Submissions from 2017
Snapshots of the Self: Exploring the Role of Online Mobile Photo Sharing in Identity Development among Adolescent Girls, Jenna M. Drenten
Crossing the #BikiniBridge: Exploring the Role of Social Media in Propagating Body Image Trends, Jenna M. Drenten and Lauren Gurrieri
Graves, Gifts, and the Bereaved Consumer: A Restorative Perspective of Gift Exchange, Jenna M. Drenten, Kristy McManus, and Lauren I. Labrecque
Ignatian Pedagogy Certificate Final Project, G. Patrick Duffie
Genetic Variants Contributing to Colistin Cytotoxicity: Identification of TGIF1 and HOXD10 Using a Population Genomics Approach, Michael T. Eadon, Ronald J. Hause, Amy L. Stark, Ying-Hua Cheng, Heather E. Wheeler, Kimberly S. Burgess, Eric A. Benson, Patrick N. Cunningham, Robert L. Bacallao, Pierre C. Dagher, Todd C. Skaar, and M. Eileen Dolan
Cellular Determinants of Coronavirus Entry Routes, James Thomas Earnest
Allosteric Control of Substrate Specificity of the Escherichia coli ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase, Ana C. Ebrecht, Ligin Solamen, Benhamin L. Hill, Alberto A. Iglesias, Ken W. Olsen, and Miguel A. Ballicora
Phenotyping Temperature-Sensitive Coronaviruses, Amani Eddins
Constitutionalism and Democracy Dataset, Version 1.0, Todd A. Eisenstadt, Carl LeVan, and Tofigh Maboudi
How Do We Proceed with Our Own Internal Conflict?: On the Translation of Mihail Sebastian’s “For Two Thousand Years, Julia Elsky
My Leadership Experiences with Peace Circles as a Restorative Practice, El-Roy Estes
Utilizing Genetic Techniques to Identify Amino Acids Within the Putative Glycosyltransferase Sypq That Are Essential for Its Role in Biofilm Formation by Vibrio Fischeri, Mary Kathryn Flaherty
Emphasizing Experience and Refelction during Online Math HW, Kieran Flahive
Narrative Medicine and Health Care Ethics: Religious and Literary Approaches to Patient Identity and Clinical Practice, Tara Flanagan Tracy
Endocytic Vesicle Rupture in the Pathogenesis and Propagation of Neurodegenerative Proteinopathies, William P. Flavin
We Can Do Better: Evaluating an Intervention Remedying Caseworkers’ Negative Racial Bias towards African American Families Involved in Child Welfare, Adrianne Michele Fletcher
Introduction to "A Case Study of Directorial Courage: An Iranian Director's Subversive Production of Lorca's The House of Bernarda Alba" by Joie Miroux and Peter Zazzali, Anne Fliotsos and Ann M. Shanahan
Introduction to "AGA Collaborative: Walking in the Academy" by Jeanmarie Higgins, Anne Fliotsos and Ann M. Shanahan
An Examination of Multicultural Competence and Racial Colorblindness Among School Psychologists, Sandy D. Flores
An Investigation into Discrimination: Racially Identifiable Names and the Effects They Have on the Home Renting Process, Francis Thomas Flynn
Exploring the Implications for Educational Leadership: A Case Study of Cristo Rey St. Martin College Preparatory High School, Julie Lynn Frey
Primed to Lead: a Case Study of Global Leader Education in South Korea, Landis Garrel Fryer
Social Support and Well-Being Among Foster Care Youth: Self-Concept as a Mediator, Anne Kathleen Fuller
Promoting Word Consciousness to Close the Vocabulary Gap in Young Word Learners, Perla B. Gámez, Sabina Rak Neugebauer, Michael D. Coyne, D. Betsy McCoach, Ingrid T. Cólon, and Sharon Ware
Galileo's Contribution to Mechanics, Asim Gangopadhyaya
Can Newton’s Third Law Be “Derived” from the Second?, Asim Gangopadhyaya and James T. Harrington
How Participants Report their Health Status: Cognitive Interviews of Self-Rated Health Across Race/Ethnicity, Gender, Age, and Educational Attainment, Dana Garbarski, Jennfier Dykema, Kenneth D. Croes, and Dorothy F. Edwards
Interviewers’ Ratings of Respondents’ Health: Predictors and Association With Mortality, Dana Garbarski, Nora Cate Schaeffer, Jennifer Dykema, and Deborah Carr
Affirming Strengths-Based Models of Practice, Trevor G. Gates and Brian Kelly
Comparison of Visual Datasets for Machine Learning, Kent Gauen, Ryan Dailey, John Laiman, Yuxiang Zi, Nirmal Asokan, Yung-Hsiang Lu, George K. Thiruvathukal, Mei-Ling Shyu, and Shu-Ching Chen
Chicago's Education Innovators: Making History INterviews with Paul Adams III and Walter Massey, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
Ordinary People Leading Extrordinary Lives: Making History Interviews with Fritzie Fritzshall and Art Johnston, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
from The Golden Infection, Laura Goldstein
A.I.R. Gallery: Enterprising Machines, Jessica J. Gondek
The Effects of Teacher Self-Efficacy with the Inclusion of Students with Autism in General Education Classrooms, Tekita Quashell Gordon
A Review of Neogene and Quaternary Pikes of Southeastern Europe and a New Species from the Early Pleistocene of Nogaisk, Ukraine, Terry C. Grande, Oleksandr M. Kovalchuk, and Mark V. H. Wilson
Flesh on the Bones: A Historical and Bioarchaeological Exploration of Violence, Trauma, Sex, and Gender in Medieval England, Anne L. Grauer and Andrew G. Miller
Educational Magic Tricks Based on Error-Detection Schemes, Ronald I. Greenberg
Pythagorean Approximations for LEGO: Merging Educational Robot Construction with Programming and Data Analysis, Ronald I. Greenberg
Motion Planning for Simple Two-Wheeled Robots, Ronald I. Greenberg and Jeffery M. Karp
Separating Markup from Text, Ronald I. Greenberg and George K. Thiruvathukal
Developmental Nonlinearity Drives Phenotypic Robustness, Rebecca M. Green, Jennifer L. Fish, Nathan M. Young, Francis J. Smith, Benjamin Roberts, Katie Dolan, Irene Choi, Courtney L. Leach, Paul Gordon, James M. Cheverud, Charles C. Roseman, Trevor J. Williams, Ralph S. Marcucio, and Benedikt Hallgrímsson
Menagerie of AdS2 boundary conditions, Daniel Grumiller, Robert A. McNees IV, Jakob Salzer, Carlos Valcárcel, and Dmitri Vassilevich
Die Genveränderung von Embryonen bürdet Kindern eine unzumutbare Last auf, Hille Haker
Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar (I. Bachmann), Hille Haker
Mehr als die Weitergabe von Genen: Eine neue Ethik der Elternschaft, Hille Haker
No Space. Nowhere: Refugees and the Problem of Human Rights in Arendt and Ricœur, Hille Haker
Transcending Liberalism – Avoiding Communitarianism: Human Rights and Dignity in Bioethics, Hille Haker
Wissenschaft und Ethik - Mit den Augen eines Affen gesehen. Ein Bericht, Hille Haker
An Exploration of Elementary Teachers' Beliefs and Perceptions About Science Inquiry: A Mixed Methods Study, Linda Hamadeh
Role of the Interleukin-22 and STAT3 Signaling Pathway in Gut Barrier Maintenance Following Intoxication and Burn Injury, Adam M. Hammer
International Diversification into Emerging Equity Markets: Perspective of U.S. Investors, Ki C. Han, Sukhun Lee, David Y. Suk, and Hyun Mo Sung
John W. O’Malley, S.J. The Jesuits and the Popes: A Historical Sketch of Their Relationship. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2016. Pp. 149. Hb, $40., D. Scott Hendrickson
Seeing in Imagination: Visual Representation and Spiritual Contemplation in the Ascetical Treatises of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, D. Scott Hendrickson
Ignatian Pedagogy Certificate Final Project, Mitchell A. Hendrickson
Self-Serving Cognitive Distortions, Externalizing Behaviors, and School Exclusion Among Adolescents with Emotional Disturbance, Claudia Hernandez
Characterization of Multi-Albumin Pegylated Complexes Synthesized Using "Click" Chemistry as Drug Delivery Systems, Jonathan Alejandro Hill
Impact of Visitation with Incarcerated Fathers on Behavioral Adjustment Among Children in the Foster Care System, Lauren Ashley Hindt
The Blackboard and the Colorline Madeline Morgan and the Alternative Black Curriculum in Chicago Schools 1941-1945, Michael Hines
Using Ignatian Pedagogy to Teach Chinese Literature, Dale Hoiberg
Spina Bifida, Grayson N. Holmbeck, Kathy Zebracki, Jaclyn Lennon Papadakis, and Colleen F. Bechtel Driscoll
Potential Efficacy of Targeting MLL1 in Breast Cancer, Austin Gable Holmes
Fear of Missing Out: A Moderated Mediation Approach to Social Media Use, Brynn M. Huguenel
The Graph Database: Jack of All Trades or Just Not SQL?, George F. Hurlburt, Maria R. Lee, and George K. Thiruvathukal
Critical Theory and Global Development, David Ingram
Critical Theory and Global Development, David Ingram
Critical Theory and the Struggle for Recognition, David Ingram
Mediating the Theory and Practice of Human Rights in Morality and Law, David Ingram
Creating an EdD Structure, Program and Process Fulfilling the Needs of Doctoral Candidates and the Communities They Will Serve: Applying Lessons Learned from the Redesign of a Principal Preparation Program, Marla Susman Israel, Felicia P. Stewart, Susan Sostak, and Ahlam Bazzi-Moughania
Optimizing Clean Catch Urine Collection and Its Applications in Urinary Microbiome Studies, Danielle Johansen
Is ‘Small’ Always Small and ‘Big’ Always Big? Re-Reading Educational Developments in Small (and Micro) States, Tavis D. Jules and Patrick Ressler
Native Advertising: A Close Look at an Emerging Advertising Unit, David Kamerer
Child Labor Trafficking in the United States: A Hidden Crime, Katherine Kaufka Walts JD
Perceived Partner Sexism and Stigma Consciousness: How 'Prince Charming' Undermines Relationship Satisfaction, Danielle Lauren Kellogg
Vinyl, Brian Kelly
A Historical Overview of Art and Music-Based Activities in Social Work with Groups: Nondeliberative Practice and Engaging Young People’s Strengths, Brian Kelly and Lauren Doherty
Nowhere in the Middle Ages. Karma Lochrie. The Middle Ages Series. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016. 270 pp. $65., Christopher Kendrick
Hıristiyanlık, Aydınlanma ve Kolonyalizm: Rusya, Kuzey Kafkasya’da, 1550-1800, Michael Khodarkovsky
Functional Studies of Novel Mosquito Stage-Specific Genes in the Malaria Parasite, Plasmodium Berghei., Kaitlyn Kiernan
Chicago Public Schools and the Creation of Global Citizens, Rebecca L. Kijek
Influence of Gender and Cultural Values on Savoring in Korean Undergraduates, Soyeon Kim and Fred B. Bryant
The Influence of Gender and Cultural Values on Savoring in Korean Undergraduates, Soyeon Kim and Fred B. Bryant
Undergraduates' Understanding of Sexual Consent, Melissa Ann Kinsella
Disordered Eating Treatment Programs for Adolescents and Emerging Adults: A Meta-Analytic Review of Treatment Effectiveness and Moderators of Treatment Success, Alexandra Kirsch
Comparative Studies on Biochemical and Pharmacological Profiles of Bovine, Ovine and Porcine Heparins, Ahmed Kouta
Practice and Practitioner Correlates of Psychotherapists’ Self-Perceived Clinical Wisdom, Shveta Kumaria
Defining the Roles of the Lipoic Acid Ligases in Promoting Staphylococcus Aureus Metabolic Homeostasis and Virulence, Irina Laczkovich
The Challenge of Leading Change: How Sources of Authority and Change Management Models Intersect to Promote School Improvement, Samantha Joyce Lam
Content Trends in Sustainable Business Education: An Analysis of Introductory Courses in the U.S., Nancy E. Landrum and Brian M. Ohsowski
Identifying Worldviews on Corporate Sustainability: A Content Analysis of Corporate Sustainability Reports, Nancy E. Landrum and Brian M. Ohsowski
Teaching Concurrent Software Design: A Case Study Using Android, Konstantin Läufer and George K. Thiruvathukal
Experiences with Scala Across the College-Level Curriculum, Konstantin Läufer, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Mark C. Lewis
Elevated Hydrostatic Pressure Selectively Enhances Matricellular Gene Expression in Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells, Jonathan Lautz
Heterocycles Via the PD-Catalyzed Heterofunctionalization of Alkylidenecyclopropanes, Phillip Roman Lazzara
Jackpot Rollover and Lottery Regressivity, Suk H. Lee, Ki C. Han, David Y. Suk, and Hyunmo Sung
A Distributed Graph Approach for Pre-processing Linked RDF Data Using Supercomputers, Michael J. Lewis, George K. Thiruvathukal, Venkatram Vishwanath, Michael J. Papka, and Andrew Johnson