Content Posted in 2025
A Review Examining the Factors Contributory to the Socialization of a Culture of Environmental Stewardship, Colby Nixon
Characterization of Enzyme Function After Proline to Leucine Amino Acid Mutation at Location 41 in β-Glucosidase Enzyme, Skyler Yates-Johnson and Gabriella Rant
David Rowland THEO 280E Presentation, David Rowland
Degendering Parents on Birth Certificates, Timothy E. Murphy and Jennifer Parks
Explainable Artifacts for Synthetic Western Blot Source Attribution, João Phillipe Cardenuto, Sara Mandelli, Daniel Moreira, Paolo Bestagini, Edward J. Delp, and Anderson Rocha
Extraction and Analysis of Eugenol from Cloves, James V. DeFrancesco
Faith and Science in Harmony: Reconciling Evolution with Biblical Inerrancy, Kristy Azzam
Final Report - Portfolio Management, Anthony Rynes, John Wimmer, Samy Uscher, and Evan Markworth
Gestation as mothering, Timothy F. Murphy and Jennifer Parks
Investigating the Intersection of ‘God of the Gaps’ and NOMA, Francesca Hammerstein
Localization of Synthetic Manipulations in Western Blot Images, Anmol Manjunath, Viola Negroni, Sara Mandelli, Daniel Moreira, and Paolo Bestagini
Miracles, Andrea Becerril
NOMA at Research Bases Religious Universities, Averi VanHoose
NOMA: The "Non-Overlapping" Magisteria, Reese Quival
Non-Overlapping Magisteria and the Courts, Robert Christia Guerrero
Old Earth Creationism vs Young Earth Creationism, Natalija Stanojevic
Playing Tug-of-War: Magisteriums Fight over Dictating Morality, Naomi Williams
Psychology of Religion & Science Denial, Jon Cary Colson
Reconciling Darwin’s Evolution and Christian Beliefs, James Goodfriend
Science Communication and Religious Tensions in Healthcare, Emily Ngo
Supervaluation of pregnant women is reductive of women, Jennifer Parks and Timothy F. Murphy
The Rhetoric of Answers in Genesis: An Analysis of Science Denial in Online Media, Thomas Phillips
The Role of Social Media in Climate Change Information, Patrick Peralta
The Role of Social Media in Vaccine Denialism: A Study of COVID-19 and Beyond, Michael Shaw Mahoney
Tribalism, Science Denial, and its Violation of Stephen J. Gould's NOMA Model, Annelise Northcott
Unlocking the Potential of Refugee Students, Aisling Heaphy
Voices from Roger's Park: How Entrepreneurs Navigate Cultural and Language Challenges with Community-Focused Advising, Fatimah Amaturraheem