Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Personnel Management: An Analysis of the Application of Instruments in the Selection of College Faculty Members, Daniel H. Smith
Initiating Adolescent Males into Manhood: A Retreat Experience for Fathers and Sons, Michael P. Smith
Channing H. Tobias: An Educational Change Agent in Race Relations, O Joyce Smith
A validation of a measure of generativity and an empirical exploration of the personality correlates of generativity, De St. Aubin Ed.
Options-Promoting Interactive Behaviors and Symbolic Play: Longitudinal Investigation, Stephanie Rychlak Stilson
The Principal's Role in Staff Development for Global Education at Selected Elite Chicago Area Secondary Schools, Terryl Stirling
Caduceus 1993, Stritch School of Medicine
Diagnostically Correct Interventions of Aerobic Activity and Prayer in Addressing Mild Depression and/Or 'Dark Night', Linda Strozdas
Solution Options to the Problem of Growth/Overcrowding as It Manifests Itself in Illinois' Public Schools, Teddy Stephen Struck
Hyperlexia: Description, Prognosis and Implications for Family Counseling, Sylvia Stuart
The One's Knowledge in Plotinus by Atsushi Sumi., Atsushi Sumi
Ageism and Intergenerational Programs: An Examination of Children's Motives for a Latch-Key Call in Program, Elizabeth Nebeker Szendre
A Study of the Relationship between Parental Informant Depression and Reports of Psychopathology in and Adolescent Who Died by Suicide, Sharon L. Telcser
Roman Criminal Law and Legal Narrative in the Neronian Books of the Annals of Tacitus, John Warren Thomas
The class and gender dimensions of Puerto Rican migration to Chicago, Maura I. Toro-Morn
Solidarity and difference : the politics of enlightenment in the aftermath of modernity, George A. Trey
Substratum-Associated Microbiota, Nancy Tuchman and Christopher G. Peterson
The influence of affect intensity, dispositional empathy, and emotional separation on the relationship between perceived stress and burnout in a nursing population, Dominic O. Vachon
Job Satisfaction, Occupational Stress, and Perceptions of Principals Among Social Workers in Chicago Public Schools, Linda Orr Van Doren
Is the learning process predicational or mediational? : the effect of predicate and subject cueing on time to recall words, Connie Marie Vaughn
Catecholamine secretion in bovine chromaffin cells : influence of immune-derived factors, Zhaohui Wang
A Clay Modified Electrode for Ion-Exchange Voltammetry, Thaddeus S. Wielgos
Natural spirituality and personality, Paul Yavornitzky
The Effect of the Frequency of Parental Visiting on the Length of Placement of Children in Short Term Foster Care, Sheila B. Yeager
Perceptions of the Evolution of the Role of the Board of Education Attorney in Northern Illinois: Selective Biographies, 1945-1990, Thomas M. Zafiratos
The Effects of Crayfish Grazing on Benthic Algal Community Dynamics in Southwestern Lake Michigan, Kristi A. Zenchak
A Case Study of the Problem-Solving Dialogue between a Mentor and a First-Year Teacher, Sally J. Zepeda
Induction of Proteases and Their Inhibitors in Cell Lines of Different Metastatic Potentials and Activated Oncogenes, Jianyi Zhang
Voltage Clamp Analysis of Latent Pacemaker Cells Isolated from Cat Right Atrium, Zhengfeng Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Cognitive Evaluations Using Human Figure Drawings: An Empirical Investigation of Two Methods, Steven C. Abell
An Analysis of the Chicago Board of Education’s Teacher Evaluation System as Implemented in a Selected Sub-District, Marcus M. Ahmed
Factors Related to Patient Report of Cognitive Difficulties Following Head Injury, Gene E. Alexander
Problem-Solving and Problem-Solving Appraisal in Weight Loss Maintenance, Richard Michael Alford
A Comparative Investigation of the Differential Effects of American Sign Language and Total Communication on Story Comprehension and Memory in Deaf Children, James F. Altenbach
A Qualitative Investigation of the Impact of Involvement in Undergraduate Volunteer Community Service on Post-Collegiate Volunteerism, Cary Anderson
Heidegger and Levinas and the Crisis of Phenomenology: Thinking the Propriety and a-Propriety of Time, Travis Tenney Anderson
Aristotle and Sophocles on the Elements of Moral Virtue, Lloyd W. J. Aultman-Moore
Tutoring as an Initial Field Experience for First-Year Education Majors, Bernardien. Austin
The Relationship of the Frisian Mennonites to the Public Schools of Elkhart County, Indiana, 1853-1885, Judith K. Bailey
Reconsidering psycholinguistics' project : language as praxis in Lacan and Kristeva, Suzanne Barnard
Representation and story : a conversation between the theology of John Shea and psychoanalytic object relations theory, Philip Patrick Baxter
A Study of Domains and Subsystems in the Most Influential Textbooks in the Field of Curriculum 1970-1990, Linda S. Behar
Soviet Immigrant Jewry in the Chicago Area (1960-1980): Enculturation and Education, Sharon Rae Bender
An Investigation of the Cognitive and Affective Differences in Japanese and American Mathematically Talented Students, Michael J. Boyle
Construct Validity of Two Measures of Jungian Typology: The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Singer Loomis Inventory of Personality, Anne M. Bradley
Elizabeth Harrison and Her Contribution to the Kindergarten Movement in Chicago, 1880-1920, Sandra F. Branch
An Investigation of the Relationship between Participation in the Odyssey of the Mind Program and Mathematical Problem Solving Achievement, Terri Spreckman Carman
Using Iva as a Predictor of Instructional Performance in a Graduate Management Program, Donald R. Carter
Hannah Arendt and Human Rights, Jenifer D. C. Cartland
Syntheses of azure-B neuropeptide conjugates and a novel bicyclic triene, Milind D. Choubal
An Investigation of Gifted Students' Perceptions Regarding Preferences Involving Competitive and Non-Competitive Learning Situations, Mary. Christensen
An Investigation of the Relationship Concerning Secondary Education Teachers' Conceptions of Adolescent Mental Health, Teacher Efficacy and Burnout, Michael E. Cremerius
Metamemory and Learning Ability, William L. Cull
Influence of Surface Treatment on Physical Properties of Dental Porcelain, Anna M. De Ycaza de Boyd
Characterization of human cell lines transformed by HSV-2 and HPV-16 or HPV-18, Kavita Rao Dhanwada
The Effects of Message-Framing on Psychological Control with Respect to Breast Self-Exam Performance, Deborah Karen Dilworth
An Investigation of Gender Differences in Factors Associated with Low Sexual Desire, Karen Mangen Donahey
A Comparison of Teacher-Principal Perceptions and Their Relationship to Teacher Self-Esteem, Christopher Benedict Dransoff
Family Structure, Maternal Employment, and Daily Experience in Early Adolescence, Elena. Duckett
The Synthesis of Chiral Building Blocks Using Beta-Hydroxy Sulfoxide Dianions, Carla M. Edwards
Handicap International physical therapy assistant training manual, Susan Eitel
Handicap International Physical Therapy Assistant Training Manual, Susan. Eitel
Adolescents' Resource Preferences in Self-Reported Willingness to Seek Help Or Information on Substance-Abuse Issues, Jodi Maland Falk
Evaluation of Activity Programming at Nursing Homes, Suzanne Marie Farrell
Detection of dimethylallypyrophosphate : 5'amp transferase enzyme in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Raymond J. Federico
The Development of the Field of Sociology of Education in Europe and the United States, with Special Emphasis on the Contributions of Dr. Wilbur B. Brookover, William P. Fegan
William Harvey Wells: His Superintendency and Contributions to the Chicago Public Schools, Cynthia Felton
The Effects of Attributions About Male and Female Criminals on Sentencing in Murder Trials, Joseph W. Filkins
Maternal Depression and Its Relationship to Life Circumstances, Social Support, Marital Satisfaction and Employment in Mothers of One Year Olds, Kimberly Higgins Fiske
Generation of Cross-Reactive Monoclonal Anti-Streptococcal Cell Membrane Antibodies: The Evolution of a Murine Model for Goodpasture's Syndrome, Edward J. Fitzsimons
Use of Atom-transfer Radical Cyclizations as an Efficient Entry into a New Serotonergic Norazaadamantane, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Becker, Roger Nosal, and Daniel Zabrowksi
New (Nor)Aza-Adamantanes Are Agonists at the Newly Identified Serotonin 5HT4 Receptor and Antagonists at the 5HT3 Receptor, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Becker, Dale P. Spangler, and Roger Nosal
1,3,4-Trisubstituted Pyrrolidinones as Scaffolds for Construction of Peptidomimetic Cholecystokinin Antagonists , Daniel L. Flynn, Clara I. Villamil, Daniel Becker, and Gary W. Gullikson
SC-53116: The First Selective Agonist at the Newly Identified Serotonin 5-HT4 Receptor Subtype, Daniel L. Flynn, Daniel Zabrowski, Daniel Becker, and Roger Nosal
Coping with Society's Secret: Job-Related Stress, Social Support and Burnout Among Therapists Treating Victims of Sexual Abuse, Carol A. Fredrick McRaith
Coping with Society's Secret: Job-Related Stress, Social Support and Burnout Among Therapists Treating Victims of Sexual Abuse, McRaith Carol A. Fredrick
Emotional Autonomy in Adolescence: The Significance of Gender, Family Structure, Family Cohesion, Parenting Style, and Culture, Teresa Fuhrman
Factors Related to Multiple Role Adjustment in Mexican American Working Women, Mary Ann H. Garcia
How're you going to keep them down on the farm : family farms and the American agricultural crisis, Lauree Jean Garvin
Using Children's Trade Books to Enhance the Mathematics Curriculum in the Elementary School, Dorothy Giroux
An Analysis of the Role of Instructional Leader as Fulfilled by Selected Dupage County Elementary Principals in Accordance with the Illinois School Reform Act of 1985, Lawrence J. Golden
The Effects of the Interaural Parameters of the Background Noise on Dichotic Pitch Detection, Anthony N. Grange
On the Difficulty of Manhattan Channel Routing, Ronald I. Greenberg, Joseph JaJa, and Sridhar Krishnamurthy
Minimum Separation for Single-Layer Channel Routing, Ronald I. Greenberg and F. Miller Maley
Packet Routing in Networks with Long Wires, Ronald I. Greenberg and H.-C. Oh
Remote Dianions in the Synthesis of Indolizidine Alkaloids, Diana L. C. Green Green
College Shock II: Improving Student Adjustment: The Effects of Reference Groups and Behavioral Standards on the University Experience, David George Guon
Use of Shyness as a Self-Handicapping Device as a Function of Attitudes Toward Shyness, Anna M. Heiberger
Young Adult Offspring of Substance Abusers: Is Adjustment Related to Mental Health of Parents Or Exposure to Abuse/Neglect?, Margit Cox Henderson
Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction Among Teachers in Lutheran Schools, William V. Hinz
Effects of Parents' Perceptions of the Adolescent Experience on Future Parent-Adolescent Relationships, Tracey Hollander
Mathematics Achievement Among Chinese-American and Caucasian-American Fifth and Sixth Grade Girls, Carol S. Huntsinger
Peer Coaching: A Study of Teacher Involvement and Motivation, Christine A. Jakicic