Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Filipino Adolescents Exposed to Prostitution: An Investigation of Their Lives and the Concept of Commodification, Freida B. Galligar
Inter-Relations of Solvable Potentials, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Negative Affectivity as a Predictor of Coping Responses: A Meta-Analysis, John Gibson
Prostitutes in the archives: Problems and possibilities in documenting the history of sexuality, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
The Role of Alternative Splicing in the Regulation of Cathepsin B Expression in Human Tumors, Qiuming Gong
An Investigation of School Psychologists' Perceptions of Their Future Roles and Functions in Relationship to the School Reform Movement, David J. Goodman
What Teachers Do in the Classroom: A Study on the Use of Research-Based Instructional Practices in Reading, Virginia-Ellen Goodman
Reading and Comprehension in Hearing and Hearing Impaired Children, Martha A. Gordon
An Investigation Into Clay Intrinsic Properties, Surface Modifications and Applications, G Robert Goss
Functional Studies of a Transgenic Mouse Model of Human Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa, Yoshinobu Goto
Circulating Plasma Lipoproteins and Hepatic Ultrastructure in the Hibernating Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus Tridecemlineatus, David G. Grecek
The Fat-Pyramid and Universal Parallel Computation Independent of Wire Delay, Ronald I. Greenberg
Persistence and Desistence in Delinquent Careers: A Test of Braithwaite's Reintegrative Shaming Theory, Ronald G. Gulotta
Two Dimensional Force Measurements During Extrusive Tooth Movements, Maria Catherine Haas
The relationship between latent factors of the WISC-R and behavioral functioning as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist, James Bradford Hale
The Effect of Acute Ethanol Exposure on the Male Rodent Reproductive Axis, Margaret Mary Halloran
Manual for the Career Search Efficacy Scale, Dahlia B. Hanin
The Attitudes of the Presidents of Lutheran Colleges and Universities Regarding the Nature and Limits of Free Expression for Students on Their Campuses, H. Robert Hayes
Innervation patterns in neuromasts of the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, Jie He
Re-Discovering the Pre-Settlement Landscape: Making the Oak Savanna "Real", Reid M. Helford
Personal Meaning in the Elderly: A Heideggerian Hermeneutical Phenomenological Study, Diane Heliker
Moral Responsibility, Determinism and Agent Causality, Brett Hendricks
Perceptions of Shared Decision-Making by Team Members Who Have Participated in the Process in a School District, Aletta M. Hicks
Personality Characteristics of Child Molesters: A Fine-Grained Analysis of MMPI Clinical Subscales, Laura A. Hoffman
Emotional Dilemmas: A Case Study with 7th Grade Girls, Robin L. Hohner
Synthesis of Enantioenriched Piperidine-Based, Spirocyclic Analogues of AF64A and Acetylcholine, Nam Huh
The Salience of differing personality traits in the selection or rejection of peers in middle childhood, Phillip R. Huntsinger
The Effects of Campus Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs on the Behaviors of University Students, Darrell D. Irwin
Primary and Team Nursing: Perceived Job Attributes and Work Outcomes, Jerrold Wade Jacobson
A case study of organizational change, Karla Kaye Jensen
Private Speech in Bilingual Children, Diana Jergovic
Attachment and Autonomy in Adolescents with and Without Spina Bifida, Kelly A. Johnson
Mass Culture and Class Distinctions in the Novels of Nathanael West, Stephen P. Johnson
A Study of Classroom Experiences of Children with Disabilities When They Are Included in Grade Level Classrooms, Elizabeth A. Johnston
Perception of Rape and the Ethic of Care: An Extension of Gilligan's Moral Developmental Schema, Marylouise E. Jones
Segmental Motions of Oxidized Human Erythrocyte Spectrin-Actin: A Spin Label EPR Study, Benito O. Kalaw
The Effects of Decision Framing and Persuasive Message Appeals on the Cooperation Rate of Individuals Faced with a Social Dilemma, Joseph S. Kaplan
The Socialist Polis: Antiquity and Socialism in Marx's Thought, Claudio Katz
Review of Das Amt des Apaitetes in Aegypten, James G. Keenan
The Will of Gaius Longinus Castor, James G. Keenan
The Correlation between Religiosity and Assimilation of First Generation Korean Immigrants in the Chicago Metropolitan Region, Young-IL Kim
An Empirical Study of the Area Education Agency Cooperative Purchasing Programs as Utilized by the Local School Districts in the State of Iowa, Paul L. Knudtson
A Descriptive Study of the Perceived Presence of the Effective School Correlates in the Mandated Restructuring of Selected Urban Elementary Schools, Sharon V. Kramer
Workforce Potential of American Public High School Students: A Critical Analysis of the Literature: 1970-1992, Linda B. Kukler
A Literature Review, Duane Alfred Lahti
Examining Emotional Expressivity in Early Infancy: A Microanalysis of Infant Facial Expression at 2, 4 and 6 Months of Age, Barbara Foster Lauesen
Assessment of Assertiveness and Acculturation in Asian-Americans, Diane Lin
Sem Evaluation of Margin Geometry and Roughness from Instrumentation of Extracted Natural Teeth, Hsing-Fu Lin
Adolescent Perceptions of Substance Abuse Prevention Methods, Lisa Beth Lisnov
The Organized Crime Neighborhoods of Chicago, Robert M. Lombardo
Tyranny of Stone: Economic Modernization and Political Radicalization in the Marble Industry of Massa-Carrara, Pietro Lorenzini
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1993-1994, Loyola University Rome Center
A Spectroscopic Study of Nitrogen, Nitrogen/Helium and Fluorobenzenes in a Corona Supersonic Discharge, Jing-Chen Luo
Choosing Palliative Care: Do Religious Beliefs Make a Difference?, M. Therese Lysaught
From Clinic to Congregation: Religious Communities and Genetic Medicine, M. Therese Lysaught
The Education of Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists at Loyola University, Chicago and Northwestern University, 1970-1990: A History, Marie Anne Macaluso
Review: Lucan: Civil War, John F. Makowski
Local Residential Segregation and Diversity: Organizational Efforts Challenging the Inevitability of Racial Separateness, Michael T. Maly
The interaction of O6-benzylguanine and streptozotocin in the inactivation of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase and the reversal of 1,3 bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea resistance, Upendra Kumar Marathi
A Meta-Analysis of Bibliotherapy Studies, Richard Welton Marrs
An identification of factors influencing pre-professional socialization of aspirants to the nursing profession, Marcia C. Maurer
Making Men: The Life and Career of Amos Alonzo Stagg, 1862-1933, Erin A. McCarthy
An investigation of racial identity, self-esteem and academic achievement among African American high school students, Karen D. McCurtis
Young Children in Family Therapy: A Look at Frequency of Inclusion, Therapist Training, and Therapy Content, Diane H. Mehbod-Wenzel
Predictors for the Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Acculturating Asian Indian Professionals, Vinita Menon
An Anatomical Study of the Maxillary Nerve Block Via the Greater Palatine Canal, Donald A. Miller
Personality Patterns of Male Psychiatric Inpatients: Cluster Analysis of the MCMI-II Guided by Blashfield's Recommendations, Kevin W. Miller
The Army of Catalonia: Organization, Operations, and Logistics, 1807-1814, John Leckey Morgan
A Description and a Comparative Evaluation of a Social Skills Training Program, Sheila Morrison
An immunocytochemical and ultrastructural investigation of canine cardiac ganglia, Mohamed Hisham Atwa Mostafa
Decolonizing the African Psyche: A Pastoral Counselor's Reflection, Dabula Anthony Mpako
Dopaminergic Modulation of Basal Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons, Mary Elizabeth Muench
The Many Ways of Justice, Seamus Murphy S.J.
In Vitro Investigations of the ACTH4-9 Analogue, Org2766, Ralph F. Murry
Nonprofit Child Care Facility Management: Funding Reliance, Size, and Organization Behavior, Ami E. Nagle
Parenting During Recovery: An Analysis of Parenting During the First Year in a Chemical Dependency Treatment Program, Deena A. Nardi
Coping Strategies, Psychological Distress Experience, and Perceived Adjustment of Long-Term Survivors of Pediatric Leukemia, Mario B. Natta
Psychiatric comorbidity in alcohol use disorders : its influence on alcohol related consequences, Eileen Norton
A Portrait of William Maclure as Scientist: Advocate of Utilitarianism for American Education, Roger Nosal
A Generic Software Modeling Framework for Building Heterogeneous Distributed and Parallel Software Systems, William T. O'Connell, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Thomas W. Christopher
Distributed Memo: A Heterogeneously Distributed and Parallel Software Development Environment, William T. O'Connell, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Thomas W. Christopher
Distributed-Memo: Heterogeneously Concurrent Programming with a Shared Directory of Unordered Queues, William T. O'Connell, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Thomas W. Christopher
Using Literature to Teach Critical Thinking to Social Work Students, Noer Linda O'Connor
Pathways of Intracellular Protein Turnover in Cultured Human Fibroblasts, Sarah Olenick
Empower African Women: Toward a Generative Approach to Pastoral Counseling, Franca Onyibor
Photoacclimation of Achnanthes Rostrata to Reduced Illumination, Jeffrey R. Panella
Comparing Normal and Sickle Hemoglobin Oxidation and Heme Transfer in the Presence of Phosphatidylserine Vesicles, Qinghai Pan
Assessing the Inner Experiences of Experienced Therapists Using Cued Recall, June C. Parks
Efficacy, Expectations and Effort: An Investigation of the Role of Cognitive Factors as Mediators of Performance in Alcoholism Treatment, David P. Parrella
Molecular Modeling Studies of Hemoglobin Crosslinking Reactions, Patricia A. Pavlik
Substratum-Associated Microbiota, Christopher G. Peterson and Nancy Tuchman
An Examination of Perceived Family of Origin Health and Substance Use Among Adolescents in a Suburban High School District, Concetta Petramala
Mood and Memory from a Logical Learning Theory Perspective: Effects of Idiographic Rating Versus Mood Induction, Thomas P. Phelan
Gatekeeping Access to Emergency Departments: A Survey of HMO Policies, Regina Conway Phillips
The Ethical Decision Making of Clinical Psychology Graduate Students, Jeanne M. Piette
Induction of Cytotoxic Gene Expression During Rat Cardiac Allograft Rejection and the Effects of Combination Low Dose Cyclosporine A/Methotrexate Immunosuppressive Therapy in Prolonging Graft Survival, Theresa Torres. Pizarro
Transformation Related Defects in Vacuolar Acidification and Mannose 6-Phosphate Receptor Function: Effects on Lysosomal Targeting, Valerie Pracht
Socio-spatial relationships : conflicts and compromises in a public library, Annette Prosterman