Content Posted in 2025
Accelerating Uncertainty Methods for Distributed Deep Learning on Novel Architectures, Daniel Guerrero-Pantoja, Erik Pautsch, Clara Almeida, Silvio Rizzi, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Maria Pantoja
AFTER HOURS: IN-SITU EDUCATION WITH POSITIVE IMPACT, Amy Blackwood, Brittany Wells, Heather Cook, and Cynthia Hansen
A Kuba Raffia Cut-Pile Textile from the May Weber Ethnographic Study Collection, Stella Riehl
An Aviation Curriculum for an Urban Diverse School District: The Need and Possibility, Stephanie Kiley
An Innovative Nursing Orientation Program, Linda Liu DR.
APRN led patient-centered communication for goal concordant care, Ancy jacob
A Review Examining the Factors Contributory to the Socialization of a Culture of Environmental Stewardship, Colby Nixon
A “Scary Time” to be a Man? Comparing Men’s Engagement with Anti-Sexual Violence Discourses in the Private and Public Sphere, Melissa A. Kinsella
Balancing Act: Cultivating Teacher Wellness in the Classroom, Hank Bohanon
Behavioral Ecology and Physiology of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) in a Fragmented and Polluted Landscape, Jessica Rojas Lindberg
Can Large-Language Models Help us Better Understand and Teach the Development of Energy-Efficient Software?, Ryan Hasler, Konstantin Laufer, George K. Thiruvathukal, Huiyun Peng, Kyle Robinson, Kirsten Davis, Yung-Hisang Lu, and James C. Davis
Characterization of Enzyme Function After Proline to Leucine Amino Acid Mutation at Location 41 in β-Glucosidase Enzyme, Skyler Yates-Johnson and Gabriella Rant
Collaboration: Philosophy of Education in Practice, Amy B. Shuffelton
Correlation Between Preterm Infants’ Birth and NICU Clinical Health Status and DNA Methylation of NR3C1 exon 1F and HSD11B2 Promoters, Ashley M. Barker
Cultivating Community-University Partnerships within the Chicago Region Food System, Hanan Abdillahi, Vivian Cossey, Tania Schusler, Kevin Erickson, Karen Schauwecker, Sarah Ku, and Ray Dybzinski
David Rowland THEO 280E Presentation, David Rowland
Dedicated On Boarding Unit (DOU Unit), Brian Doody and Stephanie Barrett
Degendering Parents on Birth Certificates, Timothy E. Murphy and Jennifer Parks
Discerning the Role of Microtubule Acetylation During HIV-1 Infection, Drew Michael Lichon
Dying Well in Nursing Homes During Covid-19 and Beyond: The Need for a Relational and Familial Ethic, Jennifer Parks and Maria Howard
Ectoparasites. The Challenges and Successes in a Correctional Setting., Nury Marcelo, Kina L. Montgomery, and Ligi Vayalil
Embodied Freedom: Nietzsche on Agency, Health, and Value, Nathan University Berthiaume
Equitable Safe Sleep Initiative, Megan A. McDonnell and Sophie S. Bowerman
Evaluating Sympton Clusters in First-Time Ischemic Stroke Survivors Who Discharge From the Hospital to Home, Paula de la Pena
Examining the Current Utilization of Conceptual Data Modeling in Database Modeling Practices: Mixed Methods Research, Abhishek Sharma
Examining The Sexual Identity Disclosure Process Among Black Queer Femmes And Their Families, Kaylah Denis
Explainable Artifacts for Synthetic Western Blot Source Attribution, João Phillipe Cardenuto, Sara Mandelli, Daniel Moreira, Paolo Bestagini, Edward J. Delp, and Anderson Rocha
Extraction and Analysis of Eugenol from Cloves, James V. DeFrancesco
Faith and Science in Harmony: Reconciling Evolution with Biblical Inerrancy, Kristy Azzam
Final Report - Portfolio Management, Anthony Rynes, John Wimmer, Samy Uscher, and Evan Markworth
Gestation as mothering, Timothy F. Murphy and Jennifer Parks
Historical Trends of Aquatic Invasive Species Introduction and Establishment in Illinois, USA, Carter S. Cranberg and Reuben Keller
Human Trafficking in Nursing Education: A Literature Review, Shalini Shrikanth
Impact of Initial Specimen Diversion Techniques on Reducing Blood Culture Contamination Rates, David Belknap
Implementation of a Depression Identification Protocol for Older Adults Residing in a Long-term care community: A quality improvement project, Danielle Santore
Implementing an Evidence-based Bundle Consisting of Tai Chi and Education to Reduce Fall Rates in Older Adults and Improve Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Staff in an Assisted Living Memory Care Facility: A Quality Improvement Project, Dhara Mehta, Audrey Klopp, and Jeanne Heid-Grubbman
Implementing Systematic Interventions: A Guide for Secondary School Teams, Hank Bohanon, Lisa Caputo Love, and Kelly Morrissey
Incentive spirometry: Impacting sickle cell disease care by changing the spectrum through provider education, Nichole Jones
Intergenerational Transmission of Health Behaviors Associated with Lifestyle Diseases: A Systematic Review, Josefina Corral
Investigating the Intersection of ‘God of the Gaps’ and NOMA, Francesca Hammerstein
Investigating the Role of Endothelin-1 in Reactive Astrocytosis, Candace Betancourt-Szymanowska
Investigating the role of out-of-school experiences in racial and ethnic identity formation for Black youth within an ecological model, Maureen Burns
Investigating the Role of the NSP15 Amino-Terminal Domain in NSP15 Function, Viral Replication, and Pathogenesis, Monika Evdokimova
Korean epistemology and research: Centering local epistemologies in qualitative inquiry, Seungho Moon
Like Teacher, Like Student: An Exploration of Racial Matching on Black Student Identity Development in Secondary Education, Crystal Gloria Lennix
Localization of Synthetic Manipulations in Western Blot Images, Anmol Manjunath, Viola Negroni, Sara Mandelli, Daniel Moreira, and Paolo Bestagini
Local Nonprofit Welfare Provision: The United States and Russia, Maria V. Wathen and Scott W. Allard
Low Code/No Code Meets the Metaverse, George F. Hurlburt, George K. Thiruvathukal, Nir Kshetri, and Norita Ahmad
Maternal Access for Depression in Rural Environments (MADRE), Simone Parlier
Maxine Greene and relational imagination: Interrelationality as discourse in critical imagination., Seungho Moon
Miracles, Andrea Becerril
M/other Your Politics, a Praxis for the Next Iterations of Humanity, Shelley Maddox
NOMA at Research Bases Religious Universities, Averi VanHoose
NOMA: How Science Fits Within Hinduism, Shaumika Pradhan
NOMA: The "Non-Overlapping" Magisteria, Reese Quival
Non-Overlapping Magisteria and the Courts, Robert Christia Guerrero
Old Earth Creationism vs Young Earth Creationism, Natalija Stanojevic
Open-Minded Cognition and Transmission of Norms, Mia Jasmine Martinez
Paleopathology in the JAS: Peering Back and Looking Forward, Anne L. Grauer and Rebecca L. Gowland
Perceived discrimination in healthcare settings associated with pain severity, Anitha Saravanan, Yuzhou Liu, and Michael Kushnick
Plasmodium berghei Subpellicular Microtubule Protein-1 (PbSPM-1) is a Microtubule Stabilizing Protein That Affects Schizont Development, Manuel Joseph Widuch
Plastic Mediated Photolysis of Emerging Contaminants in Aqueous Solutions, Xiolmara Martinez
Playing Tug-of-War: Magisteriums Fight over Dictating Morality, Naomi Williams
Preparation for Workplace Realities: Educating Nursing Students on how to Manage Interruptions, Ginger Schroers, Jill Pfieffer, Katie Vanderzwan, Laura Klenke-Borgmann, Sue Kilroy, Dina Tell, and Jenny O'Rourke
Pruning One More Token is Enough: Leveraging Latency-Workload Non-Linearities for Vision Transformers on the Edge, Nick Eliopoulos, Purvish Jajal, James C. Davis, Gaowen Liu, George K. Thiruvathukal, and Yung-Hsiang Lu
Psychology of Religion & Science Denial, Jon Cary Colson
Reconciling Darwin’s Evolution and Christian Beliefs, James Goodfriend
Relationship Between Racial Discrimination, Anxiety and Risk for Depression in Pre-Licensure Nursing Students of Color, Kyla Cassandra Santos, Dian D. Squire, and Dina Tell
Rethinking the Relationship between Capitalism and Environmental Sustainability: Locating Nigeria within the Globe, Chukwuebuka Emmanuel Madu
School Psychologists’ Experiences and Roles in Trauma-Informed Practices, Taylor Williamson
Science Communication and Religious Tensions in Healthcare, Emily Ngo
Sugar, We’re Going Down: Nurse’s Perceptions of Calculation Process for Patients on Insulin Drip, Melody Lally and Mary Heitschmidt
Supervaluation of pregnant women is reductive of women, Jennifer Parks and Timothy F. Murphy
Teaching Since 2020: Inhabiting Professionalization, Autonomy, and Classroom Teaching, Melissa Fisher
The Association of Interoception, Emotion, and Reasoning in Social Conflict and Moral Decision Making, Jackson Thomas Hassler
The Experience of Transition to Self-Management for Saudi Adolescents with Type I Diabetes, aeshah m. almulhim
The Impact of Intersensory Redundancy on Face Processing in 12-Month-Old Infants: An Investigation Using Behavioral Methods and ERPs, Aslı Bursalıoğlu
The Impact of Race and Gender on Benevolent Sexism Endorsement, Kelsey Berryman
The Perils of Perfection - On the Limits and Possibilities of Human Enhancement, Joseph Vukov
The Rhetoric of Answers in Genesis: An Analysis of Science Denial in Online Media, Thomas Phillips
The Role of Social Media in Climate Change Information, Patrick Peralta
The Role of Social Media in Vaccine Denialism: A Study of COVID-19 and Beyond, Michael Shaw Mahoney
The Stay SAFE Project: Implementation of an Evidence-Based Interruption Management Strategy with Novice Nurses, Jill Pfieffer and Ginger Schroers
TLA+ for All: Model Checking in a Python Notebook, Konstantin Laufer and George K. Thiruvathukal
Token Turing Machines are Efficient Vision Models, Purvish Jajal, Nick Eliopoulos, Benjamin Shiue-Hal Chou, George K. Thiruvathukal, James C. Davis, and Yung-Hsiang Lu
Transcleral Chemotherapeutic Delivery by Fibrin Sealant in the Treatment of Retinoblastoma, Christopher Himes
Tribalism, Science Denial, and its Violation of Stephen J. Gould's NOMA Model, Annelise Northcott
Understanding Dual Language Teachers' Language Ideologies Using Translanguaging Theory and Pedagogy: A Mixed-Methods Approach, Joseph P. Elliott
Understanding the Expected and Achieved Advanced Beginner Registered Nurse Competencies During COVID and Beyond, Rachel K. Filer, Jenna R. Maloney, and Mary Heitschmidt
United States District Court for the Nothern District of Illinois Engaged Learning Experience, Garrett Patrick Maher
Unlocking the Potential of Refugee Students, Aisling Heaphy
Voices from Roger's Park: How Entrepreneurs Navigate Cultural and Language Challenges with Community-Focused Advising, Fatimah Amaturraheem