional Convergence, Fatma Dogruel and Fatma Nur Karaman
The Role of Love in the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, Rosemary Fitzpatrick
The Role of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in the Adjustment of the Mexican Community to Life in the Indiana Harbor Area, Mary Helen Rogers
The Role of Professional Learning Communities in Developing and Using Common Formative Assessments, Diane Gmitro Betts
The Role of the County Home Nursing Program in Providing Care for Public Assistance Recipients in Illinois, June 1945 Through December 1954, Frank P. Higgins
The Role of the Parent in the Counseling Interview with the Secondary School Student, Paul F. Quinn
The Role of the School in the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency , Mary Ita Grennan
The Role of the Social Worker in the Home Medical Care Program at Mercy Free Dispensary, Mary Gwendoline Durkin
The Role of the Vis Cogitativa in the Prudential Syllogism According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Joseph A. Muenzer
The Role of the Volunteer in the Diocesan Bureau of Catholic Charities, Christine Ragan
The Role of Turnus in the Aeneid, Henry A. Gardocki
The Roman Catholic Religion AsaSource and Instrument of Social Control in the United States, Donald J. Thorman
The ROTC Program at Loyola University, James Law McCrorey
The Safer Foundation: An in-Depth Program Evaluation and Recidivism Study, Richard Allen Olson
The Scholastic Nature of Hugo Grotius' Natural Law Doctrine as Found in De Jure Belli Et Pacis, Daniel J. McTague
The "Scholastic" Realism of Charles Sanders Peirce, Ralph John Bastian
The Scout Movement: A Community Approach to Juvenile Delinquency Prevention, Edward J. Kaciur
The Second Bank of the United States in Cincinnati , Robert Leo Connelly
The Sermon Style of Saint John Fisher, Herbert John Raterman
The Services Rendered by the Medical Social Worker in the Area of Discharge Problems of the Chronically Ill Service Patients Hospitalized at Mount Sinai Hospital, Chicago, Illinois, for a Period of Four Weeks Or Longer During 1951, Dorothy Rosenthal Morwitz
The Significance of Sherwood Anderson's Poetry, Winfield Scott Lenox
The Significance of Transcendental Object in the Critique of Pure Reason, John W. Hauch
The Sinking of the Lusitania : Crossroads for the United States on the Road to War, Christopher F. Mooney
The Site of the in Vitro Inhibition of Cholesterol Biosynthesis by Hypoglycemic Compounds, John Edward Dalidowicz
The Slovenian Minority in Italy 1918-1943 : A Study of the Policy of the Italian Government, Dushan Valentine Humar
The Social and Economic Aspects of Family Allowances to Wage Earners in the United States, John Francis Madden
The Social and Economic Status of Labor in Iraq During the Last Two Decades with Special Emphasis on Unionism and Its Effect on This Status , Ramzi Nadhim Frangul
The Social and Economic Status of the Older Worker, William George Scott
The Social Debate in the French Constituent Assembly, 1848, Thomas P. Anderson
The Social Problems of Clinical Patients at Mercy Free Dispensary, Joan Elizabeth Noll
The Social-Psychological Implications of Recovery Inc., Mary Judith Terese McNulty
The Social Role of the Catholic Girl Scout Movement : A Study of the Chicago Area, M. Mercedes Moore
The Social Worlds of Tattooing: Divergent Sources of Expertise, Lorrie Riley Kathleen Riley
The Sociological Benefits of a Parish Survey, Ann Judith Provancher
The Sociological Thought in the Writings of Jose Ortega y Gasset, Pedro Negre
The Spirit of Contradiction in the Buddhist Doctrine of Not-Self, Hugh Nicholson
The Stamp Act and Its Consequences, Clement H. Metzger
The Status of Theory and Practice of Fiscal Control in Wisconsin School Districts, Anthony Thomas Sola
The Story of the West Baden Springs Hotel , John William O'Malley
The Structural Injustice of Forced Migration and the Failings of Normative Theory, David Ingram
The Structured Diary as an Aid in Counseling Parents, Helen K. Pancerz
The Student's Perspective: Exploring Ethnic Group Variances in Bullying Behavior Using Mixed Methods Research, Stephanie Grunewald
The Study of Tissue Reaction to a Magnetic Metal Implant, Anthony Vernon Abati
The Study of Warsaw : A Study of the Opposition to Its Existence by Russia, Prussia and Austria, Bernadine Florence Pietraszek
The Sustainability of Economic Growth in Abu Dhabi – a Dynamic CGE Approach, Bram Smeets and Ali Bayar
The Systemic Impact of the Implementation of the Response to Intervention Model in Elementary Schools, Annette Robin Cronin
The Teaching of English in Madras' Secondary Schools Before and After Indian Independence, Singarayer Fernando
The Teaching of Saint Thomas Aquinas on the Participation of Creatures in Good, John J. Kinsella
The Temporary Emergency Unemployment Insurance Benefit Program in Illinois, David Paul Jones
The Theory of Perception According to Gestalt Psychology, Thomas J. Zuber
The Things That Remain: People, Objects, and Anxiety in Thirties British Fiction, Emily O'Keefe
The Thirty Years' War: Europe's Tragedy, Robert Bireley S.J.
The Thought of Reynold Pecock in Its Historical Milieu, Sue Sheridan Walker
The Thurstone Temperament Schedule as an Instrument of Supervisory Evaluation, Francis Xavier Paone
The Trend Toward Public Ownership of Urban Mass Transportation with Special Emphasis on the History of the Chicago Transit Authority, William Raphael Kurtz
The Tryptic Hydrolysis of Pepsin, Pairent Pairent
The Ultimate Norm of Morality in the Tragedies of Sophocles, Paul Francis Conen
The Understanding and Application of the Arithmetical Vocabulary of326 Fifth and Sixth Grade Students, Mary Sharon Jakicic
The Uniform, Arms, And Equipment of the Union Soldier, 1861-1865, John Joseph FitzGerald
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the Relationship of the United States to It: 1945-1953, Mary Samuel Van Dyke
The Uptake of Methionine by Tissues of Cancer-Susceptible Mice, Arthur Harvey Goldkamp
The Usefulness of the Spranger Values in the Determination of Basic Values, Eugene Henry Welsand
The Use of Acceptance as Found in the Words and Works of Saint Vincent De Paul, Harry William Schloetter
The Use of Expressionism in Three Plays of Eugene O'Neill, Charles A. Conroy
The Use of Precedent in Labor Arbitration, Joseph Raymond Hlavin
The Use of Prochlorperazine with Brain-Damaged Children, John Michael McCauley
The Use of Symbolism in the Later Plays of Sean O'Casey, William E. Wengert
The Use of Weights and Dependence in the Solution of Simultaneous Equations , Robert John Schweisthal
The Utilization of Sulfur Amino Acids During the Healing of Experimental Wounds, Herbert Jerome Fromm
The Utilization of the Literature of Industrial Sociology in Teaching the Papal Social Encyclicals, James J. O'Gara
The Value of the School Research Experience to the Student of Social Work, Jeanine Marie Deka
The Various Functions of Irony in Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Parson's Tale", Thomas Gerard Savage
The Views of David Urquhart on the Crimean War, Joseph Anton Biesinger
The "Violence" of the Canon: Revisiting Contemporary Notions of Canonical Forms, Colby Dickinson
The “Violence” of the Canon: Revisiting Contemporary Notions of the Canonical, Colby Dickinson
The Voice of the Negro: African American Radio, WVON, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in Chicago, Jennifer Searcy
The Will in Descartes' Doctrine of Error, William A. Schock
The Winters Tale: A Christian Tragedy, Howard Gray
The Working Delinquent , Including an Analysis of Cook County, Illinois, Family Court Cases, Virginia Sarah Thatcher
The Working Men's Party of New York City, 1829-1830, James A. O'Brien
The World Is Not Yet Completed: Moral Imaginaries and Everyday Politics in Progressive Religious Communities, Todd Nicholas Fuist
the Wreck of the Deutschland": Seed Poem in the Flowering of Gerald Manley Hopkins' Poetry, Marie Jeanne Petrone
They Should Not Emerge, But They Do! Development Of The Generic Pharmaceutical Industry In Syria And Bangladesh, Sebastian Alexander, Md. Noor Un Nabi, and Utz Dornberger
Thomas F. Mayer, ed. Reforming Reformation, Robert Bireley S.J.
Thomas Merton as Poet of the Liturgy, Mary Paul Reilly
Thought Processes in Problem Solving, George Louris
Thrift-Education in the High School Curriculum, Edwin Alexander Lederer
Thucydides' Account of the Athenian Empire in the Light of Contemporary Coinage , J. A. Brinkman
Time Series Approaches To Testing Income Convergence In MENA Countries, Haluk Erlat
Toward a Cleaner Whiteness: New Racial Identities, David Ingram
Toward an Understanding of Christopher Fry, Edward Joseph Mattimoe
Towards a Multidimensional Model of Adaptation for African American Adolescents Exposed to Racial Discrimination, Jamila Cunningham
Towards a Roman Catholic Soteriology for the Sinned-Against Creature: An Intercultural Dialogue between the Soteriology of Edward Schillebeeckx and Korean-American Theologies of 'Han', Kevin Patrick Considine
Towards Observational Measurement of Social Competence in Youth with Chronic Health Conditions: Development of Peer Interaction Scales for Youth with Spina Bifida, Christina E. Holbein
Toward the Development of the Stereotypical Roles of Black Young Men Scale, Amber Hewitt
Trade, Growth and Information Technology: Potential for Egypt's Regional and Global Integration, Nagla Rizk
Trade Liberalisation with Trade Induced Technical Change in Morocco and Egypt, David Evans, Michael Gasiorek, Sherman Robinson, and Scott McDonald
Trade Liberalization and Export Diversification in Selected MENA Countries, Suut Dogruel and Mahmut Tekce
Trade Liberalization,Transfers and Skill Upgrading in Morocco:A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis, Hans Lofgren, Sherman Robinson, and Moataz El-Said
Tragic Elements in Keat's "Eve of St. Agnes", Paul John Clifford
Transnationalism, Immigration Stress and Subjective Well-Being Among Ecuadorian Immigrants in London, Lucia E. Orellana-Damacela
Transplantation of a Bone Graft with a Tooth in Situ, Sam Peter Liaros
Trapped By Consociationalism: The Case of Lebanon, Samir Makdisi and Marcus Marktanner
Treatment Compliance and Recidivism: Following Up on the 2000 Illinois Juvenile Probation Outcome Study, Connor Concannon
Treatment of Marital Discord in Catholic Social Agencies, Mary Joseph Lyons
Tribal Diversity, Political Patronage and the Yemeni Decentralization Experiment, Daniel Egel
Troels Nørager, Taking Leave of Abraham: An Essay on Religion and Democracy, Colby Dickinson
T.S. Eliot: A Study of His Dramatic Theory, Jeanne A. Flood
Two American Concurrences in the 'Industry Council Plan', Thomas Raymond Overkleeft
Undergraduate Knowledge of Social Work, Harold James Merrill
Understanding the Consequences of Interpersonal Confrontation: The Role of Goal Pursuit in Men's Responses to Being Confronted as Sexist, Dana E. Wagner
Understanding the Regulation of Metabolic Enzyme Acetylation in E. Coli, Arti Walker-Peddakotla
Underwriter Reputation and Short-Run IPO Returns: A Re-evaluation for an Emerging Market , Nuray Guner, Zeynep Onder, and Seza Danisoglu Rhoades
Unexplained Differences in the FDI Receipts of Middle East and North Africa, Ayca Tekin-Koru
Unions and Job Evaluation, Warren Alfred Goodlad
Unpacking the Study of Instructional Improvement: Issues, Outcomes, and Implications of Three Comprehensive School Reform Efforts, Gabriella Silva Gorsky
Un-Selfconcern in Aristotle's Notion of Happiness, Joseph Raoul Disselhorst
Use of Atom-transfer Radical Cyclizations as an Efficient Entry into a New Serotonergic Norazaadamantane, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, and Daniel Zabrowksi
Using Robust Standard Errors to Combine Multiple Regression Estimates with Meta-Analysis, Ryan T. Williams
Using Scala Strategically Across the Undergraduate Curriculum, Mark Lewis, Konstantin Läufer, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Utilizing Response to Intervention (roti) As a Means of Studying Capacity Building and Motivation of Staff by School Leadership Teams, Brian James Mahoney
Validation of the Employment Hope Scale: Measuring Psychological Self-Sufficiency Among Low-Income Jobseekers, Philip Young P. Hong, Joshua R. Polanin, and Terri D. Pigott
Validity of the Beall-Panton Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Index of "Escapism" in a State Training School Population, C. John Figura
Various Grievance Procedures Affecting Federal Employees Employed Outside the Continental United States, John William Clancy
Vico’s New Science of Interpretation: Beyond Philosophical Hermeneutics and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion, David Ingram
Visual Analysis of E-Textbooks for Senior High School in Indonesia, Ouda Ena
Voice and Address in the Poetry of Robert Lowell, Mary Pacis Roth
Was Jesus Right to Eat with Sinners and Tax Collectors?, John Joseph Kilgallen S.J.
Webster, Nationalism and the Reply to Hayne, Donald William Smythe
Webster's Dramatic Characterization in the White Devil and the Duchess of Malfi with Special Reference to Aristotle's Poetics, Mary Jane Grogan
Wet Chicago: Prohibition and the Development of the Informal Alcohol Economy, Brian Doumeth Jolet
When Theory Meets Practice: Challenging Racial Inequality in a Post-Civil Rights Era, Victoria Brockett
When The Twain Shall Meet: Middle East Area Studies And The Discipline of Economics, Karen Pfeifer
“Where’s beebee?”: The orphan crisis in global child welfare from an autoethnographic perspective, Katherine Tyson McCrea
White Jacket: A Study of Herman Melville's Literary Technique in Nautical Fiction, Henry Alphonso Robertson
Who's Attending the Party? Elections, Parties, and Democratization in Postcommunist States, Jonathan Windle Riggs
William James on Free Will: A Personal Response to the Dilemma of Determinism, Robert Michael Buren
Willing to Work: Agency and Vulnerability in an Undocumented Immigrant Network, Ruth Gomberg-Munoz
Wisdom-bearers and Story-tellers: Older Adults as Guides and Friends, Holly Nelson-Becker
Women's Access to Secondary Education in Colonial and Postcolonial Tanzania and Rwanda, Emlyn Ashley Ricketts
Word of Life, Word of God: An Examination of the Use of the Term Logos in the Johannine Literature, Joseph Michael Latham
Wordsworth's Lucy Poems , John K. Locke
Working Mothers, a Contributing Factor to Juvenile Delinquency, Mary Euthelia Schlesser
Yo Hablo Ingles: The Influence of Motivation and Group Cohesion on Learning English in a Workplace Setting, Adam Henry Dehoek
You Had Me at Helen: The Name Letter Effect in Judgments of Humor, Jenna Ryan
Youth Unemployment in Tunisia: Characteristics and Policy Responses, IIham Haouas, Edward Sayre, and Mahmoud Yagoubi