Theses/Dissertations from 1993
An Assessment of Productivity Among Professors and Schools of Education in Four Selected Fields of Education from 1971-1990, Joanne M. Frey
Supersymmetry and the Tunneling Problem in an Asymmetric Double Well, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Prasanta K. Panigrahi, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Reviewed Work: Bad Habits: Drinking, Smoking, Taking Drugs, Gambling, Sexual Misbehavior, and Swearing in American History by John C. Burnham, Timothy J. Gilfoyle
An Analysis of Student Affairs Budget Allocation Practices from 1984-1988 at Urban Public Research Universities, Michael H. Ginsburg
An attempt to predict evaluation of current and former leaders by examining characteristics of their followers, Jessica A. Golub
Analysis of the Dna Repair/Ribosomal Protein Ap3/Po Gene in Drosophila (Homologue to Human Po), David T. Grabowski
Predictors of Compliance with Diet and Exercise Six Months After Heart Transplantation, Kathleen L. Grady
Revolution and Romance: Politics, Opera and Nineteenth Century Historical Fiction, Timothy O. Gray
Universal Wormhole Routing, Ronald I. Greenberg and Hyeong-Cheol Oh
Feasible Offset and Optimal Offset for Single-Layer Channel Routing, Ronald I. Greenberg and Jau-Der Shih
Minimizing Channel Density with Movable Terminals, Ronald I. Greenberg and Jau-Der Shih
Socratic Elenchos and Maieusis in Euripides' Medea, Laurie K. Haight
Re-Entry Experiences of American Fulbright Scholars to Australia, Jari Hazard
The Effects of Encoding and Retrieval Strategies on Retention of Words in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis, Richard A. Heise
A study of sustained effects of early reading intervention on African-American students, Debra A. Hill
The Use of Supervision to Reduce Stress in Counselors Working in Substance Abuse Treatment Centers, Tammy L. Hirstein
Moderators of Relationships between Implicit and Self-Attributed Motives C by Barry J. Hoffman., Barry J. Hoffman
The Teacher Efficacy Construct and Its Relationship to Attributional Dimensions (Causal Attributions) and Attributional Style, Charlene Marie Hopp Conarty
The Teacher Efficacy Construct and Its Relationship to Attributional Dimensions (Causal Attributions) and Attributional Style, Conarty Charlene Marie Hopp
An Assessment of Covert Racism in the Attributional Process Toward Interracial Couples, Holly J. Huck
Affective Predication and the Recall of Personality-Trait Words, Donna G. Hughes
Factors Related to the Adoption of Risk Reducing Behavior for Hiv in Women: A Community Based Study, Tricia Lynn Hunter
Effect of product branding, age and sex of rater, and type of judgement on presentation order bias in paired comparison taste testing, George Webster Hunt
Ethnic Political Power in a Machine City: Chicago's Poles at Rainbow's End, Tomasz Inglot and John P. Pelissero
The three factor accident prediction inventory, Christopher Allen Janicak
Examining differences between circular and rectangular item response answer sheets upon the armed services vocational aptitude battery subtests, Mark David Johnson
Incentives and their impact on teachers' participation in microcomputer staff development programs in suburban Cook and Dupage counties, Robert H. Johnson
An analysis of elementary school districts with merit pay programs for their principals, Winston Johnson
Feminist Pieces, Women's Stories and Pastoral Counseling: Reflections of and Emerging Pastoral Counselor, Joan W. Kaltsas
Papyrology and Byzantine Historiography, James G. Keenan
Jimmie Crutchfield’s Baseball Life, James G. Keenan and Sheldon Cohen
Marital counseling in social work : exploring the relation between education and practice, Zareena Kheshgi-Genovese
The Psychological and Behavioral Effects of Political Violence on Palestinian Children Living in the Israeli Occupied West Bank, Kathleen Kostelny
Channels of Imperishable Fire: The Christian Mystical Allegories of Dioscorus of Aphrodito, Clement A. Kuehn
The Interaction of Sickle Hemoglobin with Phosphatidylserine Vesicles ; Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Human Erythrocyte Spectrin, Cynthia C. LaBrake
Immunophenotypic analysis of inflammatory cell infiltrates in four proposed subclasses of apical granulomas, Leo L. Lazare
Roles of Ion Channels in Nervous System Tumor Cell Growth, Yong Soo Lee
Correlation of 17O Chemical Shifts of Chromium Carbene Complexes with Moss' Mxy Reacitvity Parameter, Shuyuan Liao
Family Therapy and the Multicultural Perspective, Kristin M. Lietz
An analysis of superintendents' decision-making in the budgeting process, Sally Kay Lockwood
Loyola University Rome Center Yearbook 1992-1993, Loyola University Rome Center
A Neurophysiological Study of the Auditory Midbrain of the Goldbish, Zhong-min Lu
An Assessment of the Nature and Correlates of Job Satisfaction for Employees of Illinois' Community Integrated Living Arrangements Program, Marie Anne MacKay
Understanding of Spirituality: Implications for Psychotherapy, Mary Lyne Mack
The Leadership Styles of Selected Wisconsin Elementary School Principals, Paul Jeffrey Mack
An historical analysis of George S. Counts's concept of the American public secondary school with special reference to equality and selectivity, Eunice D. Madon
Effects of Perinatal Cocaine Exposure on Sexual Differentiation in the Rat Brain, Heather L. Maecker
E. Fantham, Lucan. De Bello Civili (Cambridge 1992), John F. Makowski
Antihypertensive Medications and Salivation, Ivette Martinez-Plata
Compliance with selected educational policies in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Catholic elementary school system, Thomas C. Martin
Effects of Dopamine and Dopaminergic Agents on Neuronal Activity of the Ventral Pallidum/Substantia Innominata, Renata J. Maslowski-Cobuzzi
An Investigation of the Effects of Selected Auditory Variables in Third and Eighth Grade Classrooms, Loren David May
Separation-Individuation, Family Functioning, and Adjustment in First Year College Students: A Longitudinal Study, Glenn M. McClanahan
The Effects of Personal Management Workshops (Affective Skill Training) on Persons Making the Transition from Homelessness, Antoinette McConnell
Social Support and Positive Life Experience: The Relationship of Social Support to Well-Being, Perceived Control, and Positive Life Events, Michael P. Meehan
A Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Research on the Affective Growth of Undergraduate Commuter Students in Higher Education from 1978 to 1992, Michael S. Miller
Reactions of 1-Triptycyl Carbinol and Bis-(1-Triptycyl)-Carbinol, Bryce Arthur Milleville
Relationship between Intracellular Ph and Calcium Uptake in the Skeletal Muscle During Sepsis, Gin Mo
An Analysis of Collective Bargaining Based on the Win-Win Philosophy of Conflict Resolution Used by Six Selected Chicago Suburban School Districts, Gaetana Lynn Calabrese Mollin
A Study of Individual and Group Incentives in Total Quality Management Organizations, Nina Leigh Moll
Towards a comprehensive and integrated sex therapy information system, Donald T. Mon
Nmr Study of Na+-H+ and Na+-Li+ Exchange in Human Erythrocytes, Suilan Mo
The Issue of Personal Power in Late Adolescent Women, Ann Marie Mulgrew
The Evolving Role of Research in Mexican Graduate Programs in the Field of Education: A Case Study of Six Selected Programs (1980-1992), Romay Maria de la Luz Munoz
Intimacy and Adjustment Among Catholic Priests, Thomas F. Nestor
Fresh Woods, and Pastures New: Chorography, Cartography and the Puritan Perspective in "Lycidas", Laura Nilges-Matias
The Impact of Child Abuse on Patterns of Attachment, Capacity for Empathy, and Externalizing Behaviors for Hospitalized Adolescents, Nancy A. Norton
The Tempest in Translation: Shakespeare and American Sign Language, Peter Novak
A Comparative Investigation of the Perceived Influence of Significant Others on the Academic Achievement of Children, Donatus Nwakuna Nwachukwu
Self Psychology as a Theoretical Model for Intervention with Adolescent Mothers, Breda M. O'Connell Doak
Self Psychology as a Theoretical Model for Intervention with Adolescent Mothers, Doak Breda M. O'Connell
The Mental Research Institute Approach as Applied to School Settings, Paul E. O'Malley
Addressing the school culture as part of the change process, Peggy Chnupa Ondrovich
A Study to Determine the Effects of Client Participation in Care on Perceived Control/Powerlessness and Morale, Janis Marie Ormond
Coping Strategies of Middle Adolescents, Sheila Hennelly Parfenoff
Correlates of Chronic Volatile Substance Abuse in Juvenile Delinquents, Mark Pedrotty
Community Development or Business Promotion? A Look at Sports-led Economic Development, John P. Pelissero, Beth Henschen, and Edward Sidlow
The Articulation of the National Teacher Education Department to Teachers Colleges in Thailand: A History, 1954-1984, Boon-Anan Phinaitrup
Cocaine Dependence: Causal Attributions for Real and Hypothetical Relapse, James W. Pier
The Responsive Listening Skills of Adolescents: A Study of Conversational Backchannel Behaviors, Joseph A. Pikor
The Effect of Parental Alcoholism on the Development of Object Relations and Coping in the Offspring, Elaine D. Rado
The Development of the Home and Hospital Program of the Chicago Public Schools, 1899-1985, Vivian E. Rankin
A Comparative Analysis of the Principal Selection Process in Catholic and Non-Catholic Christian Elementary Schools in the Chicagoland Area, Timothy J. Reilly
A Continuous Culture Model to Examine Factors That Affect Transduction Among Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Jean Replicon
An Historical Analysis of the Racial, Community and Religious Forces in the Establishment and Development of St. Monica's Parish Chicago, 1890-1930, Helen Kathryn Marie Rhodes
Polynuclear Mixed-Valence Complexes, David A. Rockcliffe
The Evolving Role of Research in Mexican Graduate Programs in the Field of Education: A Case Study of Six Selected Programs (1980-1992), MariÌa Muñoz de la Luz Romay
The Dunne school board : reform in Chicago, 1905-1908, Mary Schiltz
An Investigation of Focused Attention Opioid-Exposed Toddlers, Jane W. Schneider
Marriage and Family Enrichment Counseling in Pakistani Culture, Razia Shafi
Investigation of the Lymphatic System in Human Dental Pulp Tissue in Various States of Health and Disease, Beth A. Sheridan
An Analysis of Coping Behaviors Preferred by Regular High School Students in Their Relationship to Gang-Affiliated Students, James Joseph Skomer
Procrastination : a review of the literature from 1974-1991, Andrea Slowik
Minority and Majority Influence in Freely Interacting Groups: Qualitative Versus Quantitative Differences, Christine M. Smith