Submissions from 2019
Pay Fairness: Insights from Reward Leaders, Dow Scott and Tom McMullen
Sudan in Crisis, Kim Searcy
Testosterone Replacement Therapy for the Recovery from Chronic Vestibular Dysfunction Following Repeat Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Male Long-Evans Hooded Rats, Arthur Segismundo
Opioid Misuse Detection in Hospitalized Patients Using Convolutional Neural Networks, Brihat Sharma
Nutrition risk among an ethnically diverse sample of community-dwelling older adults, Patricia M. Sheean, Isabel C. Farrar, Suela Sulo, Jamie Partridge, Linda Schiffer, and Marian Fitzgibbon
Body Composition, Serum Biomarkers of Inflammation and Quality of Life in Clinically Stable Women with Estrogen Receptor Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer, Patricia M. Sheean, Sandra Gomez-Perez, Cara Joyce, Vasilios Vasilopoulos, Mary Beth Bartolotta, Patricia Robinson, Shelly Lo, and Laurie Lomasney
A Macromarketing View of Sustainable Development in Vietnam, Clifford J. Shultz and Mark Peterson
Connections for Change, Shirley Simon
Professional Development: An MSW Course Based on Group Work Principles and Opportunities, Shirley Simon
Introduction to "Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels", Christopher W. Skinner
Partnering for Engineering Teacher Education, Lara K. Smetana, Cynthia Nelson, Patricia Whitehouse, and Kim Koin
SIAM CSE 2019 Minisymposterium: The Journal of Open Source Software, Arfon Smith, Lorena A. Barba, Daniel S. Katz, Kyle Niemeyer, Tania Allard, Juanjo Bazan, Jed Brown, Jason Clark, Roman Valls Guimera, Melissa Gymrek, Lindsey Heagy, Kathryn Ruff, Christopher Madan, Kevin Moerman, Lorena Pantano, Viviane Pons, Jack Poulson, Pjotr Prins, Karthik Ram, Elizabeth Ramirez, Ariel Rokem, George K. Thiruvathukal, Kristen Thyng, and Yo Yehudi
Consumer Competence Strategies, Spiritually Inspired Core Values and Locus of Control: What Are the Links?, Gabriella Spinelli, Holly Nelson-Becker, and Roberta Ligossi
Gender East and West: Transnational Gender Theory and Global Marketing Research, Katherine Sredl
How to Play a Poem by Don Bialostosky, Jayme Stayer
Leonard Diepveen. Modernist Fraud: Hoax, Parody, Deception, Jayme Stayer
Sibylline Oracles 4–5, Olivia Stewart Lester
A CRT Analysis of Teach Like a Champion 2.0, Kayla Stewart Valenti
Exploring an Existing Weight Management App for Use With Adolescents and Young Adults With Spina Bifida: Usability Study, Elizabeth C. Stiles-Shields, Brittney Garcia, Kimberly Villota, Elicia Wartman, Adrien M. Winning, and Grayson Holmbeck
The NSBECS: The Foundation for Effective Catholic Principal Preparation, Debra Sullivan and Jorge Pena
Optimizing Strategies for Care Coordination and transition Management: Recommendations for Nursing Education, Beth Ann Swan, Regina Conway-Phillips, Sheila Haas, and Laura A. De La Pena
Feminism and School Leadership: A Qualitative Study Utilizing Effective Women Principals' Self-Perceptions to Determine What Makes Them Successful, Christina Maria Sylvester
Ribosomal/Nucleolar Stress Induction Regulates Tert-Butyl Hydroperoxide (tBHP) Mediated Oxidative Stress in Anopheles Gambiae Midguts, Brian B. Tarimo, Bernadette A. Hritzo, Henry Chun Hin Law, Dingyin Tao, Rebecca Pastrana-Mena, Stefan M. Kanzok, Joram J. Buza, and Rhoel R. Dinglasan
The Future of Environmental Social Work: Looking to Community Initiatives for Models of Prevention, Samantha Teixeira, John Mathias, and Amy Krings
A Benchmarking Study to Evaluate Apache Spark on Large-Scale Supercomputers, George K. Thiruvathukal, Cameron Christensen, Xiaoyong Jin, François Tessier, and Venkatram Vishwanath
Prevalence and Potential Buffers of Intergenerational Trauma in African American and Latinx Parent-Child Dyads, Kandace Thomas
Resisting Gentrification: The Theoretical and Practice Contributions of Social Work, Amie Thurber, Amy Krings, Linda S. Martinez, and Mary Ohmer
Zero Tolerance and Self Image: A Systematic Literature Review, Caitlyn Todd
Underestimating the Gender Gap? An Exploratory Two-Step Cluster Analysis of STEM Labor Segmentation and Its Impact on Women, Blanca Minerva Torres-Olave
Not Waving but Striving: Research Collaboration in the Context of Stratification, Segmentation, and the Quest for Prestige, Blanca Minerva Torres-Olave, Ashley M. Brown, Lillianna Franco Carrera, and Carlos Ballinas
Shifting Positionalities Across International Locations: Embodied Knowledge, Time-Geography, and the Polyvalence of Privilege, Blanca Minerva Torres-Olave and Jenny J. Lee
Large-Scale Object Detection of Images from Network Cameras in Variable Ambient Lighting Conditions, Caleb Tung, Matthew R. Kelleher, Ryan J. Schlueter, Binhan Xu, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, Yen-Kuang Chen, and Yang Lu
Perceived Appropriateness of Sexual Misconduct in Hookup Culture: Roles of Power and Motives, Milan Alexandra Tvardek
St. Albert's Day 2019 Attendees, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Audience, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Audience 02, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Dr. Singh and Dr. Marzo, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Junior Scientist Award, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Junior Scientist Presentation, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Senior Scientist Award, Erik Unger
St. Albert's Day 2019 Senior Scientist Presentation, Erik Unger
Demonstration Policies at Private Universities: A Case Study and Analysis, Bastiaan Vanacker
Returns Unraveled: Reflections on Appropriate Destinies for Museum Objects with Questionable Pasts, Jos van Buerden, Kathleen M. Adams, and Paul Catteeuw
Chitown Loves YouHip Hop’s Alternative Spatializing Narratives and Activism to Trump’s HatefulCampaign Rhetoric About Chicago, George Villanueva
Breaking Down Gesture and Action in Mental Rotation: Understanding the Components of Movement That Promote Learning, Elizabeth M. Wakefield-Connell, Alana E. Foley, Raedy Ping, Julia N. Villarreal, Susan Goldin-Meadow, and Susan C. Levine
Review of The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race, Julie Ward
Alerting Doctors About Patient Life Challenges: A Randomized Control Trial of a Previsit Inventory of Contextual Factors, Frances M. Weaver, Amy Binns-Calvey, Beverly Gonzalez, Carol T. Kostovich, Sherri LaVela, Kevin T. Stroupe, Brendan Kelly, Naomi Ashley, Scott Miskevics, Ben Gerber, Lisa Burkhart, Alan Schwartz, and Saul J. Weiner
Perceptions of High School Principals of the Role of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support-- Formally RTI-- In Bringing about Social Justice and Equity for Black Boys, La Wanna Marie Wells
How Lawrence Launched His Career in London, Joyce Wexler
How Lawrence Launched His Career in London, Joyce Wexler
Addressing the School-to-Prison Pipeline through Critical Self Reflection: A Self-Study of Courageous and Transformative Leadership, Ernest D. Williams
Neandertal Mandibular Molars from Hortus Cave, France: A Comparison of Crown Shapes Using Elliptical Fourier Analysis, Frank L. Williams, Juliet K. Brophy, Gregory J. Matthews, Emilee Hart, Marie-Antoinette De Lumley, and Gaël Becam
Deception in Group Contexts, J R. Winget and R. S. Tindale
The Structure and Measurement of Career Indecision: A Critical Review, Hui Xu and Cecile H. Bhang
Costly Rewards and Punishments, Frances Xu Lee
Neuromodulation with Electromagnetic Stimulation for Seizure Suppression: From Electrode to Magnetic Coil, Hui Ye and Stephanie Kaszuba
Sure Independence Screening in the Presence of Data That is Missing at Random, Adriano Zanin Zambom and Gregory J. Matthews
YCZR, a New Case of PLP-Dependent MOCR/GABR Type Transcription Regulator in Klebsiella Pneumonia, Yuanzhang Zheng
An Action Research Project Addressing the Perception of Strengths and Barriers to Communication at the Onset of the MTSS Initiative within the High School Setting, Taliah Ziyad-Nau
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Characterizing Immune Response to HIV-1 Infection in BICD2-Knockout Cells, Omar Abdel-Rahim
Leisure in the “Land of the Walking Dead”: Western Mortuary Tourism, the Internet, and Zombie Pop Culture in Toraja, Indonesia, Kathleen M. Adams
Local Strategies for Economic Survival in Touristically Volatile Times: An Indonesian Case Study of Microvendors, Gendered Cultural Practices, and Resilience, Kathleen M. Adams
A Room with a View: Local Knowledge and Tourism Entrepreneurship in an Unlikely Indonesian Locale, Kathleen M. Adams and Dirk Sandarupa
Estimating the Prevalence of Hepatitis C in Sub-Saharan Africa, William Howard Adams
The Loyola Experience: Increasing Belonging and Retention among Underrepresented Students, Michelle Seli Aku Adzido
Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Generational Status and the Successful Implementation of the Common Core State Standards, Michael Allen
Tejidos Urbanos: Representaciones Literarias y Visuales De la Memoria en la Ciudad Imaginada, Marina Marisela Alvarez
Gene-Based Association Study for Lipid Traits in Diverse Cohorts Implicates BACE1 and SIDT2 Regulation in Triglyceride Levels, Angela Andaleon, Lauren S. Mogil, and Heather Wheeler
Parental Relationship Quality and Stereotypic Role Endorsement as Predictors of Marriage Attitudes of African Americans, Bernasha Monique Anderson
Eduard Dorsch and his Unpublished Poem on the Occasion of Humboldt's 100th Birthday, Reinhard Andress
The Altenheim: a German Old People's Home in Forest Park through the Ages, Reinhard Andress
Mechanisms and Consequences of Epigenetic Inheritance Following Parental Preconception Alcohol Exposure, Annadorothea Asimes
Unaccompanied Immigrant Child and Family/Sponsor Community Service System Study: Metropolitan Chicago Area, Adam Avrushin and Maria Vidal De Haymes
Simple Goodness and Ethical Theory, Sarah Marie Babbitt
Exploring the Phenotypic Consequences of Tissue Specific Gene Expression Variation Inferred from GWAS Summary Statistics, Alvaro N. Barbeira, Scott P. Dickinson, Rodrigo Bonazzola, Jiamao Zheng, Heather E. Wheeler, Jason M. Torres, Eric S. Torstenson, Kaanan P. Shah, Tzintzuni Garcia, Todd L. Edwards, Eli A. Stahl, Laura M. Huckins, GTEx Consortium, Dan L. Nicolae, Nancy J. Cox, and Hae Kyung Im
Starch Synthesis in Ostreococcus tauri: The Starch-Binding Domains of Starch Synthase III-B Are Essential for Catalytic Activity, Julieta Barchiesi, Maria Belen Velazquez, Nicolas Palopoli, Alberto A. Iglesias, Diego F. Gomez-Casati, Miguel A. Ballicora, and Maria Victoria Busi
Cultural Assets and Racial Discrimination: A Person-Based Exploration of Culturally Relevant Coping with African American Male Adolescents, Emma-Lorraine Baaba Bart-Plange
Green Schoolyards in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods: Natural Spaces for Positive Youth Development Outcomes, Carolyn R. Bates, Amy M. Bohnert, and Dana E. Gerstein
Place-Brand Stereotypes: Does Stereotype-Consistent Messaging Matter?, Brittney C. Bauer, Clark D. Johnson, and Nitish Singh
"We Were Framed to Fail and Die": The Ethics and Poetics of Mortality in the Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Brett C. Beasley
Former CiSE EICs Reflect on the Magazine's 20th Anniversary, Isabel Beichl, Norman Chonacky, Francis Sullivan, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Validation of the Registered Nurse Assessment of Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale, Kathleen L. Bobay, Marianne E. Weiss, Debra Oswald, and Olga Yakusheva
Implementing MTSS for Behavior in School Settings, Hank Bohanon
Leading Schools Under Pressure: Considerations of Systems Theory and Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support Efforts During School Actions, Hank Bohanon, Ashley Wahnschaff, Paul Flaherty, and Kelly Ferguson
Chronic Circadian Misalignment Leads to Reduced Longevity and Largescale Changes in Gene Expression in Drosophila Melanogaster, Alex Christ Boomgarden
The Supersymmetric WKB Formalism Is Not Exact for All Additive Shape Invariant Potentials, Jonathan Bougie, Asim Gangopadhyaya, and Constantin Rasinariu
The Impact of Regulatory Fit on Confrontations of Bias, Rayne Bozeman
An Analysis of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Successmaker Reading on Closing the Achievement Gap Through a Separate Class Middle School Reading Intervention, Tanya Branch Housing
Religion and Progressive Politics in the United States, Ruth Braunstein, Todd N. Fuist, and Rhys Williams
Beyond the Reach of the Safety Net: The Geography of Social Service Provision in the Context of Suburban Poverty, Christine Breit
The Roles of HPA Axis Activity and Attentional Bias in the Development of Anxiety Symptoms in Low-Income Mexican-Origin Children, Stephanie Brewer
Socio-Ecological Moderating Factors in the Grit-Academic Achievement Relationship, Keeshawna Brooks
Mentoring the Millennials: Induction of the Millennial Generation in Education, Christopher M. Brown
The Politics Behind the National School Lunch Program, Jaylyn Brown
A Latent Class Analysis of Community Violence Exposure and Peer Delinquency in African American Adolescents, Amanda N. Burnside, Noni K. Gaylord-Harden, Suzanna So, and Dexter R. Voisin
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Black Middle Class and Mass Incarceration, Bill Byrnes