Theses/Dissertations from 1994
Due process rights for private school students : philosophical, legal and educational bases, Harley. Rabinowitz
Religious Issues in Therapy with the Older Adult Client, Susan J. Reardon
Love and Addiction: The Phenomenological Ontologies of Kierkegaard and Sartre: An Existential Theory of Addiction, Ross Channing Reed
Rorschach Assessment of Ego Functioning: A Comparison of the EII and CESI, Justin D. Resnick
Regulation of the Na+/H+ Antiport in Xenopus Laevis Oocytes During Meiotic Maturation, Katayoun Rezai
The Development of Novice Counselors' Inner Experiences, Counseling Self-Efficacy, and Skills, Pamela Rezek
Enhancing Positive Perception of School: A Model for Hispanic Students Doing Well in School, Diez Carlos Alberto Rivera
Teachers' Expectations and Perceptions of the Discipline Effectiveness of the Male and Female Dean, Kathryn J. Robbins
Gender Differences in Connectedness: An Examination of Maternal and Peer Relationships in Adolescence, Joy Huston Rock
The Effects of Interparental Aggression on Children's Adjustment: The Moderating Role of Cognitive Appraisal and Coping, Mary Jo Rogers
Composing the Scene: Coleridge and Picturesque Aesthetics, David W. Rogner
Lithium Binding to Human RBC Membranes and Substrates of Second Messenger Systems, Qinfen Rong
The Enculturation of New Faculty in Higher Education: A Comparative Investigation of Three Academic Departments, Teryl Ann Rosch
Comparison of Stomach Contents of Smallmouth Bass Collected by Sport Fishermen and Electroshocking, Lyne Marie Ross-Darrus
Regulatory Factors Affecting Nitrate Reductase in Soybean, Glycine Max, Donna Santucci
Curricula and the Relationship to Professional Role Development in Dental Hygiene Baccalaureate Degree Completion Programs, Susan L. Sauer
Pcr Cloning and Sequencing of a CDNA Coding for a Nitrate Reductase Isoform from Soybean, Glycine Max, James Schavocky
And She Would Not Be Consoled: Psychological Adjustment, Grief Reactions and Resolution Grieving the Infertility Loss, Katherine Mary Schnidt
Modulation of Ascending Electrosensory Information by Descending Pathway Stimulation in the Channel Catfish, Lizabeth Scoma
The Transition of Learning Disabled Adolescents from High School to Postsecondary Training and Employment, Caroline Rehm Seufert
A Practical Guide to Competency Assessment, Jill M. Sheehan
Person-Organization Fit: A Quantitative Assessment of the Match between Actual and Ideal Culture, Susan Sheffey
Machiavellianism and Sales Performance, Clifford J. Shultz
An Investigation and Description of Teacher Behavior in High-Track and Low-Track English Classes, Dorothy Carlton Sievert
Factors Related to Registered Staff Nurse Clinical Competency, Marsha Daniels Snyder
Workplace Loyalty: A Diminishing Return on America's Well-Proven Investment, Lisa O. Sodeika
Financial Ratios for the Commercial Banking Industry: Do They Measure What You Think?, Brian Stanko and Thomas Zeller
Caduceus 1994, Stritch School of Medicine
Participation in New Religious and Healing Movements in the Philippines, Araceli S. Suzara
The Impact of a Didactic Group Experience on Young Women with a Maternal History of Breast Cancer, Bonnie M. Taylor
Mong Resettlement in the Chicago Area (1978-1987): Educational Implications, Paoze Thao
Toward Scalable Parallel Software: An Active Object Model and Library to Support von Neumann Languages, George K. Thiruvathukal
Racial Identity and Racial Socialization Attitudes of African-American Parents, Anita Jones Thomas
The Effects of Social Comparison Processes on the Perception of Self Esteem and Achievement in the Learning Environment, Linda Steiner Thomas
Small Fry, Big Spender: McDonald's and the Rise of a Children's Consumer Culture, 1955-1985, Kathleen D. Toerpe
Assessing the Effectiveness of Evaluation Methods Used in Drug Prevention Programs, Angela M. Uhlenkamp
The Emergence of Hope in the Fiction of Lu Xun, Amalia Valderrama-Nunez
History of York: 1918-1974, Gary J. Vician
Perceptions of Administrative Commitment to Teaching in Illinois Community Colleges, Lee Vogel
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA Sequences in Oral Squamous Papillomas, Thun Jano Martha Von
Private and Public Dilemmas: A Feminist Defense of Liberal Theory, Mary Barbara Walsh
Risk-Taking Trends in Midlife Role Changes for Women, Susan B. Webb
An Investigation of the Relationship of Dental Implants to Diet and General Health, Linda M. Weinfield
Depression and Wishful Thinking: Are Depressives' Desires Separated from Their Beliefs?, Marc Umar Wenzel
The Endocytosis of Iodinated Protein Substrates in Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts, Daniel P. Wilcockson
Carter G. Woodson: Scientific Historian of African-American History and Education, Alvin L. Williams
African-American Males Perception of Unsolicited Help: An Attributional Analysis of Cooperative Vs. Individualistic Learning, Reginald Wade Williams
Granville Stanley Hall on the Education of the Elementary School Child, Carolyn Ann Williams-Roberson
Margaret Taylor Goss Burroughs: Educator, Artist, Author, Founder, and Civic Leader, Strong Carline Evone Williams
Ribosomal Protein S3: A Multifunctional Eukaryotic DNA Repair Enzyme Active on Ultraviolet and Oxidative DNA Damage, David M. Wilson
Parental Personality Disorders, Family Dysfunction, and Psychological Disturbance in Children, Peggy Wingo
The Word of the Other: Teaching Versus Anamnēsis in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, Norman Wirzba
Structural Characterization of Recombinant Polypeptides of &-Spectrin, Yirong Xu
Cash Flow and the New Taxonomy of Financial Ratios for Manufacturing Firms, Thomas Zeller and Brian Stanko
Development and Functional Properties of Intramolecular Crosslinked Hemoglobin, Qunyang Zhang
A Correlational Analysis of Personality Factors, Reasoning Styles, and Gender in Identity Integration, Daniel J. Zoller
Submissions from 1993
Club Dead, Not Club Med: Staging Death in Contemporary Tana Toraja (Indonesia), Kathleen M. Adams
The Discourse of Souls in Tana Toraja (Indonesia): Indigenous Notions and Christian Conceptions, Kathleen M. Adams
A Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Mental Health for the Poor in Peru, Aida Esperanza Segura Alarcon
Functional Effects of Monoclonal Antibodies Directed Against the Tcr/Cd3 Complex of Various T Cell Phenotypes, Mortimer T. Alzona
Herakleia Trachinia in the Archidamian War, Mychal P. Angelos
Women in Religion and Development in Nigeria: A Comparative Study of Roman Catholic Church and and African Independent Church, MaryPaul V.N. Asoegwu
A Comparative Study of the Perceived Needs and Learning Styles of Generic Nursing Students and Registered Nurse Students in Selected Baccalaureate Programs, Pamela A. Bachmeyer
New Exactly Solvable Hamiltonians - Shape Invariance and Self-Similarity, David T. Barclay, Ranabir Dutt, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Avinash Khare, A. Pagnamenta, and Uday P. Sukhatne
History of the Chicago Parental School, 1902-1975, Cynthia Kay Barron
Isolation of a Highly Functionalized Troeger’s Base Derivative via a Novel Reaction, Daniel Becker, Patricia M. Finnegan, and Paul W. Collins
Studies of the Solid-Phase Pauson-Khand Reaction Selective in-situ Enone Reduction to 3-Azabicyclo[3.3.0]oct-anones, Daniel Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
Synthesis of N-BOC-3-azabicyclo[3.3.0]octan-7-one via reductive pauson-khand cyclization and subsequent conversion to a novel diazatricyclic ring system, Daniel Becker and Daniel L. Flynn
The relationship between self-esteem, ways of coping, locus of control, and social support in adolescent mothers and their peers who have no children, Linda Lynette Boisseau-Goodwin
A Study of the Impact of "Interconnections 90": Scientific and Applied Technology and the Corporate Workplace on Curriculum Change, Marsha K. Bollendorf
An analysis of the essential components of school-to-work transition projects in selected business and education partnerships, Jocelyn Lee Booth
An analysis of male-gender related issues and their implications for counseling, Grant W. Boyer
Education of the Lost, the Left, and the Homeless: Chicago Public Education of Truants, Incorrigibles, and Delinquents from 1899-1990, Jacqueline J. BuFord
An evaluation of the honors program at the College of Lake County, Carole Bulakowski
An investigation of shame and perceived family of origin health in a sample of adult children of alcoholics compared to a sample of adult children of nonalcoholics, Shirley A. Butler
Effect of solvent on 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition transition states, Sheila Louise Celsor
Rat Tryptase: Partial Amino Acid Sequence and Mast Cell Heterogeneity, Zehan Chen
Dentos 1993, Chicago College of Dental Surgery
The Illinois Studies in Inquiry Training: A Critical Review, James Edward Cleland
The Effects of N-Methylated β-Carbolinium Analogues of 1-Methyl-4-Phenylpyridinium (Mpp+) on the Cultured Neuron-Like Cell Line-Pc12, Robert Joseph Cobuzzi
The origins and development of evening undergraduate education in Chicago, 1891-1939, Sandra Averitt Cook
The language of psychotherapy, Gaeanne S. Crowe
Subjective experience of problem behaviors in adolescents, Paul Crowe
Predicting Weaning in Patients Requiring Long Term Mechanical Ventilation, Linda M. Curgian
Faculty Perceptions of the Role of Department Chairperson in Facilitating Tenure Acquisition, Frances Daly
A comparative study of young adolescent, older adolescent, and adult mothers on knowledge of child development, perceived parental competence, and problem-solving ability, Catherine A. D'Anna
Relationship of Type a to Illness, Sigurlina Davidsdottir
Object Relations, Object Representations and Social Functioning of Sexually Abused Girls, Dianne DeSousa
Electrochemical Studies of Swelling and Shrinking of Clay Films, Jia Du
Semiclassical Approach to Quantum-mechanical Problems with Broken Supersymmetry, Ranabir Dutt, Asim Gangopadhyaya, Avinash Khare, A. Pagnamenta, and Uday P. Sukhatne
Primary and Secondary Control: A Study of the Two Process Theory, Its Context and Applications, Beverly Edmonds
Nigerian education : an analysis of problems impacting development, Joseph F. Ekpo
Family processes and their influence on career decision-making, Diana L. Field
Theodore Parker's Man-Making Strategy: A Study of His Professional Ministry in Selected Sermons, John Patrick Fitzgibbons